const events = require('events') const ConnectorRegistry = require("./ConnectorRegistry") const config = require('../config.json') const md5 = require('md5') const axios = require('axios') function clamp(v,min,max) { if (v < min) return min if (v > max) return max return v } class MessageManager { constructor() { this.messages = {} = new events.EventEmitter()'msg:status', this.msgStatus.bind(this)) } async New(type, routingParams, payload) { if (!routingParams.device) { routingParams.device = 'generic' } //console.log(routingParams) const msgObj = { type, routingParams, payload, _payload: payload, date: new Date() } await require("./DeviceRegistry").Devices[ routingParams.device ].formatTX(msgObj) // console.log('finished msg obj is ', msgObj) this.messages[ ]._routerData = this.messages[ ]._routerData || {} const hwDuplexSupport = require("./DeviceRegistry").Devices[ routingParams.device ].duplex || false Object.assign(this.messages[ ]._routerData, hwDuplexSupport ? { duplexCapable: true, recvAck: false, // aka "delivered" readAck: false, // "read" response: false, // "resp" failed: false, // failed deliveryLog: {}, } : { duplexCapable: false, deliveryLog: {}, }) console.log(`Type:\t\t${ type }\nDevice:\t\t${ routingParams.device }`) console.log(`Message UUID:\t${ } HEX: ${ Buffer.from(, 'utf-8').toString('hex') }`) console.log(`Connectors:\t${ JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(routingParams.connectors)).map(x=>`${x[0]}=${x.splice(1).join(',')}`).join('&') }`) console.log(`Message Original Payload:\t"${ payload }"`) console.log(`Processed Device Payload:\t"${ msgObj.payload }"`) return } async msgStatus(msgId, uuid, status) { this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.deliveryLog[ uuid ] = status if (status === 'delivered') this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.recvAck = true //this.Deliver(msgId) console.log(msgId, uuid, 'status is', status)'event', 'status', [msgId, uuid, status]) } async Deliver(msgId) { if (this.messages[ msgId ].type === 'duplex') this.DeliverDuplex(msgId) else this.DeliverOneWay(msgId) } attachMetadata(msgId, metadata) { if (!this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.metadata) { this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.metadata = [] } this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.metadata.push(metadata) } attachMenudata(msgId, menu) { this.messages[ msgId ] = menu } markMessageRead(msgId) { this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.readAck = true'event', 'read', msgId) } respondToMessage(msgId, response) { this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.response = response'event', 'response', [msgId, response]) if (!!this.messages[ msgId ] && !!this.messages[ msgId ] { let menuOption = Uint8Array.from(response).reduce((a,b) => a+b,0) //console.log('response menuOption', response[0], '/', +response[0], Uint8Array.from(response), menuOption) const menuOptions = this.messages[ msgId ] //console.log(this.messages[ msgId ], menuOptions, menuOption - 1, clamp(-1+response, 0, Object.keys(menuOptions).length)) const selectedMenu = menuOptions[ Object.keys(menuOptions)[ clamp(menuOption - 1, 0, Object.keys(menuOptions).length) ] ]'event', 'menu', [msgId, menuOption, selectedMenu]) if (!!selectedMenu && !!selectedMenu.url) { axios.get(selectedMenu.url).then( () => false ) } } } _clearEventHandlers4MsgID(msgId) {`msg:status:${ msgId }:delivered`)`msg:status:${ msgId }:failed`) } async DeliverDuplex(msgId) { const msg = this.messages[ msgId ] if (!msg._routerData) throw `No Routerdata attached to msg with id ${ msgId }` if (!!msg.locked) throw 'message is locked' //console.log(msg.routingParams.connectors) let deliveryChain = => { const connectorName = connectorDeliveryTry[0], connectorArgs = connectorDeliveryTry.slice(1), connectorConfig = config.connectors[ ConnectorRegistry.getConfigKey( connectorName ) ] //const UUID = md5(JSON.stringify(connectorDeliveryTry)) const UUID = connectorName+':'+md5(JSON.stringify([connectorName,...connectorArgs])) const chainPromise = (res) => {`msg:status:${ msgId }:failed`) const connectorTimeout = !!connectorConfig && !!connectorConfig.duplexTimeout ? connectorConfig.duplexTimeout*1e3 : 30e3 console.log("connector", connectorName, "duplex Timeout is", connectorTimeout) setTimeout(() => { console.log(`${ msgId } timed out ${ connectorName }:${ connectorArgs.join(',') }, continuing...`) ConnectorRegistry.reportState({ id: msgId }, UUID, 'timeout') res([false, 'timeout']) }, connectorTimeout)`msg:status:${ msgId }:failed`, () => { console.log(`${ msgId } failed via ${ connectorName }:${ connectorArgs.join(',') }, continuing...`) ConnectorRegistry.reportState({ id: msgId }, UUID, 'failed') res([false, 'failed']) }) console.log(`Trying to deliver msg#${ } with ${ connectorName }:${ connectorArgs.join(',') }`) ConnectorRegistry.transmit(connectorName, msg, connectorArgs) } return chainPromise }) Promise.race([ new Promise(res => { // Delivery Event for this message`msg:status:${ msgId }:delivered`, (_, uuid) => { console.log(`${ msgId } delivered via ${ uuid }`) return res() }) }), new Promise(async (res, rej) => { for(let deliveryFunction of deliveryChain) { //when a different verification channel is used for ACK if (this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.recvAck === true) break; let result = await new Promise(deliveryFunction) if (result[0] === true) { res(); break; } } rej() }) ]) .then(($) => { this._clearEventHandlers4MsgID(msgId) const dLog = this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.deliveryLog console.log('DELIVERY WAS A SUCCESS', Object.keys(dLog).map(x=>`${ x } is ${ dLog[x] }`).join('\n')) }) .catch(($) => { this._clearEventHandlers4MsgID(msgId) console.log('DELIVERY WAS A TOTAL FAILURE', $) const dLog = this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.failed = true }) return true } async DeliverOneWay(msgId) { const msg = this.messages[ msgId ] if (!msg._routerData) throw `No Routerdata attached to msg with id ${ msgId }` if (!!msg.locked) throw 'message is locked' //console.log(msg.routingParams.connectors) let deliveryChain = => { const connectorName = connectorDeliveryTry[0], connectorArgs = connectorDeliveryTry.slice(1), connectorConfig = config.connectors[ ConnectorRegistry.getConfigKey( connectorName ) ] const chainPromise = (res, rej) => { this._clearEventHandlers4MsgID(msgId) setTimeout(() => { res([false, 'timeout']) }, !!connectorConfig && !!connectorConfig.simplexTimeout ? connectorConfig.simplexTimeout*1e3 : 2e3)`msg:status:${ msgId }:failed`, () => { console.log(`${ msgId } failed, continuing`) res([false, 'failed']) }) console.log(`Trying to deliver msg#${ } with ${ JSON.stringify(connectorDeliveryTry) }`) //console.log(this.messages[ msgId ].deliveryLog) ConnectorRegistry.transmit(connectorName, msg, connectorArgs) } return chainPromise }) //console.log(deliveryChain) new Promise(async (res, rej) => { for(let deliveryFunction of deliveryChain) { let result = await new Promise(deliveryFunction) if (result[0] === true) { res(result); break; } } rej() }) .then(($) => { this._clearEventHandlers4MsgID(msgId) console.log('ROUTING WAS A SUCCESS', $, this.messages[ msgId ]._routerData.deliveryLog) }) .catch(($) => { this._clearEventHandlers4MsgID(msgId) console.log('ROUTING WAS A TOTAL FAILURE', $) }) } async BindMsg(msg) { this.messages[ ] = msg } } module.exports = new MessageManager()