@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func main() {
err = ProcessGMA ( jobFile )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "\nERROR: %v\n" , err )
log . Printf ( "\nERROR: %v\n" , err )
@ -194,15 +194,19 @@ func main() {
func undoBatch ( undoBatch bool , gmaID string , fileIDs [ ] string , gma2FileIDs [ ] string ) ( err error ) {
fmt . Printf ( "undoBatch(%x, %s)\n" , undoBatch , gmaID )
_ , err = colGMA . RemoveDocument ( arangoCTX , gmaID )
if err != nil {
return err
_ , _ , err = colFile . RemoveDocuments ( arangoCTX , fileIDs )
if err != nil {
return err
log . Printf ( "undoBatch(%x, %s)\n" , undoBatch , gmaID )
/ *
_ , err = colGMA . RemoveDocument ( arangoCTX , gmaID )
if err != nil {
return err
* /
/ *
_ , _ , err = colFile . RemoveDocuments ( arangoCTX , fileIDs )
if err != nil {
return err
* /
_ , _ , err = colGMA2File . RemoveDocuments ( arangoCTX , gma2FileIDs )
if err != nil {
return err
@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
if dboGMA . GMASize < 200 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "GMA File too small, skipping" )
fmt . Printf ( "Opening %s\n" , filePath )
log . Printf ( "Opening %s\n" , filePath )
gmaReader , err := gma . NewReader ( filePath )
if err != nil {
return err
@ -259,9 +263,9 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
return err
dboGMA . Header = header
fmt . Printf ( "AddonVersion=%d\n" , header . AddonVersion )
fmt . Printf ( "FormatVersion=%d\n" , header . FormatVersion )
fmt . Printf ( "FormatVersionDiscardByte=%d\n" , header . FormatVersionDiscardByte )
log . Printf ( "AddonVersion=%d\n" , header . AddonVersion )
log . Printf ( "FormatVersion=%d\n" , header . FormatVersion )
log . Printf ( "FormatVersionDiscardByte=%d\n" , header . FormatVersionDiscardByte )
//fmt.Printf("r.cursorOffset = %d\n", gmaReader.GetOffset())
firstType , files , err := gmaReader . ReadFiles ( )
if err != nil {
@ -277,9 +281,9 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
for _ , file := range files {
//fmt.Printf("%s CRC: %d Offset: %d Size: %d NextType: %d FileNumber: %d\n", file.FileName, file.CRC, file.Offset, file.FileSize, file.NextType, file.FileNumber)
if file . NextType > uint32 ( file . FileNumber + 10 ) { // Something is fucked
fmt . Printf ( "Current Cursor %d" , gmaReader . GetOffset ( ) )
log . Printf ( "Current Cursor %d" , gmaReader . GetOffset ( ) )
for _ , otherFile := range files [ file . FileNumber : ] {
fmt . Printf ( "OTHERFILE %s CRC: %d Offset: %d Size: %d NextType: %d FileNumber: %d\n" , otherFile . FileName , otherFile . CRC , otherFile . Offset , otherFile . FileSize , otherFile . NextType , otherFile . FileNumber )
log . Printf ( "OTHERFILE %s CRC: %d Offset: %d Size: %d NextType: %d FileNumber: %d\n" , otherFile . FileName , otherFile . CRC , otherFile . Offset , otherFile . FileSize , otherFile . NextType , otherFile . FileNumber )
return fmt . Errorf ( "GMA Header corrupted, NextType %d, FileNumber %d" , file . NextType , file . FileNumber )
@ -302,7 +306,7 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
if extractMeta . ExtractedCRC != extractMeta . OriginalMeta . CRC {
fmt . Printf ( "gma(%s) checksum in meta (%d) differs from read (%d) [%s]\n" , filePath , extractMeta . OriginalMeta . CRC , extractMeta . ExtractedCRC , extractMeta . OriginalMeta . FileName )
log . Printf ( "gma(%s) checksum in meta (%d) differs from read (%d) [%s]\n" , filePath , extractMeta . OriginalMeta . CRC , extractMeta . ExtractedCRC , extractMeta . OriginalMeta . FileName )
//fmt.Printf("ExtractedMeta %s CRC: %d SHA256: %s\n", file.FileName, extractMeta.ExtractedCRC, extractMeta.ExtractedSHA256)
dboFile := common . DB_File {
@ -372,8 +376,6 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
// process and work withj
