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t)o&&"prototype"==n||d.call(r,n)||!(r[n]=1)||!d.call(t,n)||e(n)}:function(t,e){var n,r,o=v.call(t)==k;for(n in t)o&&"prototype"==n||!d.call(t,n)||(r="constructor"===n)||e(n);(r||d.call(t,n="constructor"))&&e(n)}:(r=["valueOf","toString","toLocaleString","propertyIsEnumerable","isPrototypeOf","hasOwnProperty","constructor"],y=function(t,e){var n,o,i=v.call(t)==k,s=!i&&"function"!=typeof t.constructor&&a[typeof t.hasOwnProperty]&&t.hasOwnProperty||d;for(n in t)i&&"prototype"==n||!s.call(t,n)||e(n);for(o=r.length;n=r[--o];s.call(t,n)&&e(n));}),y(t,e)},!n("json-stringify")){var N={92:"\\\\",34:'\\"',8:"\\b",12:"\\f",10:"\\n",13:"\\r",9:"\\t"},j="000000",O=function(t,e){return(j+(e||0)).slice(-t)},P="\\u00",R=function(t){for(var e='"',n=0,r=t.length,o=!S||r>10,i=o&&(S?t.split(""):t);n-1/0&&a<1/0){if(_){for(f=E(a/864e5),u=E(f/365.2425)+1970-1;_(u+1,0)<=f;u++);for(h=E((f-_(u,0))/30.42);_(u,h+1)<=f;h++);f=1+f-_(u,h),l=(a%864e5+864e5)%864e5,m=E(l/36e5)%24,b=E(l/6e4)%60,k=E(l/1e3)%60,S=l%1e3}else u=a.getUTCFullYear(),h=a.getUTCMonth(),f=a.getUTCDate(),m=a.getUTCHours(),b=a.getUTCMinutes(),k=a.getUTCSeconds(),S=a.getUTCMilliseconds();a=(u<=0||u>=1e4?(u<0?"-":"+")+O(6,u<0?-u:u):O(4,u))+"-"+O(2,h+1)+"-"+O(2,f)+"T"+O(2,m)+":"+O(2,b)+":"+O(2,k)+"."+O(3,S)+"Z"}else a=null;if(n&&(a=n.call(e,t,a)),null===a)return"null";if(c=v.call(a),c==C)return""+a;if(c==x)return a>-1/0&&a<1/0?""+a:"null";if(c==A)return R(""+a);if("object"==typeof a){for(P=s.length;P--;)if(s[P]===a)throw p();if(s.push(a),T=[],q=i,i+=o,c==B){for(j=0,P=a.length;j0)for(r="",n>10&&(n=10);r.length=48&&o<=57||o>=97&&o<=102||o>=65&&o<=70||I();t+=M("0x"+i.slice(e,q));break;default:I()}else{if(34==o)break;for(o=i.charCodeAt(q),e=q;o>=32&&92!=o&&34!=o;)o=i.charCodeAt(++q);t+=i.slice(e,q)}if(34==i.charCodeAt(q))return q++,t;I();default:if(e=q,45==o&&(r=!0,o=i.charCodeAt(++q)),o>=48&&o<=57){for(48==o&&(o=i.charCodeAt(q+1),o>=48&&o<=57)&&I(),r=!1;q=48&&o<=57);q++);if(46==i.charCodeAt(q)){for(n=++q;n=48&&o<=57);n++);n==q&&I(),q=n}if(o=i.charCodeAt(q),101==o||69==o){for(o=i.charCodeAt(++q),43!=o&&45!=o||q++,n=q;n=48&&o<=57);n++);n==q&&I(),q=n}return+i.slice(e,q)}if(r&&I(),"true"==i.slice(q,q+4))return q+=4,!0;if("false"==i.slice(q,q+5))return q+=5,!1;if("null"==i.slice(q,q+4))return q+=4,null;I()}return"$"},z=function(t){var e,n;if("$"==t&&I(),"string"==typeof t){if("@"==(S?t.charAt(0):t[0]))return t.slice(1);if("["==t){for(e=[];t=H(),"]"!=t;n||(n=!0))n&&(","==t?(t=H(),"]"==t&&I()):I()),","==t&&I(),e.push(z(t));return e}if("{"==t){for(e={};t=H(),"}"!=t;n||(n=!0))n&&(","==t?(t=H(),"}"==t&&I()):I()),","!=t&&"string"==typeof t&&"@"==(S?t.charAt(0):t[0])&&":"==H()||I(),e[t.slice(1)]=z(H());return e}I()}return t},J=function(t,e,n){var r=X(t,e,n);r===g?delete t[e]:t[e]=r},X=function(t,e,n){var r,o=t[e];if("object"==typeof o&&o)if(v.call(o)==B)for(r=o.length;r--;)J(o,r,n);else y(o,function(t){J(o,t,n)});return n.call(t,e,o)};e.parse=function(t,e){var n,r;return q=0,U=""+t,n=z(H()),"$"!=H()&&I(),q=U=null,e&&v.call(e)==k?X((r={},r[""]=n,r),"",e):n}}}return e.runInContext=i,e}var s=n(52),a={function:!0,object:!0},c=a[typeof e]&&e&&!e.nodeType&&e,u=a[typeof window]&&window||this,h=c&&a[typeof t]&&t&&!t.nodeType&&"object"==typeof o&&o;if(!h||h.global!==h&&h.window!==h&&h.self!==h||(u=h),c&&!s)i(u,c);else{var p=u.JSON,f=u.JSON3,l=!1,d=i(u,u.JSON3={noConflict:function(){return l||(l=!0,u.JSON=p,u.JSON3=f,p=f=null),d}});u.JSON={parse:d.parse,stringify:d.stringify}}s&&(r=function(){return d}.call(e,n,e,t),!(void 0!==r&&(t.exports=r)))}).call(this)}).call(e,n(20)(t),function(){return this}())},function(t,e){function n(t){if(t=String(t),!(t.length>1e4)){var e=/^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(t);if(e){var n=parseFloat(e[1]),r=(e[2]||"ms").toLowerCase();switch(r){case"years":case"year":case"yrs":case"yr":case"y":return n*h;case"days":case"day":case"d":return n*u;case"hours":case"hour":case"hrs":case"hr":case"h":return n*c;case"minutes":case"minute":case"mins":case"min":case"m":return n*a;case"seconds":case"second":case"secs":case"sec":case"s":return n*s;case"milliseconds":case"millisecond":case"msecs":case"msec":case"ms":return n;default:return}}}}function r(t){return 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a=0;s[0]=s[0].replace(/%([a-z%])/g,function(n,r){if("%%"===n)return n;a++;var o=e.formatters[r];if("function"==typeof o){var i=s[a];n=o.call(t,i),s.splice(a,1),a--}return n}),"function"==typeof e.formatArgs&&(s=e.formatArgs.apply(t,s));var c=o.log||e.log||console.log.bind(console);c.apply(t,s)}n.enabled=!1,o.enabled=!0;var i=e.enabled(t)?o:n;return i.namespace=t,i}function i(t){e.save(t);for(var n=(t||"").split(/[\s,]+/),r=n.length,o=0;o1e4)){var e=/^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(t);if(e){var n=parseFloat(e[1]),r=(e[2]||"ms").toLowerCase();switch(r){case"years":case"year":case"yrs":case"yr":case"y":return n*h;case"days":case"day":case"d":return n*u;case"hours":case"hour":case"hrs":case"hr":case"h":return n*c;case"minutes":case"minute":case"mins":case"min":case"m":return n*a;case"seconds":case"second":case"secs":case"sec":case"s":return n*s;case"milliseconds":case"millisecond":case"msecs":case"msec":case"ms":return n}}}}function r(t){return t>=u?Math.round(t/u)+"d":t>=c?Math.round(t/c)+"h":t>=a?Math.round(t/a)+"m":t>=s?Math.round(t/s)+"s":t+"ms"}function o(t){return i(t,u,"day")||i(t,c,"hour")||i(t,a,"minute")||i(t,s,"second")||t+" ms"}function i(t,e,n){if(!(t=55296&&e<=56319&&o65535&&(e-=65536,o+=b(e>>>10&1023|55296),e=56320|1023&e),o+=b(e);return o}function c(t,e){return b(t>>e&63|128)}function u(t){if(0==(4294967168&t))return b(t);var e="";return 0==(4294965248&t)?e=b(t>>6&31|192):0==(4294901760&t)?(e=b(t>>12&15|224),e+=c(t,6)):0==(4292870144&t)&&(e=b(t>>18&7|240),e+=c(t,12),e+=c(t,6)),e+=b(63&t|128)}function h(t){for(var e,n=s(t),r=n.length,o=-1,i="";++o=m)throw Error("Invalid byte index");var t=255&g[v];if(v++,128==(192&t))return 63&t;throw Error("Invalid continuation byte")}function f(){var t,e,n,r,o;if(v>m)throw Error("Invalid byte index");if(v==m)return!1;if(t=255&g[v],v++,0==(128&t))return t;if(192==(224&t)){var e=p();if(o=(31&t)<<6|e,o>=128)return o;throw Error("Invalid continuation byte")}if(224==(240&t)){if(e=p(),n=p(),o=(15&t)<<12|e<<6|n,o>=2048)return o;throw Error("Invalid continuation byte")}if(240==(248&t)&&(e=p(),n=p(),r=p(),o=(15&t)<<18|e<<12|n<<6|r,o>=65536&&o<=1114111))return o;throw Error("Invalid WTF-8 detected")}function l(t){g=s(t),m=g.length,v=0;for(var e,n=[];(e=f())!==!1;)n.push(e);return a(n)}var d="object"==typeof e&&e,y=("object"==typeof t&&t&&t.exports==d&&t,"object"==typeof o&&o);y.global!==y&&y.window!==y||(i=y);var g,m,v,b=String.fromCharCode,k={version:"1.0.0",encode:h,decode:l};r=function(){return k}.call(e,n,e,t),!(void 0!==r&&(t.exports=r))}(this)}).call(e,n(20)(t),function(){return this}())},function(t,e){}])}); +(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { + if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') + module.exports = factory(); + else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) + define([], factory); + else if(typeof exports === 'object') + exports["VueSocketio"] = factory(); + else + root["VueSocketio"] = factory(); +})(this, function() { +return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap +/******/ // The module cache +/******/ var installedModules = {}; +/******/ +/******/ // The require function +/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { +/******/ +/******/ // Check if module is in cache +/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) +/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; +/******/ +/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) +/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { +/******/ exports: {}, +/******/ id: moduleId, +/******/ loaded: false +/******/ }; +/******/ +/******/ // Execute the module function +/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); +/******/ +/******/ // Flag the module as loaded +/******/ module.loaded = true; +/******/ +/******/ // Return the exports of the module +/******/ return module.exports; +/******/ } +/******/ +/******/ +/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) +/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; +/******/ +/******/ // expose the module cache +/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; +/******/ +/******/ // __webpack_public_path__ +/******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; +/******/ +/******/ // Load entry module and return exports +/******/ return __webpack_require__(0); +/******/ }) +/************************************************************************/ +/******/ ([ +/* 0 */ +/*!******************!*\ + !*** multi main ***! + \******************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./src/Main.js */1); + + +/***/ }, +/* 1 */ +/*!*********************!*\ + !*** ./src/Main.js ***! + \*********************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + 'use strict'; + + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { + value: true + }); + + var _Observer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Observer */ 2); + + var _Observer2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Observer); + + var _Emitter = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Emitter */ 3); + + var _Emitter2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Emitter); + + function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } + + exports.default = { + install: function install(Vue) { + for (var _len = arguments.length, connection = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { + connection[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; + } + + if (!connection) throw new Error("[Vue-Socket.io] cannot locate connection"); + + var observer = new _Observer2.default(connection); + + Vue.prototype.$socket = observer.Socket; + + Vue.mixin({ + beforeCreate: function beforeCreate() { + var _this = this; + var sockets = this.$options['sockets']; + + if (sockets) { + Object.keys(sockets).forEach(function (key) { + _Emitter2.default.addListener(key, sockets[key], _this); + }); + } + }, + beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() { + var _this = this; + var sockets = this.$options['sockets']; + + if (sockets) { + Object.keys(sockets).forEach(function (key) { + _Emitter2.default.removeListener(key, sockets[key], _this); + }); + } + } + }); + } + }; + +/***/ }, +/* 2 */ +/*!*************************!*\ + !*** ./src/Observer.js ***! + \*************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + 'use strict'; + + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { + value: true + }); + + var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); + + var _Emitter = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Emitter */ 3); + + var _Emitter2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Emitter); + + var _socket = __webpack_require__(/*! socket.io-client */ 4); + + var _socket2 = _interopRequireDefault(_socket); + + function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } + + function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } + + var _class = function () { + function _class(connection) { + _classCallCheck(this, _class); + + if (connection.length == 1) { + this.Socket = (0, _socket2.default)(connection[0]); + } else { + this.Socket = (0, _socket2.default)(connection[0], connection[1]); + } + + this.onEvent(); + } + + _createClass(_class, [{ + key: 'onEvent', + value: function onEvent() { + this.Socket.onevent = function (packet) { + _Emitter2.default.emit(packet.data[0], packet.data[1]); + }; + + var _this = this; + + ["connect", "error", "disconnect", "reconnect", "reconnect_attempt", "reconnecting", "reconnect_error", "reconnect_failed", "connect_error", "connect_timeout", "connecting", "ping", "pong"].forEach(function (value) { + _this.Socket.on(value, function (data) { + _Emitter2.default.emit(value, data); + }); + }); + } + }]); + + return _class; + }(); + + exports.default = _class; + +/***/ }, +/* 3 */ +/*!************************!*\ + !*** ./src/Emitter.js ***! + \************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + 'use strict'; + + Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { + value: true + }); + + var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); + + function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } + + exports.default = new (function () { + function _class() { + _classCallCheck(this, _class); + + this.listeners = new Map(); + } + + _createClass(_class, [{ + key: 'addListener', + value: function addListener(label, callback, vm) { + if (typeof callback == 'function') { + this.listeners.has(label) || this.listeners.set(label, []); + this.listeners.get(label).push({ callback: callback, vm: vm }); + + return true; + } + + return false; + } + }, { + key: 'removeListener', + value: function removeListener(label, callback, vm) { + var listeners = this.listeners.get(label), + index = void 0; + + if (listeners && listeners.length) { + index = listeners.reduce(function (i, listener, index) { + return typeof listener.callback == 'function' && listener.callback === callback && listener.vm == vm ? i = index : i; + }, -1); + + if (index > -1) { + listeners.splice(index, 1); + this.listeners.set(label, listeners); + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + }, { + key: 'emit', + value: function emit(label) { + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; + } + + var listeners = this.listeners.get(label); + + if (listeners && listeners.length) { + listeners.forEach(function (listener) { + var _listener$callback; + + (_listener$callback = listener.callback).call.apply(_listener$callback, [listener.vm].concat(args)); + }); + return true; + } + return false; + } + }]); + + return _class; + }())(); + +/***/ }, +/* 4 */ +/*!*****************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/lib/index.js ***! + \*****************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + + /** + * Module dependencies. + */ + + var url = __webpack_require__(/*! ./url */ 5); + var parser = __webpack_require__(/*! socket.io-parser */ 11); + var Manager = __webpack_require__(/*! ./manager */ 22); + var debug = __webpack_require__(/*! debug */ 7)('socket.io-client'); + + /** + * Module exports. + */ + + module.exports = exports = lookup; + + /** + * Managers cache. + */ + + var cache = exports.managers = {}; + + /** + * Looks up an existing `Manager` for multiplexing. + * If the user summons: + * + * `io('http://localhost/a');` + * `io('http://localhost/b');` + * + * We reuse the existing instance based on same scheme/port/host, + * and we initialize sockets for each namespace. + * + * @api public + */ + + function lookup (uri, opts) { + if (typeof uri === 'object') { + opts = uri; + uri = undefined; + } + + opts = opts || {}; + + var parsed = url(uri); + var source = parsed.source; + var id = parsed.id; + var path = parsed.path; + var sameNamespace = cache[id] && path in cache[id].nsps; + var newConnection = opts.forceNew || opts['force new connection'] || + false === opts.multiplex || sameNamespace; + + var io; + + if (newConnection) { + debug('ignoring socket cache for %s', source); + io = Manager(source, opts); + } else { + if (!cache[id]) { + debug('new io instance for %s', source); + cache[id] = Manager(source, opts); + } + io = cache[id]; + } + if (parsed.query && !opts.query) { + opts.query = parsed.query; + } else if (opts && 'object' === typeof opts.query) { + opts.query = encodeQueryString(opts.query); + } + return io.socket(parsed.path, opts); + } + /** + * Helper method to parse query objects to string. + * @param {object} query + * @returns {string} + */ + function encodeQueryString (obj) { + var str = []; + for (var p in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { + str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[p])); + } + } + return str.join('&'); + } + /** + * Protocol version. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.protocol = parser.protocol; + + /** + * `connect`. + * + * @param {String} uri + * @api public + */ + + exports.connect = lookup; + + /** + * Expose constructors for standalone build. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.Manager = __webpack_require__(/*! ./manager */ 22); + exports.Socket = __webpack_require__(/*! ./socket */ 50); + + +/***/ }, +/* 5 */ +/*!***************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/lib/url.js ***! + \***************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) { + /** + * Module dependencies. + */ + + var parseuri = __webpack_require__(/*! parseuri */ 6); + var debug = __webpack_require__(/*! debug */ 7)('socket.io-client:url'); + + /** + * Module exports. + */ + + module.exports = url; + + /** + * URL parser. + * + * @param {String} url + * @param {Object} An object meant to mimic window.location. + * Defaults to window.location. + * @api public + */ + + function url (uri, loc) { + var obj = uri; + + // default to window.location + loc = loc || global.location; + if (null == uri) uri = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.host; + + // relative path support + if ('string' === typeof uri) { + if ('/' === uri.charAt(0)) { + if ('/' === uri.charAt(1)) { + uri = loc.protocol + uri; + } else { + uri = loc.host + uri; + } + } + + if (!/^(https?|wss?):\/\//.test(uri)) { + debug('protocol-less url %s', uri); + if ('undefined' !== typeof loc) { + uri = loc.protocol + '//' + uri; + } else { + uri = 'https://' + uri; + } + } + + // parse + debug('parse %s', uri); + obj = parseuri(uri); + } + + // make sure we treat `localhost:80` and `localhost` equally + if (!obj.port) { + if (/^(http|ws)$/.test(obj.protocol)) { + obj.port = '80'; + } else if (/^(http|ws)s$/.test(obj.protocol)) { + obj.port = '443'; + } + } + + obj.path = obj.path || '/'; + + var ipv6 = obj.host.indexOf(':') !== -1; + var host = ipv6 ? '[' + obj.host + ']' : obj.host; + + // define unique id + obj.id = obj.protocol + '://' + host + ':' + obj.port; + // define href + obj.href = obj.protocol + '://' + host + (loc && loc.port === obj.port ? '' : (':' + obj.port)); + + return obj; + } + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 6 */ +/*!************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/parseuri/index.js ***! + \************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + /** + * Parses an URI + * + * @author Steven Levithan (MIT license) + * @api private + */ + + var re = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)(http|https|ws|wss):\/\/)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?((?:[a-f0-9]{0,4}:){2,7}[a-f0-9]{0,4}|[^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/; + + var parts = [ + 'source', 'protocol', 'authority', 'userInfo', 'user', 'password', 'host', 'port', 'relative', 'path', 'directory', 'file', 'query', 'anchor' + ]; + + module.exports = function parseuri(str) { + var src = str, + b = str.indexOf('['), + e = str.indexOf(']'); + + if (b != -1 && e != -1) { + str = str.substring(0, b) + str.substring(b, e).replace(/:/g, ';') + str.substring(e, str.length); + } + + var m = re.exec(str || ''), + uri = {}, + i = 14; + + while (i--) { + uri[parts[i]] = m[i] || ''; + } + + if (b != -1 && e != -1) { + uri.source = src; + uri.host = uri.host.substring(1, uri.host.length - 1).replace(/;/g, ':'); + uri.authority = uri.authority.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace(/;/g, ':'); + uri.ipv6uri = true; + } + + return uri; + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 7 */ +/*!***********************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/debug/browser.js ***! + \***********************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) { + /** + * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`. + * + * Expose `debug()` as the module. + */ + + exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./debug */ 9); + exports.log = log; + exports.formatArgs = formatArgs; + exports.save = save; + exports.load = load; + exports.useColors = useColors; + exports.storage = 'undefined' != typeof chrome + && 'undefined' != typeof chrome.storage + ? chrome.storage.local + : localstorage(); + + /** + * Colors. + */ + + exports.colors = [ + 'lightseagreen', + 'forestgreen', + 'goldenrod', + 'dodgerblue', + 'darkorchid', + 'crimson' + ]; + + /** + * Currently only WebKit-based Web Inspectors, Firefox >= v31, + * and the Firebug extension (any Firefox version) are known + * to support "%c" CSS customizations. + * + * TODO: add a `localStorage` variable to explicitly enable/disable colors + */ + + function useColors() { + // is webkit? http://stackoverflow.com/a/16459606/376773 + // document is undefined in react-native: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/pull/1632 + return (typeof document !== 'undefined' && 'WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style) || + // is firebug? http://stackoverflow.com/a/398120/376773 + (window.console && (console.firebug || (console.exception && console.table))) || + // is firefox >= v31? + // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console#Styling_messages + (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31); + } + + /** + * Map %j to `JSON.stringify()`, since no Web Inspectors do that by default. + */ + + exports.formatters.j = function(v) { + try { + return JSON.stringify(v); + } catch (err) { + return '[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: ' + err.message; + } + }; + + + /** + * Colorize log arguments if enabled. + * + * @api public + */ + + function formatArgs() { + var args = arguments; + var useColors = this.useColors; + + args[0] = (useColors ? '%c' : '') + + this.namespace + + (useColors ? ' %c' : ' ') + + args[0] + + (useColors ? '%c ' : ' ') + + '+' + exports.humanize(this.diff); + + if (!useColors) return args; + + var c = 'color: ' + this.color; + args = [args[0], c, 'color: inherit'].