# Vue-Socket.io [![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/vue-socket.io.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-socket.io) ![VueJS v2 compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/Vuejs%202-compatible-green.svg) Downloads Dependency Badge License socket.io implemantation for Vuejs 2 and Vuex ## Install ``` bash npm install vue-socket.io --save ``` ## Usage #### Configration Automaticly socket connect from url string ``` js Vue.use(VueSocketio, 'http://socketserver.com:1923'); ``` Bind custom socket.io-client instance ``` js Vue.use(VueSocketio, socketio('http://socketserver.com:1923')); ``` Enable Vuex integration ``` js import store from './yourstore' Vue.use(VueSocketio, socketio('http://socketserver.com:1923'), store); ``` #### On Vuejs instance usage ``` js var vm = new Vue({ sockets:{ connect: function(){ console.log('socket connected') }, customEmit: function(val){ console.log('this method fired by socket server. eg: io.emit("customEmit", data)') } }, methods: { clickButton: function(val){ // $socket is socket.io-client instance this.$socket.emit('emit_method', val); } } }) ``` #### Dynamic socket event listenlers Create new listenler ``` js this.$options.sockets.event_name = (data) => { console.log(data) } ``` Remove exist listenler ``` js delete this.$options.sockets.event_name; ``` #### Vuex Store integration Example store, socket mutations always have "SOCKET_" prefix ``` js import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' Vue.use(Vuex); export default new Vuex.Store({ state: { connect: false, message: null }, mutations:{ SOCKET_CONNECT: (state, status ) => { state.connect = true; }, SOCKET_USER_MESSAGE: (state, message) => { state.message = message; } }, actions: { otherAction: ({ commit, dispatch, state }, type) => { return true; } } }) ``` ## Example [Realtime Car Tracker System](http://metinseylan.com/) [Simple Chat App](http://metinseylan.com/vuesocketio/)