Characterisation of radiation tolerance of 7 commercial SDRs in order to be used in Space environment
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Georgios Niras 7a340e4345 PS-73598-021-001_Connector Receptacle
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wiki PS-73598-021-001_Connector Receptacle
A_Commercial_65_nm_CMOS_Technology_for_Space_Applications__Heavy_Ion__Proton_and_Gamma_Test_Results_and_Modeling.pdf A Commercial 65 nm CMOS Technology for Space
Ionizing-Radiation_Response_of_the_GaAs_PHEMT.pdf Upload New File
Ionizing_Radiation_Effects_on_CMOS_Technologies.pdf TID on CMOS
LMS6002Dr2-DataSheet-1.2r0.pdf RF tranceiver BladeRF
MT25Q_QLJS_U_256_ABA_0_.pdf Wiki
Model_525-Temperature_Compensated_Crystal_Oscillator.pdf TCXO/VC-TCXO
Nuclear_radiation_Hardening_for_Electronics_Lockheed_missiles.pdf Ref 1
Prinzie2018_Chapter_RadiationEffectsInCMOSTechnolo.pdf General TID and SEE effects on CMOS Update
Radiation_Effects_in_MMIC_Devices.pdf C. Barnes and L. Selva
Radiation_Hardness_of_Semiconductor.pdf Upload New File
Report_on_Leakage_Current.pdf Ref 2
TCM1-63AX+.pdf RF_transformer_datasheet
b210.pdf Ettus B210 Schematic
drawing_2.png Radiation effects
url.html Upload New File

SDR Radiation Resistance evaluation

The goal of this activity is to evaluate the radiation resistance of common SDR architectures.

The activity will be conducted in two steps:

  1. Identify the key hardware components of commodity SDR hardware and characterize their radiation immunity
  2. Conduct experiments with a goal to:
    • Quantify the expected results
    • Identify RF performance degredation under radiation exposure
    • Propose simple and cost effective techniques to mitigate, in some part, the radiation impairements

For more information, you can visit the wiki


This module is part of the SDR Makerspace project of the European Space Agency (ESA), implemented by Libre Space Foundation (LSF). For more indormation please visit our site.


ESA SDR Makerspace Activity ESA Libre Space Foundation