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)); + + // the final "%c" is somewhat tricky, because there could be other + // arguments passed either before or after the %c, so we need to + // figure out the correct index to insert the CSS into + var index = 0; + var lastC = 0; + args[0].replace(/%[a-z%]/g, function(match) { + if ('%%' === match) return; + index++; + if ('%c' === match) { + // we only are interested in the *last* %c + // (the user may have provided their own) + lastC = index; + } + }); + + args.splice(lastC, 0, c); + return args; + } + + /** + * Invokes `console.log()` when available. + * No-op when `console.log` is not a "function". + * + * @api public + */ + + function log() { + // this hackery is required for IE8/9, where + // the `console.log` function doesn't have 'apply' + return 'object' === typeof console + && console.log + && Function.prototype.apply.call(console.log, console, arguments); + } + + /** + * Save `namespaces`. + * + * @param {String} namespaces + * @api private + */ + + function save(namespaces) { + try { + if (null == namespaces) { + exports.storage.removeItem('debug'); + } else { + exports.storage.debug = namespaces; + } + } catch(e) {} + } + + /** + * Load `namespaces`. + * + * @return {String} returns the previously persisted debug modes + * @api private + */ + + function load() { + var r; + try { + return exports.storage.debug; + } catch(e) {} + + // If debug isn't set in LS, and we're in Electron, try to load $DEBUG + if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && 'env' in process) { + return process.env.DEBUG; + } + } + + /** + * Enable namespaces listed in `localStorage.debug` initially. + */ + + exports.enable(load()); + + /** + * Localstorage attempts to return the localstorage. + * + * This is necessary because safari throws + * when a user disables cookies/localstorage + * and you attempt to access it. + * + * @return {LocalStorage} + * @api private + */ + + function localstorage(){ + try { + return window.localStorage; + } catch (e) {} + } + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(/*! (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/process/browser.js */ 8))) + +/***/ }, +/* 8 */ +/*!**********************************************************!*\ + !*** (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/process/browser.js ***! + \**********************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + // shim for using process in browser + var process = module.exports = {}; + + // cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it + // don't break things. But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is + // wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals. It's inside a + // function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines. + + var cachedSetTimeout; + var cachedClearTimeout; + + function defaultSetTimout() { + throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined'); + } + function defaultClearTimeout () { + throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined'); + } + (function () { + try { + if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') { + cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout; + } else { + cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout; + } + } catch (e) { + cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout; + } + try { + if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') { + cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout; + } else { + cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout; + } + } catch (e) { + cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout; + } + } ()) + function runTimeout(fun) { + if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) { + //normal enviroments in sane situations + return setTimeout(fun, 0); + } + // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined + if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) { + cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout; + return setTimeout(fun, 0); + } + try { + // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness + return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0); + } catch(e){ + try { + // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally + return cachedSetTimeout.call(null, fun, 0); + } catch(e){ + // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error + return cachedSetTimeout.call(this, fun, 0); + } + } + + + } + function runClearTimeout(marker) { + if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) { + //normal enviroments in sane situations + return clearTimeout(marker); + } + // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined + if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) { + cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout; + return clearTimeout(marker); + } + try { + // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness + return cachedClearTimeout(marker); + } catch (e){ + try { + // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally + return cachedClearTimeout.call(null, marker); + } catch (e){ + // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error. + // Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout + return cachedClearTimeout.call(this, marker); + } + } + + + + } + var queue = []; + var draining = false; + var currentQueue; + var queueIndex = -1; + + function cleanUpNextTick() { + if (!draining || !currentQueue) { + return; + } + draining = false; + if (currentQueue.length) { + queue = currentQueue.concat(queue); + } else { + queueIndex = -1; + } + if (queue.length) { + drainQueue(); + } + } + + function drainQueue() { + if (draining) { + return; + } + var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick); + draining = true; + + var len = queue.length; + while(len) { + currentQueue = queue; + queue = []; + while (++queueIndex < len) { + if (currentQueue) { + currentQueue[queueIndex].run(); + } + } + queueIndex = -1; + len = queue.length; + } + currentQueue = null; + draining = false; + runClearTimeout(timeout); + } + + process.nextTick = function (fun) { + var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1); + if (arguments.length > 1) { + for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { + args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; + } + } + queue.push(new Item(fun, args)); + if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) { + runTimeout(drainQueue); + } + }; + + // v8 likes predictible objects + function Item(fun, array) { + this.fun = fun; + this.array = array; + } + Item.prototype.run = function () { + this.fun.apply(null, this.array); + }; + process.title = 'browser'; + process.browser = true; + process.env = {}; + process.argv = []; + process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues + process.versions = {}; + + function noop() {} + + process.on = noop; + process.addListener = noop; + process.once = noop; + process.off = noop; + process.removeListener = noop; + process.removeAllListeners = noop; + process.emit = noop; + + process.binding = function (name) { + throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); + }; + + process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; + process.chdir = function (dir) { + throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); + }; + process.umask = function() { return 0; }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 9 */ +/*!*********************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/debug/debug.js ***! + \*********************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + + /** + * This is the common logic for both the Node.js and web browser + * implementations of `debug()`. + * + * Expose `debug()` as the module. + */ + + exports = module.exports = debug.debug = debug; + exports.coerce = coerce; + exports.disable = disable; + exports.enable = enable; + exports.enabled = enabled; + exports.humanize = __webpack_require__(/*! ms */ 10); + + /** + * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip. + */ + + exports.names = []; + exports.skips = []; + + /** + * Map of special "%n" handling functions, for the debug "format" argument. + * + * Valid key names are a single, lowercased letter, i.e. "n". + */ + + exports.formatters = {}; + + /** + * Previously assigned color. + */ + + var prevColor = 0; + + /** + * Previous log timestamp. + */ + + var prevTime; + + /** + * Select a color. + * + * @return {Number} + * @api private + */ + + function selectColor() { + return exports.colors[prevColor++ % exports.colors.length]; + } + + /** + * Create a debugger with the given `namespace`. + * + * @param {String} namespace + * @return {Function} + * @api public + */ + + function debug(namespace) { + + // define the `disabled` version + function disabled() { + } + disabled.enabled = false; + + // define the `enabled` version + function enabled() { + + var self = enabled; + + // set `diff` timestamp + var curr = +new Date(); + var ms = curr - (prevTime || curr); + self.diff = ms; + self.prev = prevTime; + self.curr = curr; + prevTime = curr; + + // add the `color` if not set + if (null == self.useColors) self.useColors = exports.useColors(); + if (null == self.color && self.useColors) self.color = selectColor(); + + var args = new Array(arguments.length); + for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { + args[i] = arguments[i]; + } + + args[0] = exports.coerce(args[0]); + + if ('string' !== typeof args[0]) { + // anything else let's inspect with %o + args = ['%o'].concat(args); + } + + // apply any `formatters` transformations + var index = 0; + args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-z%])/g, function(match, format) { + // if we encounter an escaped % then don't increase the array index + if (match === '%%') return match; + index++; + var formatter = exports.formatters[format]; + if ('function' === typeof formatter) { + var val = args[index]; + match = formatter.call(self, val); + + // now we need to remove `args[index]` since it's inlined in the `format` + args.splice(index, 1); + index--; + } + return match; + }); + + // apply env-specific formatting + args = exports.formatArgs.apply(self, args); + + var logFn = enabled.log || exports.log || console.log.bind(console); + logFn.apply(self, args); + } + enabled.enabled = true; + + var fn = exports.enabled(namespace) ? enabled : disabled; + + fn.namespace = namespace; + + return fn; + } + + /** + * Enables a debug mode by namespaces. This can include modes + * separated by a colon and wildcards. + * + * @param {String} namespaces + * @api public + */ + + function enable(namespaces) { + exports.save(namespaces); + + var split = (namespaces || '').split(/[\s,]+/); + var len = split.length; + + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (!split[i]) continue; // ignore empty strings + namespaces = split[i].replace(/[\\^$+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&').replace(/\*/g, '.*?'); + if (namespaces[0] === '-') { + exports.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces.substr(1) + '$')); + } else { + exports.names.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces + '$')); + } + } + } + + /** + * Disable debug output. + * + * @api public + */ + + function disable() { + exports.enable(''); + } + + /** + * Returns true if the given mode name is enabled, false otherwise. + * + * @param {String} name + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ + + function enabled(name) { + var i, len; + for (i = 0, len = exports.skips.length; i < len; i++) { + if (exports.skips[i].test(name)) { + return false; + } + } + for (i = 0, len = exports.names.length; i < len; i++) { + if (exports.names[i].test(name)) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Coerce `val`. + * + * @param {Mixed} val + * @return {Mixed} + * @api private + */ + + function coerce(val) { + if (val instanceof Error) return val.stack || val.message; + return val; + } + + +/***/ }, +/* 10 */ +/*!**************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/debug/~/ms/index.js ***! + \**************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + /** + * Helpers. + */ + + var s = 1000 + var m = s * 60 + var h = m * 60 + var d = h * 24 + var y = d * 365.25 + + /** + * Parse or format the given `val`. + * + * Options: + * + * - `long` verbose formatting [false] + * + * @param {String|Number} val + * @param {Object} options + * @throws {Error} throw an error if val is not a non-empty string or a number + * @return {String|Number} + * @api public + */ + + module.exports = function (val, options) { + options = options || {} + var type = typeof val + if (type === 'string' && val.length > 0) { + return parse(val) + } else if (type === 'number' && isNaN(val) === false) { + return options.long ? + fmtLong(val) : + fmtShort(val) + } + throw new Error('val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=' + JSON.stringify(val)) + } + + /** + * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds. + * + * @param {String} str + * @return {Number} + * @api private + */ + + function parse(str) { + str = String(str) + if (str.length > 10000) { + return + } + var match = /^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(str) + if (!match) { + return + } + var n = parseFloat(match[1]) + var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase() + switch (type) { + case 'years': + case 'year': + case 'yrs': + case 'yr': + case 'y': + return n * y + case 'days': + case 'day': + case 'd': + return n * d + case 'hours': + case 'hour': + case 'hrs': + case 'hr': + case 'h': + return n * h + case 'minutes': + case 'minute': + case 'mins': + case 'min': + case 'm': + return n * m + case 'seconds': + case 'second': + case 'secs': + case 'sec': + case 's': + return n * s + case 'milliseconds': + case 'millisecond': + case 'msecs': + case 'msec': + case 'ms': + return n + default: + return undefined + } + } + + /** + * Short format for `ms`. + * + * @param {Number} ms + * @return {String} + * @api private + */ + + function fmtShort(ms) { + if (ms >= d) { + return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd' + } + if (ms >= h) { + return Math.round(ms / h) + 'h' + } + if (ms >= m) { + return Math.round(ms / m) + 'm' + } + if (ms >= s) { + return Math.round(ms / s) + 's' + } + return ms + 'ms' + } + + /** + * Long format for `ms`. + * + * @param {Number} ms + * @return {String} + * @api private + */ + + function fmtLong(ms) { + return plural(ms, d, 'day') || + plural(ms, h, 'hour') || + plural(ms, m, 'minute') || + plural(ms, s, 'second') || + ms + ' ms' + } + + /** + * Pluralization helper. + */ + + function plural(ms, n, name) { + if (ms < n) { + return + } + if (ms < n * 1.5) { + return Math.floor(ms / n) + ' ' + name + } + return Math.ceil(ms / n) + ' ' + name + 's' + } + + +/***/ }, +/* 11 */ +/*!********************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/socket.io-parser/index.js ***! + \********************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + + /** + * Module dependencies. + */ + + var debug = __webpack_require__(/*! debug */ 12)('socket.io-parser'); + var json = __webpack_require__(/*! json3 */ 15); + var Emitter = __webpack_require__(/*! component-emitter */ 18); + var binary = __webpack_require__(/*! ./binary */ 19); + var isBuf = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is-buffer */ 21); + + /** + * Protocol version. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.protocol = 4; + + /** + * Packet types. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.types = [ + 'CONNECT', + 'DISCONNECT', + 'EVENT', + 'ACK', + 'ERROR', + 'BINARY_EVENT', + 'BINARY_ACK' + ]; + + /** + * Packet type `connect`. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.CONNECT = 0; + + /** + * Packet type `disconnect`. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.DISCONNECT = 1; + + /** + * Packet type `event`. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.EVENT = 2; + + /** + * Packet type `ack`. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.ACK = 3; + + /** + * Packet type `error`. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.ERROR = 4; + + /** + * Packet type 'binary event' + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.BINARY_EVENT = 5; + + /** + * Packet type `binary ack`. For acks with binary arguments. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.BINARY_ACK = 6; + + /** + * Encoder constructor. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.Encoder = Encoder; + + /** + * Decoder constructor. + * + * @api public + */ + + exports.Decoder = Decoder; + + /** + * A socket.io Encoder instance + * + * @api public + */ + + function Encoder() {} + + /** + * Encode a packet as a single string if non-binary, or as a + * buffer sequence, depending on packet type. + * + * @param {Object} obj - packet object + * @param {Function} callback - function to handle encodings (likely engine.write) + * @return Calls callback with Array of encodings + * @api public + */ + + Encoder.prototype.encode = function(obj, callback){ + debug('encoding packet %j', obj); + + if (exports.BINARY_EVENT == obj.type || exports.BINARY_ACK == obj.type) { + encodeAsBinary(obj, callback); + } + else { + var encoding = encodeAsString(obj); + callback([encoding]); + } + }; + + /** + * Encode packet as string. + * + * @param {Object} packet + * @return {String} encoded + * @api private + */ + + function encodeAsString(obj) { + var str = ''; + var nsp = false; + + // first is type + str += obj.type; + + // attachments if we have them + if (exports.BINARY_EVENT == obj.type || exports.BINARY_ACK == obj.type) { + str += obj.attachments; + str += '-'; + } + + // if we have a namespace other than `/` + // we append it followed by a comma `,` + if (obj.nsp && '/' != obj.nsp) { + nsp = true; + str += obj.nsp; + } + + // immediately followed by the id + if (null != obj.id) { + if (nsp) { + str += ','; + nsp = false; + } + str += obj.id; + } + + // json data + if (null != obj.data) { + if (nsp) str += ','; + str += json.stringify(obj.data); + } + + debug('encoded %j as %s', obj, str); + return str; + } + + /** + * Encode packet as 'buffer sequence' by removing blobs, and + * deconstructing packet into object with placeholders and + * a list of buffers. + * + * @param {Object} packet + * @return {Buffer} encoded + * @api private + */ + + function encodeAsBinary(obj, callback) { + + function writeEncoding(bloblessData) { + var deconstruction = binary.deconstructPacket(bloblessData); + var pack = encodeAsString(deconstruction.packet); + var buffers = deconstruction.buffers; + + buffers.unshift(pack); // add packet info to beginning of data list + callback(buffers); // write all the buffers + } + + binary.removeBlobs(obj, writeEncoding); + } + + /** + * A socket.io Decoder instance + * + * @return {Object} decoder + * @api public + */ + + function Decoder() { + this.reconstructor = null; + } + + /** + * Mix in `Emitter` with Decoder. + */ + + Emitter(Decoder.prototype); + + /** + * Decodes an ecoded packet string into packet JSON. + * + * @param {String} obj - encoded packet + * @return {Object} packet + * @api public + */ + + Decoder.prototype.add = function(obj) { + var packet; + if ('string' == typeof obj) { + packet = decodeString(obj); + if (exports.BINARY_EVENT == packet.type || exports.BINARY_ACK == packet.type) { // binary packet's json + this.reconstructor = new BinaryReconstructor(packet); + + // no attachments, labeled binary but no binary data to follow + if (this.reconstructor.reconPack.attachments === 0) { + this.emit('decoded', packet); + } + } else { // non-binary full packet + this.emit('decoded', packet); + } + } + else if (isBuf(obj) || obj.base64) { // raw binary data + if (!this.reconstructor) { + throw new Error('got binary data when not reconstructing a packet'); + } else { + packet = this.reconstructor.takeBinaryData(obj); + if (packet) { // received final buffer + this.reconstructor = null; + this.emit('decoded', packet); + } + } + } + else { + throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + obj); + } + }; + + /** + * Decode a packet String (JSON data) + * + * @param {String} str + * @return {Object} packet + * @api private + */ + + function decodeString(str) { + var p = {}; + var i = 0; + + // look up type + p.type = Number(str.charAt(0)); + if (null == exports.types[p.type]) return error(); + + // look up attachments if type binary + if (exports.BINARY_EVENT == p.type || exports.BINARY_ACK == p.type) { + var buf = ''; + while (str.charAt(++i) != '-') { + buf += str.charAt(i); + if (i == str.length) break; + } + if (buf != Number(buf) || str.charAt(i) != '-') { + throw new Error('Illegal attachments'); + } + p.attachments = Number(buf); + } + + // look up namespace (if any) + if ('/' == str.charAt(i + 1)) { + p.nsp = ''; + while (++i) { + var c = str.charAt(i); + if (',' == c) break; + p.nsp += c; + if (i == str.length) break; + } + } else { + p.nsp = '/'; + } + + // look up id + var next = str.charAt(i + 1); + if ('' !== next && Number(next) == next) { + p.id = ''; + while (++i) { + var c = str.charAt(i); + if (null == c || Number(c) != c) { + --i; + break; + } + p.id += str.charAt(i); + if (i == str.length) break; + } + p.id = Number(p.id); + } + + // look up json data + if (str.charAt(++i)) { + p = tryParse(p, str.substr(i)); + } + + debug('decoded %s as %j', str, p); + return p; + } + + function tryParse(p, str) { + try { + p.data = json.parse(str); + } catch(e){ + return error(); + } + return p; + }; + + /** + * Deallocates a parser's resources + * + * @api public + */ + + Decoder.prototype.destroy = function() { + if (this.reconstructor) { + this.reconstructor.finishedReconstruction(); + } + }; + + /** + * A manager of a binary event's 'buffer sequence'. Should + * be constructed whenever a packet of type BINARY_EVENT is + * decoded. + * + * @param {Object} packet + * @return {BinaryReconstructor} initialized reconstructor + * @api private + */ + + function BinaryReconstructor(packet) { + this.reconPack = packet; + this.buffers = []; + } + + /** + * Method to be called when binary data received from connection + * after a BINARY_EVENT packet. + * + * @param {Buffer | ArrayBuffer} binData - the raw binary data received + * @return {null | Object} returns null if more binary data is expected or + * a reconstructed packet object if all buffers have been received. + * @api private + */ + + BinaryReconstructor.prototype.takeBinaryData = function(binData) { + this.buffers.push(binData); + if (this.buffers.length == this.reconPack.attachments) { // done with buffer list + var packet = binary.reconstructPacket(this.reconPack, this.buffers); + this.finishedReconstruction(); + return packet; + } + return null; + }; + + /** + * Cleans up binary packet reconstruction variables. + * + * @api private + */ + + BinaryReconstructor.prototype.finishedReconstruction = function() { + this.reconPack = null; + this.buffers = []; + }; + + function error(data){ + return { + type: exports.ERROR, + data: 'parser error' + }; + } + + +/***/ }, +/* 12 */ +/*!