@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ vuex.mutationPrefix|String |`null`|Optional|Prefix for emitting server side vuex
#### 🌈 Component Level Usage
<p>if you want listen socket events from component side, you have to add `sockets` object in Vue component, and every function will start listen events, depends on object key</p>
<p>If you want to listen socket events from component side, you need to add `sockets` object in Vue component, and every function will start to listen events, depends on object key</p>
``` javascript
new Vue({
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ new Vue({
##### Dynamic Listenlers
<p>if you need consuming events dynamically in runtime, you can use `subscribe` and `unsubscribe` methods in Vue component</p>
<p>If you need consuming events dynamically in runtime, you can use `subscribe` and `unsubscribe` methods in Vue component</p>
``` javascript
this.sockets.subscribe('EVENT_NAME', (data) => {
@ -113,3 +113,9 @@ export default new Vuex.Store({