# dispatcher-daemon [Workflow](https://smartpager.network/Basisfunctionaliteit%20SmartpagerNetwork.pdf) Features Working rn: - Duplex and Simplex Processing Features in W.I.P: - LoRaWAN progress 70% - POCSAG only TX , no RX path - ~~Still missing a RX path and processing (Message gets passed along every Device Class, which then tries to parse it, if successfull it breaks the processing loop and the Device Class handles decoding+status handling for delivery)~~ Planned: - DAPNET integration - WebSocket Live Routing Status API Server running on Port `3000` API Calls: | GET `/api/message/ack/recv/` - marks a Message as Delivered | GET `/api/message/status/` - fetches the current Message Data(DeliveryLog, Payload, etc.) | POST `/api/message/advanced` - Creates a new Message and starts delivering it, returns the Message ID. HTTP Body is a JSON Object. for example: ```json { "type": "duplex", "routing": { "device": "birdyslim", "connectors": [ [ "dummy", "fail" ], [ "pocsag", "133701D" ], [ "dummy", "works" ] ] }, "payload": "Testbericht" } ```