******************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/socket.io-parser/~/debug/browser.js ***! + \******************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + + /** + * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`. + * + * Expose `debug()` as the module. + */ + + exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./debug */ 13); + exports.log = log; + exports.formatArgs = formatArgs; + exports.save = save; + exports.load = load; + exports.useColors = useColors; + exports.storage = 'undefined' != typeof chrome + && 'undefined' != typeof chrome.storage + ? chrome.storage.local + : localstorage(); + + /** + * Colors. + */ + + exports.colors = [ + 'lightseagreen', + 'forestgreen', + 'goldenrod', + 'dodgerblue', + 'darkorchid', + 'crimson' + ]; + + /** + * Currently only WebKit-based Web Inspectors, Firefox >= v31, + * and the Firebug extension (any Firefox version) are known + * to support "%c" CSS customizations. + * + * TODO: add a `localStorage` variable to explicitly enable/disable colors + */ + + function useColors() { + // is webkit? http://stackoverflow.com/a/16459606/376773 + return ('WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style) || + // is firebug? http://stackoverflow.com/a/398120/376773 + (window.console && (console.firebug || (console.exception && console.table))) || + // is firefox >= v31? + // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console#Styling_messages + (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31); + } + + /** + * Map %j to `JSON.stringify()`, since no Web Inspectors do that by default. + */ + + exports.formatters.j = function(v) { + return JSON.stringify(v); + }; + + + /** + * Colorize log arguments if enabled. + * + * @api public + */ + + function formatArgs() { + var args = arguments; + var useColors = this.useColors; + + args[0] = (useColors ? '%c' : '') + + this.namespace + + (useColors ? ' %c' : ' ') + + args[0] + + (useColors ? '%c ' : ' ') + + '+' + exports.humanize(this.diff); + + if (!useColors) return args; + + var c = 'color: ' + this.color; + args = [args[0], c, 'color: inherit'].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)); + + // the final "%c" is somewhat tricky, because there could be other + // arguments passed either before or after the %c, so we need to + // figure out the correct index to insert the CSS into + var index = 0; + var lastC = 0; + args[0].replace(/%[a-z%]/g, function(match) { + if ('%%' === match) return; + index++; + if ('%c' === match) { + // we only are interested in the *last* %c + // (the user may have provided their own) + lastC = index; + } + }); + + args.splice(lastC, 0, c); + return args; + } + + /** + * Invokes `console.log()` when available. + * No-op when `console.log` is not a "function". + * + * @api public + */ + + function log() { + // this hackery is required for IE8/9, where + // the `console.log` function doesn't have 'apply' + return 'object' === typeof console + && console.log + && Function.prototype.apply.call(console.log, console, arguments); + } + + /** + * Save `namespaces`. + * + * @param {String} namespaces + * @api private + */ + + function save(namespaces) { + try { + if (null == namespaces) { + exports.storage.removeItem('debug'); + } else { + exports.storage.debug = namespaces; + } + } catch(e) {} + } + + /** + * Load `namespaces`. + * + * @return {String} returns the previously persisted debug modes + * @api private + */ + + function load() { + var r; + try { + r = exports.storage.debug; + } catch(e) {} + return r; + } + + /** + * Enable namespaces listed in `localStorage.debug` initially. + */ + + exports.enable(load()); + + /** + * Localstorage attempts to return the localstorage. + * + * This is necessary because safari throws + * when a user disables cookies/localstorage + * and you attempt to access it. + * + * @return {LocalStorage} + * @api private + */ + + function localstorage(){ + try { + return window.localStorage; + } catch (e) {} + } + + +/***/ }, +/* 13 */ +/*!****************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/socket.io-parser/~/debug/debug.js ***! + \****************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + + /** + * This is the common logic for both the Node.js and web browser + * implementations of `debug()`. + * + * Expose `debug()` as the module. + */ + + exports = module.exports = debug; + exports.coerce = coerce; + exports.disable = disable; + exports.enable = enable; + exports.enabled = enabled; + exports.humanize = __webpack_require__(/*! ms */ 14); + + /** + * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip. + */ + + exports.names = []; + exports.skips = []; + + /** + * Map of special "%n" handling functions, for the debug "format" argument. + * + * Valid key names are a single, lowercased letter, i.e. "n". + */ + + exports.formatters = {}; + + /** + * Previously assigned color. + */ + + var prevColor = 0; + + /** + * Previous log timestamp. + */ + + var prevTime; + + /** + * Select a color. + * + * @return {Number} + * @api private + */ + + function selectColor() { + return exports.colors[prevColor++ % exports.colors.length]; + } + + /** + * Create a debugger with the given `namespace`. + * + * @param {String} namespace + * @return {Function} + * @api public + */ + + function debug(namespace) { + + // define the `disabled` version + function disabled() { + } + disabled.enabled = false; + + // define the `enabled` version + function enabled() { + + var self = enabled; + + // set `diff` timestamp + var curr = +new Date(); + var ms = curr - (prevTime || curr); + self.diff = ms; + self.prev = prevTime; + self.curr = curr; + prevTime = curr; + + // add the `color` if not set + if (null == self.useColors) self.useColors = exports.useColors(); + if (null == self.color && self.useColors) self.color = selectColor(); + + var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); + + args[0] = exports.coerce(args[0]); + + if ('string' !== typeof args[0]) { + // anything else let's inspect with %o + args = ['%o'].concat(args); + } + + // apply any `formatters` transformations + var index = 0; + args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-z%])/g, function(match, format) { + // if we encounter an escaped % then don't increase the array index + if (match === '%%') return match; + index++; + var formatter = exports.formatters[format]; + if ('function' === typeof formatter) { + var val = args[index]; + match = formatter.call(self, val); + + // now we need to remove `args[index]` since it's inlined in the `format` + args.splice(index, 1); + index--; + } + return match; + }); + + if ('function' === typeof exports.formatArgs) { + args = exports.formatArgs.apply(self, args); + } + var logFn = enabled.log || exports.log || console.log.bind(console); + logFn.apply(self, args); + } + enabled.enabled = true; + + var fn = exports.enabled(namespace) ? enabled : disabled; + + fn.namespace = namespace; + + return fn; + } + + /** + * Enables a debug mode by namespaces. This can include modes + * separated by a colon and wildcards. + * + * @param {String} namespaces + * @api public + */ + + function enable(namespaces) { + exports.save(namespaces); + + var split = (namespaces || '').split(/[\s,]+/); + var len = split.length; + + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (!split[i]) continue; // ignore empty strings + namespaces = split[i].replace(/\*/g, '.*?'); + if (namespaces[0] === '-') { + exports.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces.substr(1) + '$')); + } else { + exports.names.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces + '$')); + } + } + } + + /** + * Disable debug output. + * + * @api public + */ + + function disable() { + exports.enable(''); + } + + /** + * Returns true if the given mode name is enabled, false otherwise. + * + * @param {String} name + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ + + function enabled(name) { + var i, len; + for (i = 0, len = exports.skips.length; i < len; i++) { + if (exports.skips[i].test(name)) { + return false; + } + } + for (i = 0, len = exports.names.length; i < len; i++) { + if (exports.names[i].test(name)) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Coerce `val`. + * + * @param {Mixed} val + * @return {Mixed} + * @api private + */ + + function coerce(val) { + if (val instanceof Error) return val.stack || val.message; + return val; + } + + +/***/ }, +/* 14 */ +/*!*********************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/socket.io-parser/~/debug/~/ms/index.js ***! + \*********************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + /** + * Helpers. + */ + + var s = 1000; + var m = s * 60; + var h = m * 60; + var d = h * 24; + var y = d * 365.25; + + /** + * Parse or format the given `val`. + * + * Options: + * + * - `long` verbose formatting [false] + * + * @param {String|Number} val + * @param {Object} options + * @return {String|Number} + * @api public + */ + + module.exports = function(val, options){ + options = options || {}; + if ('string' == typeof val) return parse(val); + return options.long + ? long(val) + : short(val); + }; + + /** + * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds. + * + * @param {String} str + * @return {Number} + * @api private + */ + + function parse(str) { + str = '' + str; + if (str.length > 10000) return; + var match = /^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(str); + if (!match) return; + var n = parseFloat(match[1]); + var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase(); + switch (type) { + case 'years': + case 'year': + case 'yrs': + case 'yr': + case 'y': + return n * y; + case 'days': + case 'day': + case 'd': + return n * d; + case 'hours': + case 'hour': + case 'hrs': + case 'hr': + case 'h': + return n * h; + case 'minutes': + case 'minute': + case 'mins': + case 'min': + case 'm': + return n * m; + case 'seconds': + case 'second': + case 'secs': + case 'sec': + case 's': + return n * s; + case 'milliseconds': + case 'millisecond': + case 'msecs': + case 'msec': + case 'ms': + return n; + } + } + + /** + * Short format for `ms`. + * + * @param {Number} ms + * @return {String} + * @api private + */ + + function short(ms) { + if (ms >= d) return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd'; + if (ms >= h) return Math.round(ms / h) + 'h'; + if (ms >= m) return Math.round(ms / m) + 'm'; + if (ms >= s) return Math.round(ms / s) + 's'; + return ms + 'ms'; + } + + /** + * Long format for `ms`. + * + * @param {Number} ms + * @return {String} + * @api private + */ + + function long(ms) { + return plural(ms, d, 'day') + || plural(ms, h, 'hour') + || plural(ms, m, 'minute') + || plural(ms, s, 'second') + || ms + ' ms'; + } + + /** + * Pluralization helper. + */ + + function plural(ms, n, name) { + if (ms < n) return; + if (ms < n * 1.5) return Math.floor(ms / n) + ' ' + name; + return Math.ceil(ms / n) + ' ' + name + 's'; + } + + +/***/ }, +/* 15 */ +/*!********************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/socket.io-parser/~/json3/lib/json3.js ***! + \********************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module, global) {/*! JSON v3.3.2 | http://bestiejs.github.io/json3 | Copyright 2012-2014, Kit Cambridge | http://kit.mit-license.org */ + ;(function () { + // Detect the `define` function exposed by asynchronous module loaders. The + // strict `define` check is necessary for compatibility with `r.js`. + var isLoader = "function" === "function" && __webpack_require__(/*! !webpack amd options */ 17); + + // A set of types used to distinguish objects from primitives. + var objectTypes = { + "function": true, + "object": true + }; + + // Detect the `exports` object exposed by CommonJS implementations. + var freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports; + + // Use the `global` object exposed by Node (including Browserify via + // `insert-module-globals`), Narwhal, and Ringo as the default context, + // and the `window` object in browsers. Rhino exports a `global` function + // instead. + var root = objectTypes[typeof window] && window || this, + freeGlobal = freeExports && objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && typeof global == "object" && global; + + if (freeGlobal && (freeGlobal["global"] === freeGlobal || freeGlobal["window"] === freeGlobal || freeGlobal["self"] === freeGlobal)) { + root = freeGlobal; + } + + // Public: Initializes JSON 3 using the given `context` object, attaching the + // `stringify` and `parse` functions to the specified `exports` object. + function runInContext(context, exports) { + context || (context = root["Object"]()); + exports || (exports = root["Object"]()); + + // Native constructor aliases. + var Number = context["Number"] || root["Number"], + String = context["String"] || root["String"], + Object = context["Object"] || root["Object"], + Date = context["Date"] || root["Date"], + SyntaxError = context["SyntaxError"] || root["SyntaxError"], + TypeError = context["TypeError"] || root["TypeError"], + Math = context["Math"] || root["Math"], + nativeJSON = context["JSON"] || root["JSON"]; + + // Delegate to the native `stringify` and `parse` implementations. + if (typeof nativeJSON == "object" && nativeJSON) { + exports.stringify = nativeJSON.stringify; + exports.parse = nativeJSON.parse; + } + + // Convenience aliases. + var objectProto = Object.prototype, + getClass = objectProto.toString, + isProperty, forEach, undef; + + // Test the `Date#getUTC*` methods. Based on work by @Yaffle. + var isExtended = new Date(-3509827334573292); + try { + // The `getUTCFullYear`, `Month`, and `Date` methods return nonsensical + // results for certain dates in Opera >= 10.53. + isExtended = isExtended.getUTCFullYear() == -109252 && isExtended.getUTCMonth() === 0 && isExtended.getUTCDate() === 1 && + // Safari < 2.0.2 stores the internal millisecond time value correctly, + // but clips the values returned by the date methods to the range of + // signed 32-bit integers ([-2 ** 31, 2 ** 31 - 1]). + isExtended.getUTCHours() == 10 && isExtended.getUTCMinutes() == 37 && isExtended.getUTCSeconds() == 6 && isExtended.getUTCMilliseconds() == 708; + } catch (exception) {} + + // Internal: Determines whether the native `JSON.stringify` and `parse` + // implementations are spec-compliant. Based on work by Ken Snyder. + function has(name) { + if (has[name] !== undef) { + // Return cached feature test result. + return has[name]; + } + var isSupported; + if (name == "bug-string-char-index") { + // IE <= 7 doesn't support accessing string characters using square + // bracket notation. IE 8 only supports this for primitives. + isSupported = "a"[0] != "a"; + } else if (name == "json") { + // Indicates whether both `JSON.stringify` and `JSON.parse` are + // supported. + isSupported = has("json-stringify") && has("json-parse"); + } else { + var value, serialized = '{"a":[1,true,false,null,"\\u0000\\b\\n\\f\\r\\t"]}'; + // Test `JSON.stringify`. + if (name == "json-stringify") { + var stringify = exports.stringify, stringifySupported = typeof stringify == "function" && isExtended; + if (stringifySupported) { + // A test function object with a custom `toJSON` method. + (value = function () { + return 1; + }).toJSON = value; + try { + stringifySupported = + // Firefox 3.1b1 and b2 serialize string, number, and boolean + // primitives as object literals. + stringify(0) === "0" && + // FF 3.1b1, b2, and JSON 2 serialize wrapped primitives as object + // literals. + stringify(new Number()) === "0" && + stringify(new String()) == '""' && + // FF 3.1b1, 2 throw an error if the value is `null`, `undefined`, or + // does not define a canonical JSON representation (this applies to + // objects with `toJSON` properties as well, *unless* they are nested + // within an object or array). + stringify(getClass) === undef && + // IE 8 serializes `undefined` as `"undefined"`. Safari <= 5.1.7 and + // FF 3.1b3 pass this test. + stringify(undef) === undef && + // Safari <= 5.1.7 and FF 3.1b3 throw `Error`s and `TypeError`s, + // respectively, if the value is omitted entirely. + stringify() === undef && + // FF 3.1b1, 2 throw an error if the given value is not a number, + // string, array, object, Boolean, or `null` literal. This applies to + // objects with custom `toJSON` methods as well, unless they are nested + // inside object or array literals. YUI 3.0.0b1 ignores custom `toJSON` + // methods entirely. + stringify(value) === "1" && + stringify([value]) == "[1]" && + // Prototype <= 1.6.1 serializes `[undefined]` as `"[]"` instead of + // `"[null]"`. + stringify([undef]) == "[null]" && + // YUI 3.0.0b1 fails to serialize `null` literals. + stringify(null) == "null" && + // FF 3.1b1, 2 halts serialization if an array contains a function: + // `[1, true, getClass, 1]` serializes as "[1,true,],". FF 3.1b3 + // elides non-JSON values from objects and arrays, unless they + // define custom `toJSON` methods. + stringify([undef, getClass, null]) == "[null,null,null]" && + // Simple serialization test. FF 3.1b1 uses Unicode escape sequences + // where character escape codes are expected (e.g., `\b` => `\u0008`). + stringify({ "a": [value, true, false, null, "\x00\b\n\f\r\t"] }) == serialized && + // FF 3.1b1 and b2 ignore the `filter` and `width` arguments. + stringify(null, value) === "1" && + stringify([1, 2], null, 1) == "[\n 1,\n 2\n]" && + // JSON 2, Prototype <= 1.7, and older WebKit builds incorrectly + // serialize extended years. + stringify(new Date(-8.64e15)) == '"-271821-04-20T00:00:00.000Z"' && + // The milliseconds are optional in ES 5, but required in 5.1. + stringify(new Date(8.64e15)) == '"+275760-09-13T00:00:00.000Z"' && + // Firefox <= 11.0 incorrectly serializes years prior to 0 as negative + // four-digit years instead of six-digit years. Credits: @Yaffle. + stringify(new Date(-621987552e5)) == '"-000001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"' && + // Safari <= 5.1.5 and Opera >= 10.53 incorrectly serialize millisecond + // values less than 1000. Credits: @Yaffle. + stringify(new Date(-1)) == '"1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"'; + } catch (exception) { + stringifySupported = false; + } + } + isSupported = stringifySupported; + } + // Test `JSON.parse`. + if (name == "json-parse") { + var parse = exports.parse; + if (typeof parse == "function") { + try { + // FF 3.1b1, b2 will throw an exception if a bare literal is provided. + // Conforming implementations should also coerce the initial argument to + // a string prior to parsing. + if (parse("0") === 0 && !parse(false)) { + // Simple parsing test. + value = parse(serialized); + var parseSupported = value["a"].length == 5 && value["a"][0] === 1; + if (parseSupported) { + try { + // Safari <= 5.1.2 and FF 3.1b1 allow unescaped tabs in strings. + parseSupported = !parse('"\t"'); + } catch (exception) {} + if (parseSupported) { + try { + // FF 4.0 and 4.0.1 allow leading `+` signs and leading + // decimal points. FF 4.0, 4.0.1, and IE 9-10 also allow + // certain octal literals. + parseSupported = parse("01") !== 1; + } catch (exception) {} + } + if (parseSupported) { + try { + // FF 4.0, 4.0.1, and Rhino 1.7R3-R4 allow trailing decimal + // points. These environments, along with FF 3.1b1 and 2, + // also allow trailing commas in JSON objects and arrays. + parseSupported = parse("1.") !== 1; + } catch (exception) {} + } + } + } + } catch (exception) { + parseSupported = false; + } + } + isSupported = parseSupported; + } + } + return has[name] = !!isSupported; + } + + if (!has("json")) { + // Common `[[Class]]` name aliases. + var functionClass = "[object Function]", + dateClass = "[object Date]", + numberClass = "[object Number]", + stringClass = "[object String]", + arrayClass = "[object Array]", + booleanClass = "[object Boolean]"; + + // Detect incomplete support for accessing string characters by index. + var charIndexBuggy = has("bug-string-char-index"); + + // Define additional utility methods if the `Date` methods are buggy. + if (!isExtended) { + var floor = Math.floor; + // A mapping between the months of the year and the number of days between + // January 1st and the first of the respective month. + var Months = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334]; + // Internal: Calculates the number of days between the Unix epoch and the + // first day of the given month. + var getDay = function (year, month) { + return Months[month] + 365 * (year - 1970) + floor((year - 1969 + (month = +(month > 1))) / 4) - floor((year - 1901 + month) / 100) + floor((year - 1601 + month) / 400); + }; + } + + // Internal: Determines if a property is a direct property of the given + // object. Delegates to the native `Object#hasOwnProperty` method. + if (!(isProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty)) { + isProperty = function (property) { + var members = {}, constructor; + if ((members.__proto__ = null, members.__proto__ = { + // The *proto* property cannot be set multiple times in recent + // versions of Firefox and SeaMonkey. + "toString": 1 + }, members).toString != getClass) { + // Safari <= 2.0.3 doesn't implement `Object#hasOwnProperty`, but + // supports the mutable *proto* property. + isProperty = function (property) { + // Capture and break the object's prototype chain (see section 8.6.2 + // of the ES 5.1 spec). The parenthesized expression prevents an + // unsafe transformation by the Closure Compiler. + var original = this.__proto__, result = property in (this.__proto__ = null, this); + // Restore the original prototype chain. + this.__proto__ = original; + return result; + }; + } else { + // Capture a reference to the top-level `Object` constructor. + constructor = members.constructor; + // Use the `constructor` property to simulate `Object#hasOwnProperty` in + // other environments. + isProperty = function (property) { + var parent = (this.constructor || constructor).prototype; + return property in this && !(property in parent && this[property] === parent[property]); + }; + } + members = null; + return isProperty.call(this, property); + }; + } + + // Internal: Normalizes the `for...in` iteration algorithm across + // environments. Each enumerated key is yielded to a `callback` function. + forEach = function (object, callback) { + var size = 0, Properties, members, property; + + // Tests for bugs in the current environment's `for...in` algorithm. The + // `valueOf` property inherits the non-enumerable flag from + // `Object.prototype` in older versions of IE, Netscape, and Mozilla. + (Properties = function () { + this.valueOf = 0; + }).prototype.valueOf = 0; + + // Iterate over a new instance of the `Properties` class. + members = new Properties(); + for (property in members) { + // Ignore all properties inherited from `Object.prototype`. + if (isProperty.call(members, property)) { + size++; + } + } + Properties = members = null; + + // Normalize the iteration algorithm. + if (!size) { + // A list of non-enumerable properties inherited from `Object.prototype`. + members = ["valueOf", "toString", "toLocaleString", "propertyIsEnumerable", "isPrototypeOf", "hasOwnProperty", "constructor"]; + // IE <= 8, Mozilla 1.0, and Netscape 6.2 ignore shadowed non-enumerable + // properties. + forEach = function (object, callback) { + var isFunction = getClass.call(object) == functionClass, property, length; + var hasProperty = !isFunction && typeof object.constructor != "function" && objectTypes[typeof object.hasOwnProperty] && object.hasOwnProperty || isProperty; + for (property in object) { + // Gecko <= 1.0 enumerates the `prototype` property of functions under + // certain conditions; IE does not. + if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") && hasProperty.call(object, property)) { + callback(property); + } + } + // Manually invoke the callback for each non-enumerable property. + for (length = members.length; property = members[--length]; hasProperty.call(object, property) && callback(property)); + }; + } else if (size == 2) { + // Safari <= 2.0.4 enumerates shadowed properties twice. + forEach = function (object, callback) { + // Create a set of iterated properties. + var members = {}, isFunction = getClass.call(object) == functionClass, property; + for (property in object) { + // Store each property name to prevent double enumeration. The + // `prototype` property of functions is not enumerated due to cross- + // environment inconsistencies. + if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") && !isProperty.call(members, property) && (members[property] = 1) && isProperty.call(object, property)) { + callback(property); + } + } + }; + } else { + // No bugs detected; use the standard `for...in` algorithm. + forEach = function (object, callback) { + var isFunction = getClass.call(object) == functionClass, property, isConstructor; + for (property in object) { + if (!