You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
834 B

package sds
import (
type Encoder interface {
Encode([]byte, int) ([]byte, int)
type EncoderFunc func() ([]byte, int)
func (f EncoderFunc) Encode() ([]byte, int) {
return f()
const (
// SwitchToSDSTL is a short-cut for selecting the SDS-TL AI service according to [PEI] 6.14.6
SwitchToSDSTL = "AT+CTSDS=12,0,0,0,1"
// SwitchToStatus is a short-cut for selecting the status AI service according to [PEI] 6.14.6
SwitchToStatus = "AT+CTSDS=13,0"
// SendMessage according to [PEI] 6.13.2
func SendMessage(destination tetra.Identity, sds Encoder) string {
pdu := make([]byte, 0, 2000) // TODO use the maximum size allowed
pduBits := 0
pdu, pduBits = sds.Encode(pdu, pduBits)
return fmt.Sprintf("AT+CMGS=%s,%d\x0d\x0a%s\x1a", destination, pduBits, tetra.BinaryToHex(pdu))