metaSlice , errorSlice , _ := colFile . CreateDocuments ( arangoCTX , dboFiles [ 0 : chunkSize ] )
fmt . Println ( "Metaslice" )
fmt . Println ( metaSlice )
for _ , meta := range metaSlice {
if ! meta . ID . IsEmpty ( ) {
newUnknownFiles = append ( newUnknownFiles , meta . Key )
@ -392,9 +394,9 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
dboFiles = dboFiles [ chunkSize : ]
fmt . Println ( )
log . Println ( )
fmt . Printf ( "Imported dboFiles into Arango and now we have %d new files from %d addon files\n" , len ( newUnknownFiles ) , len ( files ) )
log . Printf ( "Imported dboFiles into Arango and now we have %d new files from %d addon files\n" , len ( newUnknownFiles ) , len ( files ) )
deltaFileSize := int64 ( 0 )
for _ , unknownFile := range newUnknownFiles {
unknownFileID := fmt . Sprintf ( "file/%s" , unknownFile )
@ -405,7 +407,7 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
dboGMA . OptimizedSize = deltaFileSize
fmt . Printf ( "Delta Storage %d bytes\n" , deltaFileSize )
log . Printf ( "Delta Storage %d bytes\n" , deltaFileSize )
_ , err = colGMA2File . ImportDocuments ( arangoCTX , dboGMA2Files , & adriver . ImportDocumentOptions {
OnDuplicate : adriver . ImportOnDuplicateIgnore ,
@ -419,8 +421,8 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
//fmt.Printf("Code: %d, Created: %d, Ignored: %d, Errors: %d", statsImportGMA2File.Code, statsImportGMA2File.Created, statsImportGMA2File.Ignored, statsImportGMA2File.Errors)
fmt . Printf ( "Import Duration %dms\n" , time . Since ( importStartTime ) . Milliseconds ( ) )
fmt . Println ( )
log . Printf ( "Import Duration %dms\n" , time . Since ( importStartTime ) . Milliseconds ( ) )
log . Println ( )
// TODO: upload all unknownNewFiles to StorageServer
http . DefaultTransport . ( * http . Transport ) . MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 200
var httpClient * http . Client = http . DefaultClient
@ -431,13 +433,14 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
if unknownFileID == dboGMA2File . File {
uploadSuccess := true
for {
fmt . Printf ( "Uploading %s (local %s) to Storage\n", dboGMA2File . UploadID , dboGMA2File . LocalFileName )
log . Printf ( "Uploading %s to Storage\n", dboGMA2File . UploadID )
err = common . MultipartUpload ( httpClient , fmt . Sprintf ( "" , dboGMA2File . UploadID , dboGMA2File . FileSize ) , dboGMA2File . LocalFileName )
if err != nil {
log . Println ( err )
if strings . Contains ( err . Error ( ) , "cannot assign requested address" ) {
uploadSuccess = false
} else {
fmt . Println ( "oopsie" )
log . Println ( "oopsie" )
undoBatch ( true , dboGMA . ID , fileIDs , gma2FileIDs )
return err
@ -454,7 +457,7 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
// TODO : write new gma from arangoinfo
// TODO : compare hashes
fmt . Println ( "rewriting gma" )
log . Println ( "rewriting gma" )
destPath := filepath . Join ( gmaTempPath , "rewrite.gma" )
dir := filepath . Dir ( destPath )
@ -511,7 +514,7 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
gmaWriter . FileHandle . Seek ( 0 , 2 )
fmt . Printf ( "Writing Footer CRC %d\n\n" , dboGMA . FooterAddonCRC )
log . Printf ( "Writing Footer CRC %d\n\n" , dboGMA . FooterAddonCRC )
gmaWriter . WriteFooterCRC ( dboGMA . FooterAddonCRC )
gmaWriter . FileHandle . Seek ( 0 , 0 )
@ -521,9 +524,9 @@ func ProcessGMA(filePath string) (err error) {
return err
fmt . Printf ( "Rewrite Hash is %s %s\n" , writeHash , destPath )
fmt . Printf ( "Original Hash is %s %s\n" , dboGMA . GMAHash , dboGMA . OriginalPath )
fmt . Println ( )
log . Printf ( "Rewrite Hash is %s %s\n" , writeHash , destPath )
log . Printf ( "Original Hash is %s %s\n" , dboGMA . GMAHash , dboGMA . OriginalPath )
log . Println ( )
writeStat , err := os . Stat ( destPath )
if err != nil {
undoBatch ( true , dboGMA . ID , fileIDs , gma2FileIDs )