(isFunction && property == "prototype") && isProperty.call(object, property) && !(isConstructor = property === "constructor")) { + callback(property); + } + } + // Manually invoke the callback for the `constructor` property due to + // cross-environment inconsistencies. + if (isConstructor || isProperty.call(object, (property = "constructor"))) { + callback(property); + } + }; + } + return forEach(object, callback); + }; + + // Public: Serializes a JavaScript `value` as a JSON string. The optional + // `filter` argument may specify either a function that alters how object and + // array members are serialized, or an array of strings and numbers that + // indicates which properties should be serialized. The optional `width` + // argument may be either a string or number that specifies the indentation + // level of the output. + if (!has("json-stringify")) { + // Internal: A map of control characters and their escaped equivalents. + var Escapes = { + 92: "\\\\", + 34: '\\"', + 8: "\\b", + 12: "\\f", + 10: "\\n", + 13: "\\r", + 9: "\\t" + }; + + // Internal: Converts `value` into a zero-padded string such that its + // length is at least equal to `width`. The `width` must be <= 6. + var leadingZeroes = "000000"; + var toPaddedString = function (width, value) { + // The `|| 0` expression is necessary to work around a bug in + // Opera <= 7.54u2 where `0 == -0`, but `String(-0) !== "0"`. + return (leadingZeroes + (value || 0)).slice(-width); + }; + + // Internal: Double-quotes a string `value`, replacing all ASCII control + // characters (characters with code unit values between 0 and 31) with + // their escaped equivalents. This is an implementation of the + // `Quote(value)` operation defined in ES 5.1 section 15.12.3. + var unicodePrefix = "\\u00"; + var quote = function (value) { + var result = '"', index = 0, length = value.length, useCharIndex = !charIndexBuggy || length > 10; + var symbols = useCharIndex && (charIndexBuggy ? value.split("") : value); + for (; index < length; index++) { + var charCode = value.charCodeAt(index); + // If the character is a control character, append its Unicode or + // shorthand escape sequence; otherwise, append the character as-is. + switch (charCode) { + case 8: case 9: case 10: case 12: case 13: case 34: case 92: + result += Escapes[charCode]; + break; + default: + if (charCode < 32) { + result += unicodePrefix + toPaddedString(2, charCode.toString(16)); + break; + } + result += useCharIndex ? symbols[index] : value.charAt(index); + } + } + return result + '"'; + }; + + // Internal: Recursively serializes an object. Implements the + // `Str(key, holder)`, `JO(value)`, and `JA(value)` operations. + var serialize = function (property, object, callback, properties, whitespace, indentation, stack) { + var value, className, year, month, date, time, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, results, element, index, length, prefix, result; + try { + // Necessary for host object support. + value = object[property]; + } catch (exception) {} + if (typeof value == "object" && value) { + className = getClass.call(value); + if (className == dateClass && !isProperty.call(value, "toJSON")) { + if (value > -1 / 0 && value < 1 / 0) { + // Dates are serialized according to the `Date#toJSON` method + // specified in ES 5.1 section See section + // for the ISO 8601 date time string format. + if (getDay) { + // Manually compute the year, month, date, hours, minutes, + // seconds, and milliseconds if the `getUTC*` methods are + // buggy. Adapted from @Yaffle's `date-shim` project. + date = floor(value / 864e5); + for (year = floor(date / 365.2425) + 1970 - 1; getDay(year + 1, 0) <= date; year++); + for (month = floor((date - getDay(year, 0)) / 30.42); getDay(year, month + 1) <= date; month++); + date = 1 + date - getDay(year, month); + // The `time` value specifies the time within the day (see ES + // 5.1 section The formula `(A % B + B) % B` is used + // to compute `A modulo B`, as the `%` operator does not + // correspond to the `modulo` operation for negative numbers. + time = (value % 864e5 + 864e5) % 864e5; + // The hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are obtained by + // decomposing the time within the day. See section + hours = floor(time / 36e5) % 24; + minutes = floor(time / 6e4) % 60; + seconds = floor(time / 1e3) % 60; + milliseconds = time % 1e3; + } else { + year = value.getUTCFullYear(); + month = value.getUTCMonth(); + date = value.getUTCDate(); + hours = value.getUTCHours(); + minutes = value.getUTCMinutes(); + seconds = value.getUTCSeconds(); + milliseconds = value.getUTCMilliseconds(); + } + // Serialize extended years correctly. + value = (year <= 0 || year >= 1e4 ? (year < 0 ? "-" : "+") + toPaddedString(6, year < 0 ? -year : year) : toPaddedString(4, year)) + + "-" + toPaddedString(2, month + 1) + "-" + toPaddedString(2, date) + + // Months, dates, hours, minutes, and seconds should have two + // digits; milliseconds should have three. + "T" + toPaddedString(2, hours) + ":" + toPaddedString(2, minutes) + ":" + toPaddedString(2, seconds) + + // Milliseconds are optional in ES 5.0, but required in 5.1. + "." + toPaddedString(3, milliseconds) + "Z"; + } else { + value = null; + } + } else if (typeof value.toJSON == "function" && ((className != numberClass && className != stringClass && className != arrayClass) || isProperty.call(value, "toJSON"))) { + // Prototype <= 1.6.1 adds non-standard `toJSON` methods to the + // `Number`, `String`, `Date`, and `Array` prototypes. JSON 3 + // ignores all `toJSON` methods on these objects unless they are + // defined directly on an instance. + value = value.toJSON(property); + } + } + if (callback) { + // If a replacement function was provided, call it to obtain the value + // for serialization. + value = callback.call(object, property, value); + } + if (value === null) { + return "null"; + } + className = getClass.call(value); + if (className == booleanClass) { + // Booleans are represented literally. + return "" + value; + } else if (className == numberClass) { + // JSON numbers must be finite. `Infinity` and `NaN` are serialized as + // `"null"`. + return value > -1 / 0 && value < 1 / 0 ? "" + value : "null"; + } else if (className == stringClass) { + // Strings are double-quoted and escaped. + return quote("" + value); + } + // Recursively serialize objects and arrays. + if (typeof value == "object") { + // Check for cyclic structures. This is a linear search; performance + // is inversely proportional to the number of unique nested objects. + for (length = stack.length; length--;) { + if (stack[length] === value) { + // Cyclic structures cannot be serialized by `JSON.stringify`. + throw TypeError(); + } + } + // Add the object to the stack of traversed objects. + stack.push(value); + results = []; + // Save the current indentation level and indent one additional level. + prefix = indentation; + indentation += whitespace; + if (className == arrayClass) { + // Recursively serialize array elements. + for (index = 0, length = value.length; index < length; index++) { + element = serialize(index, value, callback, properties, whitespace, indentation, stack); + results.push(element === undef ? "null" : element); + } + result = results.length ? (whitespace ? "[\n" + indentation + results.join(",\n" + indentation) + "\n" + prefix + "]" : ("[" + results.join(",") + "]")) : "[]"; + } else { + // Recursively serialize object members. Members are selected from + // either a user-specified list of property names, or the object + // itself. + forEach(properties || value, function (property) { + var element = serialize(property, value, callback, properties, whitespace, indentation, stack); + if (element !== undef) { + // According to ES 5.1 section 15.12.3: "If `gap` {whitespace} + // is not the empty string, let `member` {quote(property) + ":"} + // be the concatenation of `member` and the `space` character." + // The "`space` character" refers to the literal space + // character, not the `space` {width} argument provided to + // `JSON.stringify`. + results.push(quote(property) + ":" + (whitespace ? " " : "") + element); + } + }); + result = results.length ? (whitespace ? "{\n" + indentation + results.join(",\n" + indentation) + "\n" + prefix + "}" : ("{" + results.join(",") + "}")) : "{}"; + } + // Remove the object from the traversed object stack. + stack.pop(); + return result; + } + }; + + // Public: `JSON.stringify`. See ES 5.1 section 15.12.3. + exports.stringify = function (source, filter, width) { + var whitespace, callback, properties, className; + if (objectTypes[typeof filter] && filter) { + if ((className = getClass.call(filter)) == functionClass) { + callback = filter; + } else if (className == arrayClass) { + // Convert the property names array into a makeshift set. + properties = {}; + for (var index = 0, length = filter.length, value; index < length; value = filter[index++], ((className = getClass.call(value)), className == stringClass || className == numberClass) && (properties[value] = 1)); + } + } + if (width) { + if ((className = getClass.call(width)) == numberClass) { + // Convert the `width` to an integer and create a string containing + // `width` number of space characters. + if ((width -= width % 1) > 0) { + for (whitespace = "", width > 10 && (width = 10); whitespace.length < width; whitespace += " "); + } + } else if (className == stringClass) { + whitespace = width.length <= 10 ? width : width.slice(0, 10); + } + } + // Opera <= 7.54u2 discards the values associated with empty string keys + // (`""`) only if they are used directly within an object member list + // (e.g., `!("" in { "": 1})`). + return serialize("", (value = {}, value[""] = source, value), callback, properties, whitespace, "", []); + }; + } + + // Public: Parses a JSON source string. + if (!has("json-parse")) { + var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; + + // Internal: A map of escaped control characters and their unescaped + // equivalents. + var Unescapes = { + 92: "\\", + 34: '"', + 47: "/", + 98: "\b", + 116: "\t", + 110: "\n", + 102: "\f", + 114: "\r" + }; + + // Internal: Stores the parser state. + var Index, Source; + + // Internal: Resets the parser state and throws a `SyntaxError`. + var abort = function () { + Index = Source = null; + throw SyntaxError(); + }; + + // Internal: Returns the next token, or `"$"` if the parser has reached + // the end of the source string. A token may be a string, number, `null` + // literal, or Boolean literal. + var lex = function () { + var source = Source, length = source.length, value, begin, position, isSigned, charCode; + while (Index < length) { + charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index); + switch (charCode) { + case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32: + // Skip whitespace tokens, including tabs, carriage returns, line + // feeds, and space characters. + Index++; + break; + case 123: case 125: case 91: case 93: case 58: case 44: + // Parse a punctuator token (`{`, `}`, `[`, `]`, `:`, or `,`) at + // the current position. + value = charIndexBuggy ? source.charAt(Index) : source[Index]; + Index++; + return value; + case 34: + // `"` delimits a JSON string; advance to the next character and + // begin parsing the string. String tokens are prefixed with the + // sentinel `@` character to distinguish them from punctuators and + // end-of-string tokens. + for (value = "@", Index++; Index < length;) { + charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index); + if (charCode < 32) { + // Unescaped ASCII control characters (those with a code unit + // less than the space character) are not permitted. + abort(); + } else if (charCode == 92) { + // A reverse solidus (`\`) marks the beginning of an escaped + // control character (including `"`, `\`, and `/`) or Unicode + // escape sequence. + charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index); + switch (charCode) { + case 92: case 34: case 47: case 98: case 116: case 110: case 102: case 114: + // Revive escaped control characters. + value += Unescapes[charCode]; + Index++; + break; + case 117: + // `\u` marks the beginning of a Unicode escape sequence. + // Advance to the first character and validate the + // four-digit code point. + begin = ++Index; + for (position = Index + 4; Index < position; Index++) { + charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index); + // A valid sequence comprises four hexdigits (case- + // insensitive) that form a single hexadecimal value. + if (!(charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57 || charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 102 || charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 70)) { + // Invalid Unicode escape sequence. + abort(); + } + } + // Revive the escaped character. + value += fromCharCode("0x" + source.slice(begin, Index)); + break; + default: + // Invalid escape sequence. + abort(); + } + } else { + if (charCode == 34) { + // An unescaped double-quote character marks the end of the + // string. + break; + } + charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index); + begin = Index; + // Optimize for the common case where a string is valid. + while (charCode >= 32 && charCode != 92 && charCode != 34) { + charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index); + } + // Append the string as-is. + value += source.slice(begin, Index); + } + } + if (source.charCodeAt(Index) == 34) { + // Advance to the next character and return the revived string. + Index++; + return value; + } + // Unterminated string. + abort(); + default: + // Parse numbers and literals. + begin = Index; + // Advance past the negative sign, if one is specified. + if (charCode == 45) { + isSigned = true; + charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index); + } + // Parse an integer or floating-point value. + if (charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57) { + // Leading zeroes are interpreted as octal literals. + if (charCode == 48 && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index + 1)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57)) { + // Illegal octal literal. + abort(); + } + isSigned = false; + // Parse the integer component. + for (; Index < length && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57); Index++); + // Floats cannot contain a leading decimal point; however, this + // case is already accounted for by the parser. + if (source.charCodeAt(Index) == 46) { + position = ++Index; + // Parse the decimal component. + for (; position < length && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(position)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57); position++); + if (position == Index) { + // Illegal trailing decimal. + abort(); + } + Index = position; + } + // Parse exponents. The `e` denoting the exponent is + // case-insensitive. + charCode = source.charCodeAt(Index); + if (charCode == 101 || charCode == 69) { + charCode = source.charCodeAt(++Index); + // Skip past the sign following the exponent, if one is + // specified. + if (charCode == 43 || charCode == 45) { + Index++; + } + // Parse the exponential component. + for (position = Index; position < length && ((charCode = source.charCodeAt(position)), charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57); position++); + if (position == Index) { + // Illegal empty exponent. + abort(); + } + Index = position; + } + // Coerce the parsed value to a JavaScript number. + return +source.slice(begin, Index); + } + // A negative sign may only precede numbers. + if (isSigned) { + abort(); + } + // `true`, `false`, and `null` literals. + if (source.slice(Index, Index + 4) == "true") { + Index += 4; + return true; + } else if (source.slice(Index, Index + 5) == "false") { + Index += 5; + return false; + } else if (source.slice(Index, Index + 4) == "null") { + Index += 4; + return null; + } + // Unrecognized token. + abort(); + } + } + // Return the sentinel `$` character if the parser has reached the end + // of the source string. + return "$"; + }; + + // Internal: Parses a JSON `value` token. + var get = function (value) { + var results, hasMembers; + if (value == "$") { + // Unexpected end of input. + abort(); + } + if (typeof value == "string") { + if ((charIndexBuggy ? value.charAt(0) : value[0]) == "@") { + // Remove the sentinel `@` character. + return value.slice(1); + } + // Parse object and array literals. + if (value == "[") { + // Parses a JSON array, returning a new JavaScript array. + results = []; + for (;; hasMembers || (hasMembers = true)) { + value = lex(); + // A closing square bracket marks the end of the array literal. + if (value == "]") { + break; + } + // If the array literal contains elements, the current token + // should be a comma separating the previous element from the + // next. + if (hasMembers) { + if (value == ",") { + value = lex(); + if (value == "]") { + // Unexpected trailing `,` in array literal. + abort(); + } + } else { + // A `,` must separate each array element. + abort(); + } + } + // Elisions and leading commas are not permitted. + if (value == ",") { + abort(); + } + results.push(get(value)); + } + return results; + } else if (value == "{") { + // Parses a JSON object, returning a new JavaScript object. + results = {}; + for (;; hasMembers || (hasMembers = true)) { + value = lex(); + // A closing curly brace marks the end of the object literal. + if (value == "}") { + break; + } + // If the object literal contains members, the current token + // should be a comma separator. + if (hasMembers) { + if (value == ",") { + value = lex(); + if (value == "}") { + // Unexpected trailing `,` in object literal. + abort(); + } + } else { + // A `,` must separate each object member. + abort(); + } + } + // Leading commas are not permitted, object property names must be + // double-quoted strings, and a `:` must separate each property + // name and value. + if (value == "," || typeof value != "string" || (charIndexBuggy ? value.charAt(0) : value[0]) != "@" || lex() != ":") { + abort(); + } + results[value.slice(1)] = get(lex()); + } + return results; + } + // Unexpected token encountered. + abort(); + } + return value; + }; + + // Internal: Updates a traversed object member. + var update = function (source, property, callback) { + var element = walk(source, property, callback); + if (element === undef) { + delete source[property]; + } else { + source[property] = element; + } + }; + + // Internal: Recursively traverses a parsed JSON object, invoking the + // `callback` function for each value. This is an implementation of the + // `Walk(holder, name)` operation defined in ES 5.1 section 15.12.2. + var walk = function (source, property, callback) { + var value = source[property], length; + if (typeof value == "object" && value) { + // `forEach` can't be used to traverse an array in Opera <= 8.54 + // because its `Object#hasOwnProperty` implementation returns `false` + // for array indices (e.g., `![1, 2, 3].hasOwnProperty("0")`). + if (getClass.call(value) == arrayClass) { + for (length = value.length; length--;) { + update(value, length, callback); + } + } else { + forEach(value, function (property) { + update(value, property, callback); + }); + } + } + return callback.call(source, property, value); + }; + + // Public: `JSON.parse`. See ES 5.1 section 15.12.2. + exports.parse = function (source, callback) { + var result, value; + Index = 0; + Source = "" + source; + result = get(lex()); + // If a JSON string contains multiple tokens, it is invalid. + if (lex() != "$") { + abort(); + } + // Reset the parser state. + Index = Source = null; + return callback && getClass.call(callback) == functionClass ? walk((value = {}, value[""] = result, value), "", callback) : result; + }; + } + } + + exports["runInContext"] = runInContext; + return exports; + } + + if (freeExports && !isLoader) { + // Export for CommonJS environments. + runInContext(root, freeExports); + } else { + // Export for web browsers and JavaScript engines. + var nativeJSON = root.JSON, + previousJSON = root["JSON3"], + isRestored = false; + + var JSON3 = runInContext(root, (root["JSON3"] = { + // Public: Restores the original value of the global `JSON` object and + // returns a reference to the `JSON3` object. + "noConflict": function () { + if (!isRestored) { + isRestored = true; + root.JSON = nativeJSON; + root["JSON3"] = previousJSON; + nativeJSON = previousJSON = null; + } + return JSON3; + } + })); + + root.JSON = { + "parse": JSON3.parse, + "stringify": JSON3.stringify + }; + } + + // Export for asynchronous module loaders. + if (isLoader) { + !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = function () { + return JSON3; + }.call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)); + } + }).call(this); + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../../../../../webpack/buildin/module.js */ 16)(module), (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 16 */ +/*!***********************************!*\ + !*** (webpack)/buildin/module.js ***! + \***********************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + module.exports = function(module) { + if(!module.webpackPolyfill) { + module.deprecate = function() {}; + module.paths = []; + // module.parent = undefined by default + module.children = []; + module.webpackPolyfill = 1; + } + return module; + } + + +/***/ }, +/* 17 */ +/*!****************************************!*\ + !*** (webpack)/buildin/amd-options.js ***! + \****************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(__webpack_amd_options__) {module.exports = __webpack_amd_options__; + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, {})) + +/***/ }, +/* 18 */ +/*!