# go-dmr Golang Digital Mobile Radio protocols. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/pd0mz/go-dmr.svg?token=24oDsRPafHpYb3stEpVa&branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/pd0mz/go-dmr) ## References The DMR Air Interface protocol is specified in *Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Systems; Part 1: DMR Air Interface (AI) protocol*, [ETSI TS 102 361-1][ETSI TS 102 361-1]. The Brandmeister Homebrew protocol is specified in [IPSC Protocol Specs for homebrew DMR repeater][homebrew specs] by [Hans DL5DI](mailto:dl5di@gmx.de), [Jonathan Naylor (G4KLXG)](https://twitter.com/g4klx) and Torsten Schultze (DG1HT). [ETSI TS 102 361-1]: docs/ts_10236101v010405p.pdf [homebrew specs]: docs/DMRplus%20IPSC%20Protocol%20for%20HB%20repeater%20(20150726).pdf ## Warning This implementation is not suitable for commercial use and is for educational purposes only. ## Acknowledgements The implementation is possible because of the invaluable help from the following persons. Thanks for your patience and providing me with sample data and links to test the protocols. * Rudy Hardeman (PD0ZRY) * Artem Prilutskiy (R3ABM)