****************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/socket.io-parser/~/component-emitter/index.js ***! + \****************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + + /** + * Expose `Emitter`. + */ + + module.exports = Emitter; + + /** + * Initialize a new `Emitter`. + * + * @api public + */ + + function Emitter(obj) { + if (obj) return mixin(obj); + }; + + /** + * Mixin the emitter properties. + * + * @param {Object} obj + * @return {Object} + * @api private + */ + + function mixin(obj) { + for (var key in Emitter.prototype) { + obj[key] = Emitter.prototype[key]; + } + return obj; + } + + /** + * Listen on the given `event` with `fn`. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Function} fn + * @return {Emitter} + * @api public + */ + + Emitter.prototype.on = + Emitter.prototype.addEventListener = function(event, fn){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + (this._callbacks[event] = this._callbacks[event] || []) + .push(fn); + return this; + }; + + /** + * Adds an `event` listener that will be invoked a single + * time then automatically removed. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Function} fn + * @return {Emitter} + * @api public + */ + + Emitter.prototype.once = function(event, fn){ + var self = this; + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + + function on() { + self.off(event, on); + fn.apply(this, arguments); + } + + on.fn = fn; + this.on(event, on); + return this; + }; + + /** + * Remove the given callback for `event` or all + * registered callbacks. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Function} fn + * @return {Emitter} + * @api public + */ + + Emitter.prototype.off = + Emitter.prototype.removeListener = + Emitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = + Emitter.prototype.removeEventListener = function(event, fn){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + + // all + if (0 == arguments.length) { + this._callbacks = {}; + return this; + } + + // specific event + var callbacks = this._callbacks[event]; + if (!callbacks) return this; + + // remove all handlers + if (1 == arguments.length) { + delete this._callbacks[event]; + return this; + } + + // remove specific handler + var cb; + for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { + cb = callbacks[i]; + if (cb === fn || cb.fn === fn) { + callbacks.splice(i, 1); + break; + } + } + return this; + }; + + /** + * Emit `event` with the given args. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Mixed} ... + * @return {Emitter} + */ + + Emitter.prototype.emit = function(event){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1) + , callbacks = this._callbacks[event]; + + if (callbacks) { + callbacks = callbacks.slice(0); + for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; ++i) { + callbacks[i].apply(this, args); + } + } + + return this; + }; + + /** + * Return array of callbacks for `event`. + * + * @param {String} event + * @return {Array} + * @api public + */ + + Emitter.prototype.listeners = function(event){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + return this._callbacks[event] || []; + }; + + /** + * Check if this emitter has `event` handlers. + * + * @param {String} event + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ + + Emitter.prototype.hasListeners = function(event){ + return !! this.listeners(event).length; + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 19 */ +/*!*********************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/socket.io-parser/binary.js ***! + \*********************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/*global Blob,File*/ + + /** + * Module requirements + */ + + var isArray = __webpack_require__(/*! isarray */ 20); + var isBuf = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is-buffer */ 21); + + /** + * Replaces every Buffer | ArrayBuffer in packet with a numbered placeholder. + * Anything with blobs or files should be fed through removeBlobs before coming + * here. + * + * @param {Object} packet - socket.io event packet + * @return {Object} with deconstructed packet and list of buffers + * @api public + */ + + exports.deconstructPacket = function(packet){ + var buffers = []; + var packetData = packet.data; + + function _deconstructPacket(data) { + if (!data) return data; + + if (isBuf(data)) { + var placeholder = { _placeholder: true, num: buffers.length }; + buffers.push(data); + return placeholder; + } else if (isArray(data)) { + var newData = new Array(data.length); + for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { + newData[i] = _deconstructPacket(data[i]); + } + return newData; + } else if ('object' == typeof data && !(data instanceof Date)) { + var newData = {}; + for (var key in data) { + newData[key] = _deconstructPacket(data[key]); + } + return newData; + } + return data; + } + + var pack = packet; + pack.data = _deconstructPacket(packetData); + pack.attachments = buffers.length; // number of binary 'attachments' + return {packet: pack, buffers: buffers}; + }; + + /** + * Reconstructs a binary packet from its placeholder packet and buffers + * + * @param {Object} packet - event packet with placeholders + * @param {Array} buffers - binary buffers to put in placeholder positions + * @return {Object} reconstructed packet + * @api public + */ + + exports.reconstructPacket = function(packet, buffers) { + var curPlaceHolder = 0; + + function _reconstructPacket(data) { + if (data && data._placeholder) { + var buf = buffers[data.num]; // appropriate buffer (should be natural order anyway) + return buf; + } else if (isArray(data)) { + for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { + data[i] = _reconstructPacket(data[i]); + } + return data; + } else if (data && 'object' == typeof data) { + for (var key in data) { + data[key] = _reconstructPacket(data[key]); + } + return data; + } + return data; + } + + packet.data = _reconstructPacket(packet.data); + packet.attachments = undefined; // no longer useful + return packet; + }; + + /** + * Asynchronously removes Blobs or Files from data via + * FileReader's readAsArrayBuffer method. Used before encoding + * data as msgpack. Calls callback with the blobless data. + * + * @param {Object} data + * @param {Function} callback + * @api private + */ + + exports.removeBlobs = function(data, callback) { + function _removeBlobs(obj, curKey, containingObject) { + if (!obj) return obj; + + // convert any blob + if ((global.Blob && obj instanceof Blob) || + (global.File && obj instanceof File)) { + pendingBlobs++; + + // async filereader + var fileReader = new FileReader(); + fileReader.onload = function() { // this.result == arraybuffer + if (containingObject) { + containingObject[curKey] = this.result; + } + else { + bloblessData = this.result; + } + + // if nothing pending its callback time + if(! --pendingBlobs) { + callback(bloblessData); + } + }; + + fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(obj); // blob -> arraybuffer + } else if (isArray(obj)) { // handle array + for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { + _removeBlobs(obj[i], i, obj); + } + } else if (obj && 'object' == typeof obj && !isBuf(obj)) { // and object + for (var key in obj) { + _removeBlobs(obj[key], key, obj); + } + } + } + + var pendingBlobs = 0; + var bloblessData = data; + _removeBlobs(bloblessData); + if (!pendingBlobs) { + callback(bloblessData); + } + }; + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 20 */ +/*!******************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/socket.io-parser/~/isarray/index.js ***! + \******************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) == '[object Array]'; + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 21 */ +/*!************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/socket.io-parser/is-buffer.js ***! + \************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) { + module.exports = isBuf; + + /** + * Returns true if obj is a buffer or an arraybuffer. + * + * @api private + */ + + function isBuf(obj) { + return (global.Buffer && global.Buffer.isBuffer(obj)) || + (global.ArrayBuffer && obj instanceof ArrayBuffer); + } + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 22 */ +/*!*******************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/lib/manager.js ***! + \*******************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + + /** + * Module dependencies. + */ + + var eio = __webpack_require__(/*! engine.io-client */ 23); + var Socket = __webpack_require__(/*! ./socket */ 50); + var Emitter = __webpack_require__(/*! component-emitter */ 41); + var parser = __webpack_require__(/*! socket.io-parser */ 11); + var on = __webpack_require__(/*! ./on */ 52); + var bind = __webpack_require__(/*! component-bind */ 53); + var debug = __webpack_require__(/*! debug */ 7)('socket.io-client:manager'); + var indexOf = __webpack_require__(/*! indexof */ 48); + var Backoff = __webpack_require__(/*! backo2 */ 56); + + /** + * IE6+ hasOwnProperty + */ + + var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + + /** + * Module exports + */ + + module.exports = Manager; + + /** + * `Manager` constructor. + * + * @param {String} engine instance or engine uri/opts + * @param {Object} options + * @api public + */ + + function Manager (uri, opts) { + if (!(this instanceof Manager)) return new Manager(uri, opts); + if (uri && ('object' === typeof uri)) { + opts = uri; + uri = undefined; + } + opts = opts || {}; + + opts.path = opts.path || '/socket.io'; + this.nsps = {}; + this.subs = []; + this.opts = opts; + this.reconnection(opts.reconnection !== false); + this.reconnectionAttempts(opts.reconnectionAttempts || Infinity); + this.reconnectionDelay(opts.reconnectionDelay || 1000); + this.reconnectionDelayMax(opts.reconnectionDelayMax || 5000); + this.randomizationFactor(opts.randomizationFactor || 0.5); + this.backoff = new Backoff({ + min: this.reconnectionDelay(), + max: this.reconnectionDelayMax(), + jitter: this.randomizationFactor() + }); + this.timeout(null == opts.timeout ? 20000 : opts.timeout); + this.readyState = 'closed'; + this.uri = uri; + this.connecting = []; + this.lastPing = null; + this.encoding = false; + this.packetBuffer = []; + this.encoder = new parser.Encoder(); + this.decoder = new parser.Decoder(); + this.autoConnect = opts.autoConnect !== false; + if (this.autoConnect) this.open(); + } + + /** + * Propagate given event to sockets and emit on `this` + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.emitAll = function () { + this.emit.apply(this, arguments); + for (var nsp in this.nsps) { + if (has.call(this.nsps, nsp)) { + this.nsps[nsp].emit.apply(this.nsps[nsp], arguments); + } + } + }; + + /** + * Update `socket.id` of all sockets + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.updateSocketIds = function () { + for (var nsp in this.nsps) { + if (has.call(this.nsps, nsp)) { + this.nsps[nsp].id = this.engine.id; + } + } + }; + + /** + * Mix in `Emitter`. + */ + + Emitter(Manager.prototype); + + /** + * Sets the `reconnection` config. + * + * @param {Boolean} true/false if it should automatically reconnect + * @return {Manager} self or value + * @api public + */ + + Manager.prototype.reconnection = function (v) { + if (!arguments.length) return this._reconnection; + this._reconnection = !!v; + return this; + }; + + /** + * Sets the reconnection attempts config. + * + * @param {Number} max reconnection attempts before giving up + * @return {Manager} self or value + * @api public + */ + + Manager.prototype.reconnectionAttempts = function (v) { + if (!arguments.length) return this._reconnectionAttempts; + this._reconnectionAttempts = v; + return this; + }; + + /** + * Sets the delay between reconnections. + * + * @param {Number} delay + * @return {Manager} self or value + * @api public + */ + + Manager.prototype.reconnectionDelay = function (v) { + if (!arguments.length) return this._reconnectionDelay; + this._reconnectionDelay = v; + this.backoff && this.backoff.setMin(v); + return this; + }; + + Manager.prototype.randomizationFactor = function (v) { + if (!arguments.length) return this._randomizationFactor; + this._randomizationFactor = v; + this.backoff && this.backoff.setJitter(v); + return this; + }; + + /** + * Sets the maximum delay between reconnections. + * + * @param {Number} delay + * @return {Manager} self or value + * @api public + */ + + Manager.prototype.reconnectionDelayMax = function (v) { + if (!arguments.length) return this._reconnectionDelayMax; + this._reconnectionDelayMax = v; + this.backoff && this.backoff.setMax(v); + return this; + }; + + /** + * Sets the connection timeout. `false` to disable + * + * @return {Manager} self or value + * @api public + */ + + Manager.prototype.timeout = function (v) { + if (!arguments.length) return this._timeout; + this._timeout = v; + return this; + }; + + /** + * Starts trying to reconnect if reconnection is enabled and we have not + * started reconnecting yet + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.maybeReconnectOnOpen = function () { + // Only try to reconnect if it's the first time we're connecting + if (!this.reconnecting && this._reconnection && this.backoff.attempts === 0) { + // keeps reconnection from firing twice for the same reconnection loop + this.reconnect(); + } + }; + + /** + * Sets the current transport `socket`. + * + * @param {Function} optional, callback + * @return {Manager} self + * @api public + */ + + Manager.prototype.open = + Manager.prototype.connect = function (fn, opts) { + debug('readyState %s', this.readyState); + if (~this.readyState.indexOf('open')) return this; + + debug('opening %s', this.uri); + this.engine = eio(this.uri, this.opts); + var socket = this.engine; + var self = this; + this.readyState = 'opening'; + this.skipReconnect = false; + + // emit `open` + var openSub = on(socket, 'open', function () { + self.onopen(); + fn && fn(); + }); + + // emit `connect_error` + var errorSub = on(socket, 'error', function (data) { + debug('connect_error'); + self.cleanup(); + self.readyState = 'closed'; + self.emitAll('connect_error', data); + if (fn) { + var err = new Error('Connection error'); + err.data = data; + fn(err); + } else { + // Only do this if there is no fn to handle the error + self.maybeReconnectOnOpen(); + } + }); + + // emit `connect_timeout` + if (false !== this._timeout) { + var timeout = this._timeout; + debug('connect attempt will timeout after %d', timeout); + + // set timer + var timer = setTimeout(function () { + debug('connect attempt timed out after %d', timeout); + openSub.destroy(); + socket.close(); + socket.emit('error', 'timeout'); + self.emitAll('connect_timeout', timeout); + }, timeout); + + this.subs.push({ + destroy: function () { + clearTimeout(timer); + } + }); + } + + this.subs.push(openSub); + this.subs.push(errorSub); + + return this; + }; + + /** + * Called upon transport open. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.onopen = function () { + debug('open'); + + // clear old subs + this.cleanup(); + + // mark as open + this.readyState = 'open'; + this.emit('open'); + + // add new subs + var socket = this.engine; + this.subs.push(on(socket, 'data', bind(this, 'ondata'))); + this.subs.push(on(socket, 'ping', bind(this, 'onping'))); + this.subs.push(on(socket, 'pong', bind(this, 'onpong'))); + this.subs.push(on(socket, 'error', bind(this, 'onerror'))); + this.subs.push(on(socket, 'close', bind(this, 'onclose'))); + this.subs.push(on(this.decoder, 'decoded', bind(this, 'ondecoded'))); + }; + + /** + * Called upon a ping. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.onping = function () { + this.lastPing = new Date(); + this.emitAll('ping'); + }; + + /** + * Called upon a packet. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.onpong = function () { + this.emitAll('pong', new Date() - this.lastPing); + }; + + /** + * Called with data. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.ondata = function (data) { + this.decoder.add(data); + }; + + /** + * Called when parser fully decodes a packet. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.ondecoded = function (packet) { + this.emit('packet', packet); + }; + + /** + * Called upon socket error. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.onerror = function (err) { + debug('error', err); + this.emitAll('error', err); + }; + + /** + * Creates a new socket for the given `nsp`. + * + * @return {Socket} + * @api public + */ + + Manager.prototype.socket = function (nsp, opts) { + var socket = this.nsps[nsp]; + if (!socket) { + socket = new Socket(this, nsp, opts); + this.nsps[nsp] = socket; + var self = this; + socket.on('connecting', onConnecting); + socket.on('connect', function () { + socket.id = self.engine.id; + }); + + if (this.autoConnect) { + // manually call here since connecting evnet is fired before listening + onConnecting(); + } + } + + function onConnecting () { + if (!~indexOf(self.connecting, socket)) { + self.connecting.push(socket); + } + } + + return socket; + }; + + /** + * Called upon a socket close. + * + * @param {Socket} socket + */ + + Manager.prototype.destroy = function (socket) { + var index = indexOf(this.connecting, socket); + if (~index) this.connecting.splice(index, 1); + if (this.connecting.length) return; + + this.close(); + }; + + /** + * Writes a packet. + * + * @param {Object} packet + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.packet = function (packet) { + debug('writing packet %j', packet); + var self = this; + if (packet.query && packet.type === 0) packet.nsp += '?' + packet.query; + + if (!self.encoding) { + // encode, then write to engine with result + self.encoding = true; + this.encoder.encode(packet, function (encodedPackets) { + for (var i = 0; i < encodedPackets.length; i++) { + self.engine.write(encodedPackets[i], packet.options); + } + self.encoding = false; + self.processPacketQueue(); + }); + } else { // add packet to the queue + self.packetBuffer.push(packet); + } + }; + + /** + * If packet buffer is non-empty, begins encoding the + * next packet in line. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.processPacketQueue = function () { + if (this.packetBuffer.length > 0 && !this.encoding) { + var pack = this.packetBuffer.shift(); + this.packet(pack); + } + }; + + /** + * Clean up transport subscriptions and packet buffer. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.cleanup = function () { + debug('cleanup'); + + var subsLength = this.subs.length; + for (var i = 0; i < subsLength; i++) { + var sub = this.subs.shift(); + sub.destroy(); + } + + this.packetBuffer = []; + this.encoding = false; + this.lastPing = null; + + this.decoder.destroy(); + }; + + /** + * Close the current socket. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.close = + Manager.prototype.disconnect = function () { + debug('disconnect'); + this.skipReconnect = true; + this.reconnecting = false; + if ('opening' === this.readyState) { + // `onclose` will not fire because + // an open event never happened + this.cleanup(); + } + this.backoff.reset(); + this.readyState = 'closed'; + if (this.engine) this.engine.close(); + }; + + /** + * Called upon engine close. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.onclose = function (reason) { + debug('onclose'); + + this.cleanup(); + this.backoff.reset(); + this.readyState = 'closed'; + this.emit('close', reason); + + if (this._reconnection && !this.skipReconnect) { + this.reconnect(); + } + }; + + /** + * Attempt a reconnection. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.reconnect = function () { + if (this.reconnecting || this.skipReconnect) return this; + + var self = this; + + if (this.backoff.attempts >= this._reconnectionAttempts) { + debug('reconnect failed'); + this.backoff.reset(); + this.emitAll('reconnect_failed'); + this.reconnecting = false; + } else { + var delay = this.backoff.duration(); + debug('will wait %dms before reconnect attempt', delay); + + this.reconnecting = true; + var timer = setTimeout(function () { + if (self.skipReconnect) return; + + debug('attempting reconnect'); + self.emitAll('reconnect_attempt', self.backoff.attempts); + self.emitAll('reconnecting', self.backoff.attempts); + + // check again for the case socket closed in above events + if (self.skipReconnect) return; + + self.open(function (err) { + if (err) { + debug('reconnect attempt error'); + self.reconnecting = false; + self.reconnect(); + self.emitAll('reconnect_error', err.data); + } else { + debug('reconnect success'); + self.onreconnect(); + } + }); + }, delay); + + this.subs.push({ + destroy: function () { + clearTimeout(timer); + } + }); + } + }; + + /** + * Called upon successful reconnect. + * + * @api private + */ + + Manager.prototype.onreconnect = function () { + var attempt = this.backoff.attempts; + this.reconnecting = false; + this.backoff.reset(); + this.updateSocketIds(); + this.emitAll('reconnect', attempt); + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 23 */ +/*!********************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/index.js ***! + \********************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + + module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./lib/index */ 24); + + +/***/ }, +/* 24 */ +/*!************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/lib/index.js ***! + \************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + + module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./socket */ 25); + + /** + * Exports parser + * + * @api public + * + */ + module.exports.parser = __webpack_require__(/*! engine.io-parser */ 32); + + +/***/ }, +/* 25 */ +/*!*************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/lib/socket.js ***! + \*************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/** + * Module dependencies. + */ + + var transports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transports/index */ 26); + var Emitter = __webpack_require__(/*! component-emitter */ 41); + var debug = __webpack_require__(/*! debug */ 7)('engine.io-client:socket'); + var index = __webpack_require__(/*! indexof */ 48); + var parser = __webpack_require__(/*! engine.io-parser */ 32); + var parseuri = __webpack_require__(/*! parseuri */ 6); + var parsejson = __webpack_require__(/*! parsejson */ 49); + var parseqs = __webpack_require__(/*! parseqs */ 42); + + /** + * Module exports. + */ + + module.exports = Socket; + + /** + * Socket constructor. + * + * @param {String|Object} uri or options + * @param {Object} options + * @api public + */ + + function Socket (uri, opts) { + if (!(this instanceof Socket)) return new Socket(uri, opts); + + opts = opts || {}; + + if (uri && 'object' === typeof uri) { + opts = uri; + uri = null; + } + + if (uri) { + uri = parseuri(uri); + opts.hostname = uri.host; + opts.secure = uri.protocol === 'https' || uri.protocol === 'wss'; + opts.port = uri.port; + if (uri.query) opts.query = uri.query; + } else if (opts.host) { + opts.hostname = parseuri(opts.host).host; + } + + this.secure = null != opts.secure ? opts.secure + : (global.location && 'https:' === location.protocol); + + if (opts.hostname && !opts.port) { + // if no port is specified manually, use the protocol default + opts.port = this.secure ? '443' : '80'; + } + + this.agent = opts.agent || false; + this.hostname = opts.hostname || + (global.location ? location.hostname : 'localhost'); + this.port = opts.port || (global.location && location.port + ? location.port + : (this.secure ? 443 : 80)); + this.query = opts.query || {}; + if ('string' === typeof this.query) this.query = parseqs.decode(this.query); + this.upgrade = false !== opts.upgrade; + this.path = (opts.path || '/engine.io').replace(/\/$/, '') + '/'; + this.forceJSONP = !!opts.forceJSONP; + this.jsonp = false !== opts.jsonp; + this.forceBase64 = !!opts.forceBase64; + this.enablesXDR = !!opts.enablesXDR; + this.timestampParam = opts.timestampParam || 't'; + this.timestampRequests = opts.timestampRequests; + this.transports = opts.transports || ['polling', 'websocket']; + this.readyState = ''; + this.writeBuffer = []; + this.prevBufferLen = 0; + this.policyPort = opts.policyPort || 843; + this.rememberUpgrade = opts.rememberUpgrade || false; + this.binaryType = null; + this.onlyBinaryUpgrades = opts.onlyBinaryUpgrades; + this.perMessageDeflate = false !== opts.perMessageDeflate ? (opts.perMessageDeflate || {}) : false; + + if (true === this.perMessageDeflate) this.perMessageDeflate = {}; + if (this.perMessageDeflate && null == this.perMessageDeflate.threshold) { + this.perMessageDeflate.threshold = 1024; + } + + // SSL options for Node.js client + this.pfx = opts.pfx || null; + this.key = opts.key || null; + this.passphrase = opts.passphrase || null; + this.cert = opts.cert || null; + this.ca = opts.ca || null; + this.ciphers = opts.ciphers || null; + this.rejectUnauthorized = opts.rejectUnauthorized === undefined ? null : opts.rejectUnauthorized; + this.forceNode = !!opts.forceNode; + + // other options for Node.js client + var freeGlobal = typeof global === 'object' && global; + if (freeGlobal.global === freeGlobal) { + if (opts.extraHeaders && Object.keys(opts.extraHeaders).length > 0) { + this.extraHeaders = opts.extraHeaders; + } + + if (opts.localAddress) { + this.localAddress = opts.localAddress; + } + } + + // set on handshake + this.id = null; + this.upgrades = null; + this.pingInterval = null; + this.pingTimeout = null; + + // set on heartbeat + this.pingIntervalTimer = null; + this.pingTimeoutTimer = null; + + this.open(); + } + + Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess = false; + + /** + * Mix in `Emitter`. + */ + + Emitter(Socket.prototype); + + /** + * Protocol version. + * + * @api public + */ + + Socket.protocol = parser.protocol; // this is an int + + /** + * Expose deps for legacy compatibility + * and standalone browser access. + */ + + Socket.Socket = Socket; + Socket.Transport = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transport */ 31); + Socket.transports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transports/index */ 26); + Socket.parser = __webpack_require__(/*! engine.io-parser */ 32); + + /** + * Creates transport of the given type. + * + * @param {String} transport name + * @return {Transport} + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.createTransport = function (name) { + debug('creating transport "%s"', name); + var query = clone(this.query); + + // append engine.io protocol identifier + query.EIO = parser.protocol; + + // transport name + query.transport = name; + + // session id if we already have one + if (this.id) query.sid = this.id; + + var transport = new transports[name]({ + agent: this.agent, + hostname: this.hostname, + port: this.port, + secure: this.secure, + path: this.path, + query: query, + forceJSONP: this.forceJSONP, + jsonp: this.jsonp, + forceBase64: this.forceBase64, + enablesXDR: this.enablesXDR, + timestampRequests: this.timestampRequests, + timestampParam: this.timestampParam, + policyPort: this.policyPort, + socket: this, + pfx: this.pfx, + key: this.key, + passphrase: this.passphrase, + cert: this.cert, + ca: this.ca, + ciphers: this.ciphers, + rejectUnauthorized: this.rejectUnauthorized, + perMessageDeflate: this.perMessageDeflate, + extraHeaders: this.extraHeaders, + forceNode: this.forceNode, + localAddress: this.localAddress + }); + + return transport; + }; + + function clone (obj) { + var o = {}; + for (var i in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + o[i] = obj[i]; + } + } + return o; + } + + /** + * Initializes transport to use and starts probe. + * + * @api private + */ + Socket.prototype.open = function () { + var transport; + if (this.rememberUpgrade && Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess && this.transports.indexOf('websocket') !== -1) { + transport = 'websocket'; + } else if (0 === this.transports.length) { + // Emit error on next tick so it can be listened to + var self = this; + setTimeout(function () { + self.emit('error', 'No transports available'); + }, 0); + return; + } else { + transport = this.transports[0]; + } + this.readyState = 'opening'; + + // Retry with the next transport if the transport is disabled (jsonp: false) + try { + transport = this.createTransport(transport); + } catch (e) { + this.transports.shift(); + this.open(); + return; + } + + transport.open(); + this.setTransport(transport); + }; + + /** + * Sets the current transport. Disables the existing one (if any). + * + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.setTransport = function (transport) { + debug('setting transport %s', transport.name); + var self = this; + + if (this.transport) { + debug('clearing existing transport %s', this.transport.name); + this.transport.removeAllListeners(); + } + + // set up transport + this.transport = transport; + + // set up transport listeners + transport + .on('drain', function () { + self.onDrain(); + }) + .on('packet', function (packet) { + self.onPacket(packet); + }) + .on('error', function (e) { + self.onError(e); + }) + .on('close', function () { + self.onClose('transport close'); + }); + }; + + /** + * Probes a transport. + * + * @param {String} transport name + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.probe = function (name) { + debug('probing transport "%s"', name); + var transport = this.createTransport(name, { probe: 1 }); + var failed = false; + var self = this; + + Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess = false; + + function onTransportOpen () { + if (self.onlyBinaryUpgrades) { + var upgradeLosesBinary = !this.supportsBinary && self.transport.supportsBinary; + failed = failed || upgradeLosesBinary; + } + if (failed) return; + + debug('probe transport "%s" opened', name); + transport.send([{ type: 'ping', data: 'probe' }]); + transport.once('packet', function (msg) { + if (failed) return; + if ('pong' === msg.type && 'probe' === msg.data) { + debug('probe transport "%s" pong', name); + self.upgrading = true; + self.emit('upgrading', transport); + if (!transport) return; + Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess = 'websocket' === transport.name; + + debug('pausing current transport "%s"', self.transport.name); + self.transport.pause(function () { + if (failed) return; + if ('closed' === self.readyState) return; + debug('changing transport and sending upgrade packet'); + + cleanup(); + + self.setTransport(transport); + transport.send([{ type: 'upgrade' }]); + self.emit('upgrade', transport); + transport = null; + self.upgrading = false; + self.flush(); + }); + } else { + debug('probe transport "%s" failed', name); + var err = new Error('probe error'); + err.transport = transport.name; + self.emit('upgradeError', err); + } + }); + } + + function freezeTransport () { + if (failed) return; + + // Any callback called by transport should be ignored since now + failed = true; + + cleanup(); + + transport.close(); + transport = null; + } + + // Handle any error that happens while probing + function onerror (err) { + var error = new Error('probe error: ' + err); + error.transport = transport.name; + + freezeTransport(); + + debug('probe transport "%s" failed because of error: %s', name, err); + + self.emit('upgradeError', error); + } + + function onTransportClose () { + onerror('transport closed'); + } + + // When the socket is closed while we're probing + function onclose () { + onerror('socket closed'); + } + + // When the socket is upgraded while we're probing + function onupgrade (to) { + if (transport && to.name !== transport.name) { + debug('"%s" works - aborting "%s"', to.name, transport.name); + freezeTransport(); + } + } + + // Remove all listeners on the transport and on self + function cleanup () { + transport.removeListener('open', onTransportOpen); + transport.removeListener('error', onerror); + transport.removeListener('close', onTransportClose); + self.removeListener('close', onclose); + self.removeListener('upgrading', onupgrade); + } + + transport.once('open', onTransportOpen); + transport.once('error', onerror); + transport.once('close', onTransportClose); + + this.once('close', onclose); + this.once('upgrading', onupgrade); + + transport.open(); + }; + + /** + * Called when connection is deemed open. + * + * @api public + */ + + Socket.prototype.onOpen = function () { + debug('socket open'); + this.readyState = 'open'; + Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess = 'websocket' === this.transport.name; + this.emit('open'); + this.flush(); + + // we check for `readyState` in case an `open` + // listener already closed the socket + if ('open' === this.readyState && this.upgrade && this.transport.pause) { + debug('starting upgrade probes'); + for (var i = 0, l = this.upgrades.length; i < l; i++) { + this.probe(this.upgrades[i]); + } + } + }; + + /** + * Handles a packet. + * + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.onPacket = function (packet) { + if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState || + 'closing' === this.readyState) { + debug('socket receive: type "%s", data "%s"', packet.type, packet.data); + + this.emit('packet', packet); + + // Socket is live - any packet counts + this.emit('heartbeat'); + + switch (packet.type) { + case 'open': + this.onHandshake(parsejson(packet.data)); + break; + + case 'pong': + this.setPing(); + this.emit('pong'); + break; + + case 'error': + var err = new Error('server error'); + err.code = packet.data; + this.onError(err); + break; + + case 'message': + this.emit('data', packet.data); + this.emit('message', packet.data); + break; + } + } else { + debug('packet received with socket readyState "%s"', this.readyState); + } + }; + + /** + * Called upon handshake completion. + * + * @param {Object} handshake obj + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.onHandshake = function (data) { + this.emit('handshake', data); + this.id = data.sid; + this.transport.query.sid = data.sid; + this.upgrades = this.filterUpgrades(data.upgrades); + this.pingInterval = data.pingInterval; + this.pingTimeout = data.pingTimeout; + this.onOpen(); + // In case open handler closes socket + if ('closed' === this.readyState) return; + this.setPing(); + + // Prolong liveness of socket on heartbeat + this.removeListener('heartbeat', this.onHeartbeat); + this.on('heartbeat', this.onHeartbeat); + }; + + /** + * Resets ping timeout. + * + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.onHeartbeat = function (timeout) { + clearTimeout(this.pingTimeoutTimer); + var self = this; + self.pingTimeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () { + if ('closed' === self.readyState) return; + self.onClose('ping timeout'); + }, timeout || (self.pingInterval + self.pingTimeout)); + }; + + /** + * Pings server every `this.pingInterval` and expects response + * within `this.pingTimeout` or closes connection. + * + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.setPing = function () { + var self = this; + clearTimeout(self.pingIntervalTimer); + self.pingIntervalTimer = setTimeout(function () { + debug('writing ping packet - expecting pong within %sms', self.pingTimeout); + self.ping(); + self.onHeartbeat(self.pingTimeout); + }, self.pingInterval); + }; + + /** + * Sends a ping packet. + * + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.ping = function () { + var self = this; + this.sendPacket('ping', function () { + self.emit('ping'); + }); + }; + + /** + * Called on `drain` event + * + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.onDrain = function () { + this.writeBuffer.splice(0, this.prevBufferLen); + + // setting prevBufferLen = 0 is very important + // for example, when upgrading, upgrade packet is sent over, + // and a nonzero prevBufferLen could cause problems on `drain` + this.prevBufferLen = 0; + + if (0 === this.writeBuffer.length) { + this.emit('drain'); + } else { + this.flush(); + } + }; + + /** + * Flush write buffers. + * + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.flush = function () { + if ('closed' !== this.readyState && this.transport.writable && + !this.upgrading && this.writeBuffer.length) { + debug('flushing %d packets in socket', this.writeBuffer.length); + this.transport.send(this.writeBuffer); + // keep track of current length of writeBuffer + // splice writeBuffer and callbackBuffer on `drain` + this.prevBufferLen = this.writeBuffer.length; + this.emit('flush'); + } + }; + + /** + * Sends a message. + * + * @param {String} message. + * @param {Function} callback function. + * @param {Object} options. + * @return {Socket} for chaining. + * @api public + */ + + Socket.prototype.write = + Socket.prototype.send = function (msg, options, fn) { + this.sendPacket('message', msg, options, fn); + return this; + }; + + /** + * Sends a packet. + * + * @param {String} packet type. + * @param {String} data. + * @param {Object} options. + * @param {Function} callback function. + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.sendPacket = function (type, data, options, fn) { + if ('function' === typeof data) { + fn = data; + data = undefined; + } + + if ('function' === typeof options) { + fn = options; + options = null; + } + + if ('closing' === this.readyState || 'closed' === this.readyState) { + return; + } + + options = options || {}; + options.compress = false !== options.compress; + + var packet = { + type: type, + data: data, + options: options + }; + this.emit('packetCreate', packet); + this.writeBuffer.push(packet); + if (fn) this.once('flush', fn); + this.flush(); + }; + + /** + * Closes the connection. + * + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.close = function () { + if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState) { + this.readyState = 'closing'; + + var self = this; + + if (this.writeBuffer.length) { + this.once('drain', function () { + if (this.upgrading) { + waitForUpgrade(); + } else { + close(); + } + }); + } else if (this.upgrading) { + waitForUpgrade(); + } else { + close(); + } + } + + function close () { + self.onClose('forced close'); + debug('socket closing - telling transport to close'); + self.transport.close(); + } + + function cleanupAndClose () { + self.removeListener('upgrade', cleanupAndClose); + self.removeListener('upgradeError', cleanupAndClose); + close(); + } + + function waitForUpgrade () { + // wait for upgrade to finish since we can't send packets while pausing a transport + self.once('upgrade', cleanupAndClose); + self.once('upgradeError', cleanupAndClose); + } + + return this; + }; + + /** + * Called upon transport error + * + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.onError = function (err) { + debug('socket error %j', err); + Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess = false; + this.emit('error', err); + this.onClose('transport error', err); + }; + + /** + * Called upon transport close. + * + * @api private + */ + + Socket.prototype.onClose = function (reason, desc) { + if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState || 'closing' === this.readyState) { + debug('socket close with reason: "%s"', reason); + var self = this; + + // clear timers + clearTimeout(this.pingIntervalTimer); + clearTimeout(this.pingTimeoutTimer); + + // stop event from firing again for transport + this.transport.removeAllListeners('close'); + + // ensure transport won't stay open + this.transport.close(); + + // ignore further transport communication + this.transport.removeAllListeners(); + + // set ready state + this.readyState = 'closed'; + + // clear session id + this.id = null; + + // emit close event + this.emit('close', reason, desc); + + // clean buffers after, so users can still + // grab the buffers on `close` event + self.writeBuffer = []; + self.prevBufferLen = 0; + } + }; + + /** + * Filters upgrades, returning only those matching client transports. + * + * @param {Array} server upgrades + * @api private + * + */ + + Socket.prototype.filterUpgrades = function (upgrades) { + var filteredUpgrades = []; + for (var i = 0, j = upgrades.length; i < j; i++) { + if (~index(this.transports, upgrades[i])) filteredUpgrades.push(upgrades[i]); + } + return filteredUpgrades; + }; + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 26 */ +/*!***********************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/lib/transports/index.js ***! + \***********************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/** + * Module dependencies + */ + + var XMLHttpRequest = __webpack_require__(/*! xmlhttprequest-ssl */ 27); + var XHR = __webpack_require__(/*! ./polling-xhr */ 29); + var JSONP = __webpack_require__(/*! ./polling-jsonp */ 45); + var websocket = __webpack_require__(/*! ./websocket */ 46); + + /** + * Export transports. + */ + + exports.polling = polling; + exports.websocket = websocket; + + /** + * Polling transport polymorphic constructor. + * Decides on xhr vs jsonp based on feature detection. + * + * @api private + */ + + function polling (opts) { + var xhr; + var xd = false; + var xs = false; + var jsonp = false !== opts.jsonp; + + if (global.location) { + var isSSL = 'https:' === location.protocol; + var port = location.port; + + // some user agents have empty `location.port` + if (!port) { + port = isSSL ? 443 : 80; + } + + xd = opts.hostname !== location.hostname || port !== opts.port; + xs = opts.secure !== isSSL; + } + + opts.xdomain = xd; + opts.xscheme = xs; + xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(opts); + + if ('open' in xhr && !opts.forceJSONP) { + return new XHR(opts); + } else { + if (!jsonp) throw new Error('JSONP disabled'); + return new JSONP(opts); + } + } + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 27 */ +/*!*********************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/lib/xmlhttprequest.js ***! + \*********************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {// browser shim for xmlhttprequest module + + var hasCORS = __webpack_require__(/*! has-cors */ 28); + + module.exports = function (opts) { + var xdomain = opts.xdomain; + + // scheme must be same when usign XDomainRequest + // http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2010/05/13/xdomainrequest-restrictions-limitations-and-workarounds.aspx + var xscheme = opts.xscheme; + + // XDomainRequest has a flow of not sending cookie, therefore it should be disabled as a default. + // https://github.com/Automattic/engine.io-client/pull/217 + var enablesXDR = opts.enablesXDR; + + // XMLHttpRequest can be disabled on IE + try { + if ('undefined' !== typeof XMLHttpRequest && (!xdomain || hasCORS)) { + return new XMLHttpRequest(); + } + } catch (e) { } + + // Use XDomainRequest for IE8 if enablesXDR is true + // because loading bar keeps flashing when using jsonp-polling + // https://github.com/yujiosaka/socke.io-ie8-loading-example + try { + if ('undefined' !== typeof XDomainRequest && !xscheme && enablesXDR) { + return new XDomainRequest(); + } + } catch (e) { } + + if (!xdomain) { + try { + return new global[['Active'].concat('Object').join('X')]('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); + } catch (e) { } + } + }; + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 28 */ +/*!*******************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/has-cors/index.js ***! + \*******************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + + /** + * Module exports. + * + * Logic borrowed from Modernizr: + * + * - https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/blob/master/feature-detects/cors.js + */ + + try { + module.exports = typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined' && + 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest(); + } catch (err) { + // if XMLHttp support is disabled in IE then it will throw + // when trying to create + module.exports = false; + } + + +/***/ }, +/* 29 */ +/*!*****************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/lib/transports/polling-xhr.js ***! + \*****************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/** + * Module requirements. + */ + + var XMLHttpRequest = __webpack_require__(/*! xmlhttprequest-ssl */ 27); + var Polling = __webpack_require__(/*! ./polling */ 30); + var Emitter = __webpack_require__(/*! component-emitter */ 41); + var inherit = __webpack_require__(/*! component-inherit */ 43); + var debug = __webpack_require__(/*! debug */ 7)('engine.io-client:polling-xhr'); + + /** + * Module exports. + */ + + module.exports = XHR; + module.exports.Request = Request; + + /** + * Empty function + */ + + function empty () {} + + /** + * XHR Polling constructor. + * + * @param {Object} opts + * @api public + */ + + function XHR (opts) { + Polling.call(this, opts); + this.requestTimeout = opts.requestTimeout; + + if (global.location) { + var isSSL = 'https:' === location.protocol; + var port = location.port; + + // some user agents have empty `location.port` + if (!port) { + port = isSSL ? 443 : 80; + } + + this.xd = opts.hostname !== global.location.hostname || + port !== opts.port; + this.xs = opts.secure !== isSSL; + } else { + this.extraHeaders = opts.extraHeaders; + } + } + + /** + * Inherits from Polling. + */ + + inherit(XHR, Polling); + + /** + * XHR supports binary + */ + + XHR.prototype.supportsBinary = true; + + /** + * Creates a request. + * + * @param {String} method + * @api private + */ + + XHR.prototype.request = function (opts) { + opts = opts || {}; + opts.uri = this.uri(); + opts.xd = this.xd; + opts.xs = this.xs; + opts.agent = this.agent || false; + opts.supportsBinary = this.supportsBinary; + opts.enablesXDR = this.enablesXDR; + + // SSL options for Node.js client + opts.pfx = this.pfx; + opts.key = this.key; + opts.passphrase = this.passphrase; + opts.cert = this.cert; + opts.ca = this.ca; + opts.ciphers = this.ciphers; + opts.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized; + opts.requestTimeout = this.requestTimeout; + + // other options for Node.js client + opts.extraHeaders = this.extraHeaders; + + return new Request(opts); + }; + + /** + * Sends data. + * + * @param {String} data to send. + * @param {Function} called upon flush. + * @api private + */ + + XHR.prototype.doWrite = function (data, fn) { + var isBinary = typeof data !== 'string' && data !== undefined; + var req = this.request({ method: 'POST', data: data, isBinary: isBinary }); + var self = this; + req.on('success', fn); + req.on('error', function (err) { + self.onError('xhr post error', err); + }); + this.sendXhr = req; + }; + + /** + * Starts a poll cycle. + * + * @api private + */ + + XHR.prototype.doPoll = function () { + debug('xhr poll'); + var req = this.request(); + var self = this; + req.on('data', function (data) { + self.onData(data); + }); + req.on('error', function (err) { + self.onError('xhr poll error', err); + }); + this.pollXhr = req; + }; + + /** + * Request constructor + * + * @param {Object} options + * @api public + */ + + function Request (opts) { + this.method = opts.method || 'GET'; + this.uri = opts.uri; + this.xd = !!opts.xd; + this.xs = !!opts.xs; + this.async = false !== opts.async; + this.data = undefined !== opts.data ? opts.data : null; + this.agent = opts.agent; + this.isBinary = opts.isBinary; + this.supportsBinary = opts.supportsBinary; + this.enablesXDR = opts.enablesXDR; + this.requestTimeout = opts.requestTimeout; + + // SSL options for Node.js client + this.pfx = opts.pfx; + this.key = opts.key; + this.passphrase = opts.passphrase; + this.cert = opts.cert; + this.ca = opts.ca; + this.ciphers = opts.ciphers; + this.rejectUnauthorized = opts.rejectUnauthorized; + + // other options for Node.js client + this.extraHeaders = opts.extraHeaders; + + this.create(); + } + + /** + * Mix in `Emitter`. + */ + + Emitter(Request.prototype); + + /** + * Creates the XHR object and sends the request. + * + * @api private + */ + + Request.prototype.create = function () { + var opts = { agent: this.agent, xdomain: this.xd, xscheme: this.xs, enablesXDR: this.enablesXDR }; + + // SSL options for Node.js client + opts.pfx = this.pfx; + opts.key = this.key; + opts.passphrase = this.passphrase; + opts.cert = this.cert; + opts.ca = this.ca; + opts.ciphers = this.ciphers; + opts.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized; + + var xhr = this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(opts); + var self = this; + + try { + debug('xhr open %s: %s', this.method, this.uri); + xhr.open(this.method, this.uri, this.async); + try { + if (this.extraHeaders) { + xhr.setDisableHeaderCheck(true); + for (var i in this.extraHeaders) { + if (this.extraHeaders.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + xhr.setRequestHeader(i, this.extraHeaders[i]); + } + } + } + } catch (e) {} + if (this.supportsBinary) { + // This has to be done after open because Firefox is stupid + // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13216903/get-binary-data-with-xmlhttprequest-in-a-firefox-extension + xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; + } + + if ('POST' === this.method) { + try { + if (this.isBinary) { + xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/octet-stream'); + } else { + xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); + } + } catch (e) {} + } + + try { + xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', '*/*'); + } catch (e) {} + + // ie6 check + if ('withCredentials' in xhr) { + xhr.withCredentials = true; + } + + if (this.requestTimeout) { + xhr.timeout = this.requestTimeout; + } + + if (this.hasXDR()) { + xhr.onload = function () { + self.onLoad(); + }; + xhr.onerror = function () { + self.onError(xhr.responseText); + }; + } else { + xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { + if (4 !== xhr.readyState) return; + if (200 === xhr.status || 1223 === xhr.status) { + self.onLoad(); + } else { + // make sure the `error` event handler that's user-set + // does not throw in the same tick and gets caught here + setTimeout(function () { + self.onError(xhr.status); + }, 0); + } + }; + } + + debug('xhr data %s', this.data); + xhr.send(this.data); + } catch (e) { + // Need to defer since .create() is called directly fhrom the constructor + // and thus the 'error' event can only be only bound *after* this exception + // occurs. Therefore, also, we cannot throw here at all. + setTimeout(function () { + self.onError(e); + }, 0); + return; + } + + if (global.document) { + this.index = Request.requestsCount++; + Request.requests[this.index] = this; + } + }; + + /** + * Called upon successful response. + * + * @api private + */ + + Request.prototype.onSuccess = function () { + this.emit('success'); + this.cleanup(); + }; + + /** + * Called if we have data. + * + * @api private + */ + + Request.prototype.onData = function (data) { + this.emit('data', data); + this.onSuccess(); + }; + + /** + * Called upon error. + * + * @api private + */ + + Request.prototype.onError = function (err) { + this.emit('error', err); + this.cleanup(true); + }; + + /** + * Cleans up house. + * + * @api private + */ + + Request.prototype.cleanup = function (fromError) { + if ('undefined' === typeof this.xhr || null === this.xhr) { + return; + } + // xmlhttprequest + if (this.hasXDR()) { + this.xhr.onload = this.xhr.onerror = empty; + } else { + this.xhr.onreadystatechange = empty; + } + + if (fromError) { + try { + this.xhr.abort(); + } catch (e) {} + } + + if (global.document) { + delete Request.requests[this.index]; + } + + this.xhr = null; + }; + + /** + * Called upon load. + * + * @api private + */ + + Request.prototype.onLoad = function () { + var data; + try { + var contentType; + try { + contentType = this.xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type').split(';')[0]; + } catch (e) {} + if (contentType === 'application/octet-stream') { + data = this.xhr.response || this.xhr.responseText; + } else { + if (!this.supportsBinary) { + data = this.xhr.responseText; + } else { + try { + data = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(this.xhr.response)); + } catch (e) { + var ui8Arr = new Uint8Array(this.xhr.response); + var dataArray = []; + for (var idx = 0, length = ui8Arr.length; idx < length; idx++) { + dataArray.push(ui8Arr[idx]); + } + + data = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, dataArray); + } + } + } + } catch (e) { + this.onError(e); + } + if (null != data) { + this.onData(data); + } + }; + + /** + * Check if it has XDomainRequest. + * + * @api private + */ + + Request.prototype.hasXDR = function () { + return 'undefined' !== typeof global.XDomainRequest && !this.xs && this.enablesXDR; + }; + + /** + * Aborts the request. + * + * @api public + */ + + Request.prototype.abort = function () { + this.cleanup(); + }; + + /** + * Aborts pending requests when unloading the window. This is needed to prevent + * memory leaks (e.g. when using IE) and to ensure that no spurious error is + * emitted. + */ + + Request.requestsCount = 0; + Request.requests = {}; + + if (global.document) { + if (global.attachEvent) { + global.attachEvent('onunload', unloadHandler); + } else if (global.addEventListener) { + global.addEventListener('beforeunload', unloadHandler, false); + } + } + + function unloadHandler () { + for (var i in Request.requests) { + if (Request.requests.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + Request.requests[i].abort(); + } + } + } + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 30 */ +/*!*************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/lib/transports/polling.js ***! + \*************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /** + * Module dependencies. + */ + + var Transport = __webpack_require__(/*! ../transport */ 31); + var parseqs = __webpack_require__(/*! parseqs */ 42); + var parser = __webpack_require__(/*! engine.io-parser */ 32); + var inherit = __webpack_require__(/*! component-inherit */ 43); + var yeast = __webpack_require__(/*! yeast */ 44); + var debug = __webpack_require__(/*! debug */ 7)('engine.io-client:polling'); + + /** + * Module exports. + */ + + module.exports = Polling; + + /** + * Is XHR2 supported? + */ + + var hasXHR2 = (function () { + var XMLHttpRequest = __webpack_require__(/*! xmlhttprequest-ssl */ 27); + var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest({ xdomain: false }); + return null != xhr.responseType; + })(); + + /** + * Polling interface. + * + * @param {Object} opts + * @api private + */ + + function Polling (opts) { + var forceBase64 = (opts && opts.forceBase64); + if (!hasXHR2 || forceBase64) { + this.supportsBinary = false; + } + Transport.call(this, opts); + } + + /** + * Inherits from Transport. + */ + + inherit(Polling, Transport); + + /** + * Transport name. + */ + + Polling.prototype.name = 'polling'; + + /** + * Opens the socket (triggers polling). We write a PING message to determine + * when the transport is open. + * + * @api private + */ + + Polling.prototype.doOpen = function () { + this.poll(); + }; + + /** + * Pauses polling. + * + * @param {Function} callback upon buffers are flushed and transport is paused + * @api private + */ + + Polling.prototype.pause = function (onPause) { + var self = this; + + this.readyState = 'pausing'; + + function pause () { + debug('paused'); + self.readyState = 'paused'; + onPause(); + } + + if (this.polling || !this.writable) { + var total = 0; + + if (this.polling) { + debug('we are currently polling - waiting to pause'); + total++; + this.once('pollComplete', function () { + debug('pre-pause polling complete'); + --total || pause(); + }); + } + + if (!this.writable) { + debug('we are currently writing - waiting to pause'); + total++; + this.once('drain', function () { + debug('pre-pause writing complete'); + --total || pause(); + }); + } + } else { + pause(); + } + }; + + /** + * Starts polling cycle. + * + * @api public + */ + + Polling.prototype.poll = function () { + debug('polling'); + this.polling = true; + this.doPoll(); + this.emit('poll'); + }; + + /** + * Overloads onData to detect payloads. + * + * @api private + */ + + Polling.prototype.onData = function (data) { + var self = this; + debug('polling got data %s', data); + var callback = function (packet, index, total) { + // if its the first message we consider the transport open + if ('opening' === self.readyState) { + self.onOpen(); + } + + // if its a close packet, we close the ongoing requests + if ('close' === packet.type) { + self.onClose(); + return false; + } + + // otherwise bypass onData and handle the message + self.onPacket(packet); + }; + + // decode payload + parser.decodePayload(data, this.socket.binaryType, callback); + + // if an event did not trigger closing + if ('closed' !== this.readyState) { + // if we got data we're not polling + this.polling = false; + this.emit('pollComplete'); + + if ('open' === this.readyState) { + this.poll(); + } else { + debug('ignoring poll - transport state "%s"', this.readyState); + } + } + }; + + /** + * For polling, send a close packet. + * + * @api private + */ + + Polling.prototype.doClose = function () { + var self = this; + + function close () { + debug('writing close packet'); + self.write([{ type: 'close' }]); + } + + if ('open' === this.readyState) { + debug('transport open - closing'); + close(); + } else { + // in case we're trying to close while + // handshaking is in progress (GH-164) + debug('transport not open - deferring close'); + this.once('open', close); + } + }; + + /** + * Writes a packets payload. + * + * @param {Array} data packets + * @param {Function} drain callback + * @api private + */ + + Polling.prototype.write = function (packets) { + var self = this; + this.writable = false; + var callbackfn = function () { + self.writable = true; + self.emit('drain'); + }; + + parser.encodePayload(packets, this.supportsBinary, function (data) { + self.doWrite(data, callbackfn); + }); + }; + + /** + * Generates uri for connection. + * + * @api private + */ + + Polling.prototype.uri = function () { + var query = this.query || {}; + var schema = this.secure ? 'https' : 'http'; + var port = ''; + + // cache busting is forced + if (false !== this.timestampRequests) { + query[this.timestampParam] = yeast(); + } + + if (!this.supportsBinary && !query.sid) { + query.b64 = 1; + } + + query = parseqs.encode(query); + + // avoid port if default for schema + if (this.port && (('https' === schema && Number(this.port) !== 443) || + ('http' === schema && Number(this.port) !== 80))) { + port = ':' + this.port; + } + + // prepend ? to query + if (query.length) { + query = '?' + query; + } + + var ipv6 = this.hostname.indexOf(':') !== -1; + return schema + '://' + (ipv6 ? '[' + this.hostname + ']' : this.hostname) + port + this.path + query; + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 31 */ +/*!****************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/lib/transport.js ***! + \****************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /** + * Module dependencies. + */ + + var parser = __webpack_require__(/*! engine.io-parser */ 32); + var Emitter = __webpack_require__(/*! component-emitter */ 41); + + /** + * Module exports. + */ + + module.exports = Transport; + + /** + * Transport abstract constructor. + * + * @param {Object} options. + * @api private + */ + + function Transport (opts) { + this.path = opts.path; + this.hostname = opts.hostname; + this.port = opts.port; + this.secure = opts.secure; + this.query = opts.query; + this.timestampParam = opts.timestampParam; + this.timestampRequests = opts.timestampRequests; + this.readyState = ''; + this.agent = opts.agent || false; + this.socket = opts.socket; + this.enablesXDR = opts.enablesXDR; + + // SSL options for Node.js client + this.pfx = opts.pfx; + this.key = opts.key; + this.passphrase = opts.passphrase; + this.cert = opts.cert; + this.ca = opts.ca; + this.ciphers = opts.ciphers; + this.rejectUnauthorized = opts.rejectUnauthorized; + this.forceNode = opts.forceNode; + + // other options for Node.js client + this.extraHeaders = opts.extraHeaders; + this.localAddress = opts.localAddress; + } + + /** + * Mix in `Emitter`. + */ + + Emitter(Transport.prototype); + + /** + * Emits an error. + * + * @param {String} str + * @return {Transport} for chaining + * @api public + */ + + Transport.prototype.onError = function (msg, desc) { + var err = new Error(msg); + err.type = 'TransportError'; + err.description = desc; + this.emit('error', err); + return this; + }; + + /** + * Opens the transport. + * + * @api public + */ + + Transport.prototype.open = function () { + if ('closed' === this.readyState || '' === this.readyState) { + this.readyState = 'opening'; + this.doOpen(); + } + + return this; + }; + + /** + * Closes the transport. + * + * @api private + */ + + Transport.prototype.close = function () { + if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState) { + this.doClose(); + this.onClose(); + } + + return this; + }; + + /** + * Sends multiple packets. + * + * @param {Array} packets + * @api private + */ + + Transport.prototype.send = function (packets) { + if ('open' === this.readyState) { + this.write(packets); + } else { + throw new Error('Transport not open'); + } + }; + + /** + * Called upon open + * + * @api private + */ + + Transport.prototype.onOpen = function () { + this.readyState = 'open'; + this.writable = true; + this.emit('open'); + }; + + /** + * Called with data. + * + * @param {String} data + * @api private + */ + + Transport.prototype.onData = function (data) { + var packet = parser.decodePacket(data, this.socket.binaryType); + this.onPacket(packet); + }; + + /** + * Called with a decoded packet. + */ + + Transport.prototype.onPacket = function (packet) { + this.emit('packet', packet); + }; + + /** + * Called upon close. + * + * @api private + */ + + Transport.prototype.onClose = function () { + this.readyState = 'closed'; + this.emit('close'); + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 32 */ +/*!*********************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/engine.io-parser/lib/browser.js ***! + \*********************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/** + * Module dependencies. + */ + + var keys = __webpack_require__(/*! ./keys */ 33); + var hasBinary = __webpack_require__(/*! has-binary */ 34); + var sliceBuffer = __webpack_require__(/*! arraybuffer.slice */ 36); + var after = __webpack_require__(/*! after */ 37); + var utf8 = __webpack_require__(/*! wtf-8 */ 38); + + var base64encoder; + if (global && global.ArrayBuffer) { + base64encoder = __webpack_require__(/*! base64-arraybuffer */ 39); + } + + /** + * Check if we are running an android browser. That requires us to use + * ArrayBuffer with polling transports... + * + * http://ghinda.net/jpeg-blob-ajax-android/ + */ + + var isAndroid = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent); + + /** + * Check if we are running in PhantomJS. + * Uploading a Blob with PhantomJS does not work correctly, as reported here: + * https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/11395 + * @type boolean + */ + var isPhantomJS = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /PhantomJS/i.test(navigator.userAgent); + + /** + * When true, avoids using Blobs to encode payloads. + * @type boolean + */ + var dontSendBlobs = isAndroid || isPhantomJS; + + /** + * Current protocol version. + */ + + exports.protocol = 3; + + /** + * Packet types. + */ + + var packets = exports.packets = { + open: 0 // non-ws + , close: 1 // non-ws + , ping: 2 + , pong: 3 + , message: 4 + , upgrade: 5 + , noop: 6 + }; + + var packetslist = keys(packets); + + /** + * Premade error packet. + */ + + var err = { type: 'error', data: 'parser error' }; + + /** + * Create a blob api even for blob builder when vendor prefixes exist + */ + + var Blob = __webpack_require__(/*! blob */ 40); + + /** + * Encodes a packet. + * + * [ ] + * + * Example: + * + * 5hello world + * 3 + * 4 + * + * Binary is encoded in an identical principle + * + * @api private + */ + + exports.encodePacket = function (packet, supportsBinary, utf8encode, callback) { + if ('function' == typeof supportsBinary) { + callback = supportsBinary; + supportsBinary = false; + } + + if ('function' == typeof utf8encode) { + callback = utf8encode; + utf8encode = null; + } + + var data = (packet.data === undefined) + ? undefined + : packet.data.buffer || packet.data; + + if (global.ArrayBuffer && data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { + return encodeArrayBuffer(packet, supportsBinary, callback); + } else if (Blob && data instanceof global.Blob) { + return encodeBlob(packet, supportsBinary, callback); + } + + // might be an object with { base64: true, data: dataAsBase64String } + if (data && data.base64) { + return encodeBase64Object(packet, callback); + } + + // Sending data as a utf-8 string + var encoded = packets[packet.type]; + + // data fragment is optional + if (undefined !== packet.data) { + encoded += utf8encode ? utf8.encode(String(packet.data)) : String(packet.data); + } + + return callback('' + encoded); + + }; + + function encodeBase64Object(packet, callback) { + // packet data is an object { base64: true, data: dataAsBase64String } + var message = 'b' + exports.packets[packet.type] + packet.data.data; + return callback(message); + } + + /** + * Encode packet helpers for binary types + */ + + function encodeArrayBuffer(packet, supportsBinary, callback) { + if (!supportsBinary) { + return exports.encodeBase64Packet(packet, callback); + } + + var data = packet.data; + var contentArray = new Uint8Array(data); + var resultBuffer = new Uint8Array(1 + data.byteLength); + + resultBuffer[0] = packets[packet.type]; + for (var i = 0; i < contentArray.length; i++) { + resultBuffer[i+1] = contentArray[i]; + } + + return callback(resultBuffer.buffer); + } + + function encodeBlobAsArrayBuffer(packet, supportsBinary, callback) { + if (!supportsBinary) { + return exports.encodeBase64Packet(packet, callback); + } + + var fr = new FileReader(); + fr.onload = function() { + packet.data = fr.result; + exports.encodePacket(packet, supportsBinary, true, callback); + }; + return fr.readAsArrayBuffer(packet.data); + } + + function encodeBlob(packet, supportsBinary, callback) { + if (!supportsBinary) { + return exports.encodeBase64Packet(packet, callback); + } + + if (dontSendBlobs) { + return encodeBlobAsArrayBuffer(packet, supportsBinary, callback); + } + + var length = new Uint8Array(1); + length[0] = packets[packet.type]; + var blob = new Blob([length.buffer, packet.data]); + + return callback(blob); + } + + /** + * Encodes a packet with binary data in a base64 string + * + * @param {Object} packet, has `type` and `data` + * @return {String} base64 encoded message + */ + + exports.encodeBase64Packet = function(packet, callback) { + var message = 'b' + exports.packets[packet.type]; + if (Blob && packet.data instanceof global.Blob) { + var fr = new FileReader(); + fr.onload = function() { + var b64 = fr.result.split(',')[1]; + callback(message + b64); + }; + return fr.readAsDataURL(packet.data); + } + + var b64data; + try { + b64data = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(packet.data)); + } catch (e) { + // iPhone Safari doesn't let you apply with typed arrays + var typed = new Uint8Array(packet.data); + var basic = new Array(typed.length); + for (var i = 0; i < typed.length; i++) { + basic[i] = typed[i]; + } + b64data = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, basic); + } + message += global.btoa(b64data); + return callback(message); + }; + + /** + * Decodes a packet. Changes format to Blob if requested. + * + * @return {Object} with `type` and `data` (if any) + * @api private + */ + + exports.decodePacket = function (data, binaryType, utf8decode) { + if (data === undefined) { + return err; + } + // String data + if (typeof data == 'string') { + if (data.charAt(0) == 'b') { + return exports.decodeBase64Packet(data.substr(1), binaryType); + } + + if (utf8decode) { + data = tryDecode(data); + if (data === false) { + return err; + } + } + var type = data.charAt(0); + + if (Number(type) != type || !packetslist[type]) { + return err; + } + + if (data.length > 1) { + return { type: packetslist[type], data: data.substring(1) }; + } else { + return { type: packetslist[type] }; + } + } + + var asArray = new Uint8Array(data); + var type = asArray[0]; + var rest = sliceBuffer(data, 1); + if (Blob && binaryType === 'blob') { + rest = new Blob([rest]); + } + return { type: packetslist[type], data: rest }; + }; + + function tryDecode(data) { + try { + data = utf8.decode(data); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + return data; + } + + /** + * Decodes a packet encoded in a base64 string + * + * @param {String} base64 encoded message + * @return {Object} with `type` and `data` (if any) + */ + + exports.decodeBase64Packet = function(msg, binaryType) { + var type = packetslist[msg.charAt(0)]; + if (!base64encoder) { + return { type: type, data: { base64: true, data: msg.substr(1) } }; + } + + var data = base64encoder.decode(msg.substr(1)); + + if (binaryType === 'blob' && Blob) { + data = new Blob([data]); + } + + return { type: type, data: data }; + }; + + /** + * Encodes multiple messages (payload). + * + * :data + * + * Example: + * + * 11:hello world2:hi + * + * If any contents are binary, they will be encoded as base64 strings. Base64 + * encoded strings are marked with a b before the length specifier + * + * @param {Array} packets + * @api private + */ + + exports.encodePayload = function (packets, supportsBinary, callback) { + if (typeof supportsBinary == 'function') { + callback = supportsBinary; + supportsBinary = null; + } + + var isBinary = hasBinary(packets); + + if (supportsBinary && isBinary) { + if (Blob && !dontSendBlobs) { + return exports.encodePayloadAsBlob(packets, callback); + } + + return exports.encodePayloadAsArrayBuffer(packets, callback); + } + + if (!packets.length) { + return callback('0:'); + } + + function setLengthHeader(message) { + return message.length + ':' + message; + } + + function encodeOne(packet, doneCallback) { + exports.encodePacket(packet, !isBinary ? false : supportsBinary, true, function(message) { + doneCallback(null, setLengthHeader(message)); + }); + } + + map(packets, encodeOne, function(err, results) { + return callback(results.join('')); + }); + }; + + /** + * Async array map using after + */ + + function map(ary, each, done) { + var result = new Array(ary.length); + var next = after(ary.length, done); + + var eachWithIndex = function(i, el, cb) { + each(el, function(error, msg) { + result[i] = msg; + cb(error, result); + }); + }; + + for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) { + eachWithIndex(i, ary[i], next); + } + } + + /* + * Decodes data when a payload is maybe expected. Possible binary contents are + * decoded from their base64 representation + * + * @param {String} data, callback method + * @api public + */ + + exports.decodePayload = function (data, binaryType, callback) { + if (typeof data != 'string') { + return exports.decodePayloadAsBinary(data, binaryType, callback); + } + + if (typeof binaryType === 'function') { + callback = binaryType; + binaryType = null; + } + + var packet; + if (data == '') { + // parser error - ignoring payload + return callback(err, 0, 1); + } + + var length = '' + , n, msg; + + for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) { + var chr = data.charAt(i); + + if (':' != chr) { + length += chr; + } else { + if ('' == length || (length != (n = Number(length)))) { + // parser error - ignoring payload + return callback(err, 0, 1); + } + + msg = data.substr(i + 1, n); + + if (length != msg.length) { + // parser error - ignoring payload + return callback(err, 0, 1); + } + + if (msg.length) { + packet = exports.decodePacket(msg, binaryType, true); + + if (err.type == packet.type && err.data == packet.data) { + // parser error in individual packet - ignoring payload + return callback(err, 0, 1); + } + + var ret = callback(packet, i + n, l); + if (false === ret) return; + } + + // advance cursor + i += n; + length = ''; + } + } + + if (length != '') { + // parser error - ignoring payload + return callback(err, 0, 1); + } + + }; + + /** + * Encodes multiple messages (payload) as binary. + * + * <1 = binary, 0 = string>[...] + * + * Example: + * 1 3 255 1 2 3, if the binary contents are interpreted as 8 bit integers + * + * @param {Array} packets + * @return {ArrayBuffer} encoded payload + * @api private + */ + + exports.encodePayloadAsArrayBuffer = function(packets, callback) { + if (!packets.length) { + return callback(new ArrayBuffer(0)); + } + + function encodeOne(packet, doneCallback) { + exports.encodePacket(packet, true, true, function(data) { + return doneCallback(null, data); + }); + } + + map(packets, encodeOne, function(err, encodedPackets) { + var totalLength = encodedPackets.reduce(function(acc, p) { + var len; + if (typeof p === 'string'){ + len = p.length; + } else { + len = p.byteLength; + } + return acc + len.toString().length + len + 2; // string/binary identifier + separator = 2 + }, 0); + + var resultArray = new Uint8Array(totalLength); + + var bufferIndex = 0; + encodedPackets.forEach(function(p) { + var isString = typeof p === 'string'; + var ab = p; + if (isString) { + var view = new Uint8Array(p.length); + for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { + view[i] = p.charCodeAt(i); + } + ab = view.buffer; + } + + if (isString) { // not true binary + resultArray[bufferIndex++] = 0; + } else { // true binary + resultArray[bufferIndex++] = 1; + } + + var lenStr = ab.byteLength.toString(); + for (var i = 0; i < lenStr.length; i++) { + resultArray[bufferIndex++] = parseInt(lenStr[i]); + } + resultArray[bufferIndex++] = 255; + + var view = new Uint8Array(ab); + for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) { + resultArray[bufferIndex++] = view[i]; + } + }); + + return callback(resultArray.buffer); + }); + }; + + /** + * Encode as Blob + */ + + exports.encodePayloadAsBlob = function(packets, callback) { + function encodeOne(packet, doneCallback) { + exports.encodePacket(packet, true, true, function(encoded) { + var binaryIdentifier = new Uint8Array(1); + binaryIdentifier[0] = 1; + if (typeof encoded === 'string') { + var view = new Uint8Array(encoded.length); + for (var i = 0; i < encoded.length; i++) { + view[i] = encoded.charCodeAt(i); + } + encoded = view.buffer; + binaryIdentifier[0] = 0; + } + + var len = (encoded instanceof ArrayBuffer) + ? encoded.byteLength + : encoded.size; + + var lenStr = len.toString(); + var lengthAry = new Uint8Array(lenStr.length + 1); + for (var i = 0; i < lenStr.length; i++) { + lengthAry[i] = parseInt(lenStr[i]); + } + lengthAry[lenStr.length] = 255; + + if (Blob) { + var blob = new Blob([binaryIdentifier.buffer, lengthAry.buffer, encoded]); + doneCallback(null, blob); + } + }); + } + + map(packets, encodeOne, function(err, results) { + return callback(new Blob(results)); + }); + }; + + /* + * Decodes data when a payload is maybe expected. Strings are decoded by + * interpreting each byte as a key code for entries marked to start with 0. See + * description of encodePayloadAsBinary + * + * @param {ArrayBuffer} data, callback method + * @api public + */ + + exports.decodePayloadAsBinary = function (data, binaryType, callback) { + if (typeof binaryType === 'function') { + callback = binaryType; + binaryType = null; + } + + var bufferTail = data; + var buffers = []; + + var numberTooLong = false; + while (bufferTail.byteLength > 0) { + var tailArray = new Uint8Array(bufferTail); + var isString = tailArray[0] === 0; + var msgLength = ''; + + for (var i = 1; ; i++) { + if (tailArray[i] == 255) break; + + if (msgLength.length > 310) { + numberTooLong = true; + break; + } + + msgLength += tailArray[i]; + } + + if(numberTooLong) return callback(err, 0, 1); + + bufferTail = sliceBuffer(bufferTail, 2 + msgLength.length); + msgLength = parseInt(msgLength); + + var msg = sliceBuffer(bufferTail, 0, msgLength); + if (isString) { + try { + msg = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(msg)); + } catch (e) { + // iPhone Safari doesn't let you apply to typed arrays + var typed = new Uint8Array(msg); + msg = ''; + for (var i = 0; i < typed.length; i++) { + msg += String.fromCharCode(typed[i]); + } + } + } + + buffers.push(msg); + bufferTail = sliceBuffer(bufferTail, msgLength); + } + + var total = buffers.length; + buffers.forEach(function(buffer, i) { + callback(exports.decodePacket(buffer, binaryType, true), i, total); + }); + }; + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 33 */ +/*!******************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/engine.io-parser/lib/keys.js ***! + \******************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + + /** + * Gets the keys for an object. + * + * @return {Array} keys + * @api private + */ + + module.exports = Object.keys || function keys (obj){ + var arr = []; + var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + + for (var i in obj) { + if (has.call(obj, i)) { + arr.push(i); + } + } + return arr; + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 34 */ +/*!****************************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/engine.io-parser/~/has-binary/index.js ***! + \****************************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) { + /* + * Module requirements. + */ + + var isArray = __webpack_require__(/*! isarray */ 35); + + /** + * Module exports. + */ + + module.exports = hasBinary; + + /** + * Checks for binary data. + * + * Right now only Buffer and ArrayBuffer are supported.. + * + * @param {Object} anything + * @api public + */ + + function hasBinary(data) { + + function _hasBinary(obj) { + if (!obj) return false; + + if ( (global.Buffer && global.Buffer.isBuffer(obj)) || + (global.ArrayBuffer && obj instanceof ArrayBuffer) || + (global.Blob && obj instanceof Blob) || + (global.File && obj instanceof File) + ) { + return true; + } + + if (isArray(obj)) { + for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { + if (_hasBinary(obj[i])) { + return true; + } + } + } else if (obj && 'object' == typeof obj) { + if (obj.toJSON) { + obj = obj.toJSON(); + } + + for (var key in obj) { + if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key) && _hasBinary(obj[key])) { + return true; + } + } + } + + return false; + } + + return _hasBinary(data); + } + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 35 */ +/*!**************************************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/engine.io-parser/~/has-binary/~/isarray/index.js ***! + \**************************************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) == '[object Array]'; + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 36 */ +/*!***********************************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/engine.io-parser/~/arraybuffer.slice/index.js ***! + \***********************************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + /** + * An abstraction for slicing an arraybuffer even when + * ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice is not supported + * + * @api public + */ + + module.exports = function(arraybuffer, start, end) { + var bytes = arraybuffer.byteLength; + start = start || 0; + end = end || bytes; + + if (arraybuffer.slice) { return arraybuffer.slice(start, end); } + + if (start < 0) { start += bytes; } + if (end < 0) { end += bytes; } + if (end > bytes) { end = bytes; } + + if (start >= bytes || start >= end || bytes === 0) { + return new ArrayBuffer(0); + } + + var abv = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer); + var result = new Uint8Array(end - start); + for (var i = start, ii = 0; i < end; i++, ii++) { + result[ii] = abv[i]; + } + return result.buffer; + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 37 */ +/*!***********************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/engine.io-parser/~/after/index.js ***! + \***********************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + module.exports = after + + function after(count, callback, err_cb) { + var bail = false + err_cb = err_cb || noop + proxy.count = count + + return (count === 0) ? callback() : proxy + + function proxy(err, result) { + if (proxy.count <= 0) { + throw new Error('after called too many times') + } + --proxy.count + + // after first error, rest are passed to err_cb + if (err) { + bail = true + callback(err) + // future error callbacks will go to error handler + callback = err_cb + } else if (proxy.count === 0 && !bail) { + callback(null, result) + } + } + } + + function noop() {} + + +/***/ }, +/* 38 */ +/*!***********************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/engine.io-parser/~/wtf-8/wtf-8.js ***! + \***********************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module, global) {/*! https://mths.be/wtf8 v1.0.0 by @mathias */ + ;(function(root) { + + // Detect free variables `exports` + var freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports; + + // Detect free variable `module` + var freeModule = typeof module == 'object' && module && + module.exports == freeExports && module; + + // Detect free variable `global`, from Node.js or Browserified code, + // and use it as `root` + var freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global; + if (freeGlobal.global === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal) { + root = freeGlobal; + } + + /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; + + // Taken from https://mths.be/punycode + function ucs2decode(string) { + var output = []; + var counter = 0; + var length = string.length; + var value; + var extra; + while (counter < length) { + value = string.charCodeAt(counter++); + if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) { + // high surrogate, and there is a next character + extra = string.charCodeAt(counter++); + if ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // low surrogate + output.push(((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000); + } else { + // unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the next + // code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair + output.push(value); + counter--; + } + } else { + output.push(value); + } + } + return output; + } + + // Taken from https://mths.be/punycode + function ucs2encode(array) { + var length = array.length; + var index = -1; + var value; + var output = ''; + while (++index < length) { + value = array[index]; + if (value > 0xFFFF) { + value -= 0x10000; + output += stringFromCharCode(value >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800); + value = 0xDC00 | value & 0x3FF; + } + output += stringFromCharCode(value); + } + return output; + } + + /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + function createByte(codePoint, shift) { + return stringFromCharCode(((codePoint >> shift) & 0x3F) | 0x80); + } + + function encodeCodePoint(codePoint) { + if ((codePoint & 0xFFFFFF80) == 0) { // 1-byte sequence + return stringFromCharCode(codePoint); + } + var symbol = ''; + if ((codePoint & 0xFFFFF800) == 0) { // 2-byte sequence + symbol = stringFromCharCode(((codePoint >> 6) & 0x1F) | 0xC0); + } + else if ((codePoint & 0xFFFF0000) == 0) { // 3-byte sequence + symbol = stringFromCharCode(((codePoint >> 12) & 0x0F) | 0xE0); + symbol += createByte(codePoint, 6); + } + else if ((codePoint & 0xFFE00000) == 0) { // 4-byte sequence + symbol = stringFromCharCode(((codePoint >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xF0); + symbol += createByte(codePoint, 12); + symbol += createByte(codePoint, 6); + } + symbol += stringFromCharCode((codePoint & 0x3F) | 0x80); + return symbol; + } + + function wtf8encode(string) { + var codePoints = ucs2decode(string); + var length = codePoints.length; + var index = -1; + var codePoint; + var byteString = ''; + while (++index < length) { + codePoint = codePoints[index]; + byteString += encodeCodePoint(codePoint); + } + return byteString; + } + + /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + function readContinuationByte() { + if (byteIndex >= byteCount) { + throw Error('Invalid byte index'); + } + + var continuationByte = byteArray[byteIndex] & 0xFF; + byteIndex++; + + if ((continuationByte & 0xC0) == 0x80) { + return continuationByte & 0x3F; + } + + // If we end up here, it’s not a continuation byte. + throw Error('Invalid continuation byte'); + } + + function decodeSymbol() { + var byte1; + var byte2; + var byte3; + var byte4; + var codePoint; + + if (byteIndex > byteCount) { + throw Error('Invalid byte index'); + } + + if (byteIndex == byteCount) { + return false; + } + + // Read the first byte. + byte1 = byteArray[byteIndex] & 0xFF; + byteIndex++; + + // 1-byte sequence (no continuation bytes) + if ((byte1 & 0x80) == 0) { + return byte1; + } + + // 2-byte sequence + if ((byte1 & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { + var byte2 = readContinuationByte(); + codePoint = ((byte1 & 0x1F) << 6) | byte2; + if (codePoint >= 0x80) { + return codePoint; + } else { + throw Error('Invalid continuation byte'); + } + } + + // 3-byte sequence (may include unpaired surrogates) + if ((byte1 & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { + byte2 = readContinuationByte(); + byte3 = readContinuationByte(); + codePoint = ((byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) | (byte2 << 6) | byte3; + if (codePoint >= 0x0800) { + return codePoint; + } else { + throw Error('Invalid continuation byte'); + } + } + + // 4-byte sequence + if ((byte1 & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { + byte2 = readContinuationByte(); + byte3 = readContinuationByte(); + byte4 = readContinuationByte(); + codePoint = ((byte1 & 0x0F) << 0x12) | (byte2 << 0x0C) | + (byte3 << 0x06) | byte4; + if (codePoint >= 0x010000 && codePoint <= 0x10FFFF) { + return codePoint; + } + } + + throw Error('Invalid WTF-8 detected'); + } + + var byteArray; + var byteCount; + var byteIndex; + function wtf8decode(byteString) { + byteArray = ucs2decode(byteString); + byteCount = byteArray.length; + byteIndex = 0; + var codePoints = []; + var tmp; + while ((tmp = decodeSymbol()) !== false) { + codePoints.push(tmp); + } + return ucs2encode(codePoints); + } + + /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + + var wtf8 = { + 'version': '1.0.0', + 'encode': wtf8encode, + 'decode': wtf8decode + }; + + // Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for specific condition patterns + // like the following: + if ( + true + ) { + !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = function() { + return wtf8; + }.call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)); + } else if (freeExports && !freeExports.nodeType) { + if (freeModule) { // in Node.js or RingoJS v0.8.0+ + freeModule.exports = wtf8; + } else { // in Narwhal or RingoJS v0.7.0- + var object = {}; + var hasOwnProperty = object.hasOwnProperty; + for (var key in wtf8) { + hasOwnProperty.call(wtf8, key) && (freeExports[key] = wtf8[key]); + } + } + } else { // in Rhino or a web browser + root.wtf8 = wtf8; + } + + }(this)); + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../../../../../../webpack/buildin/module.js */ 16)(module), (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 39 */ +/*!*****************************************************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/engine.io-parser/~/base64-arraybuffer/lib/base64-arraybuffer.js ***! + \*****************************************************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + /* + * base64-arraybuffer + * https://github.com/niklasvh/base64-arraybuffer + * + * Copyright (c) 2012 Niklas von Hertzen + * Licensed under the MIT license. + */ + (function(){ + "use strict"; + + var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; + + // Use a lookup table to find the index. + var lookup = new Uint8Array(256); + for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { + lookup[chars.charCodeAt(i)] = i; + } + + exports.encode = function(arraybuffer) { + var bytes = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer), + i, len = bytes.length, base64 = ""; + + for (i = 0; i < len; i+=3) { + base64 += chars[bytes[i] >> 2]; + base64 += chars[((bytes[i] & 3) << 4) | (bytes[i + 1] >> 4)]; + base64 += chars[((bytes[i + 1] & 15) << 2) | (bytes[i + 2] >> 6)]; + base64 += chars[bytes[i + 2] & 63]; + } + + if ((len % 3) === 2) { + base64 = base64.substring(0, base64.length - 1) + "="; + } else if (len % 3 === 1) { + base64 = base64.substring(0, base64.length - 2) + "=="; + } + + return base64; + }; + + exports.decode = function(base64) { + var bufferLength = base64.length * 0.75, + len = base64.length, i, p = 0, + encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4; + + if (base64[base64.length - 1] === "=") { + bufferLength--; + if (base64[base64.length - 2] === "=") { + bufferLength--; + } + } + + var arraybuffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength), + bytes = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer); + + for (i = 0; i < len; i+=4) { + encoded1 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i)]; + encoded2 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i+1)]; + encoded3 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i+2)]; + encoded4 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i+3)]; + + bytes[p++] = (encoded1 << 2) | (encoded2 >> 4); + bytes[p++] = ((encoded2 & 15) << 4) | (encoded3 >> 2); + bytes[p++] = ((encoded3 & 3) << 6) | (encoded4 & 63); + } + + return arraybuffer; + }; + })(); + + +/***/ }, +/* 40 */ +/*!**********************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/engine.io-parser/~/blob/index.js ***! + \**********************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/** + * Create a blob builder even when vendor prefixes exist + */ + + var BlobBuilder = global.BlobBuilder + || global.WebKitBlobBuilder + || global.MSBlobBuilder + || global.MozBlobBuilder; + + /** + * Check if Blob constructor is supported + */ + + var blobSupported = (function() { + try { + var a = new Blob(['hi']); + return a.size === 2; + } catch(e) { + return false; + } + })(); + + /** + * Check if Blob constructor supports ArrayBufferViews + * Fails in Safari 6, so we need to map to ArrayBuffers there. + */ + + var blobSupportsArrayBufferView = blobSupported && (function() { + try { + var b = new Blob([new Uint8Array([1,2])]); + return b.size === 2; + } catch(e) { + return false; + } + })(); + + /** + * Check if BlobBuilder is supported + */ + + var blobBuilderSupported = BlobBuilder + && BlobBuilder.prototype.append + && BlobBuilder.prototype.getBlob; + + /** + * Helper function that maps ArrayBufferViews to ArrayBuffers + * Used by BlobBuilder constructor and old browsers that didn't + * support it in the Blob constructor. + */ + + function mapArrayBufferViews(ary) { + for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) { + var chunk = ary[i]; + if (chunk.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) { + var buf = chunk.buffer; + + // if this is a subarray, make a copy so we only + // include the subarray region from the underlying buffer + if (chunk.byteLength !== buf.byteLength) { + var copy = new Uint8Array(chunk.byteLength); + copy.set(new Uint8Array(buf, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength)); + buf = copy.buffer; + } + + ary[i] = buf; + } + } + } + + function BlobBuilderConstructor(ary, options) { + options = options || {}; + + var bb = new BlobBuilder(); + mapArrayBufferViews(ary); + + for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) { + bb.append(ary[i]); + } + + return (options.type) ? bb.getBlob(options.type) : bb.getBlob(); + }; + + function BlobConstructor(ary, options) { + mapArrayBufferViews(ary); + return new Blob(ary, options || {}); + }; + + module.exports = (function() { + if (blobSupported) { + return blobSupportsArrayBufferView ? global.Blob : BlobConstructor; + } else if (blobBuilderSupported) { + return BlobBuilderConstructor; + } else { + return undefined; + } + })(); + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) + +/***/ }, +/* 41 */ +/*!*********************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/component-emitter/index.js ***! + \*********************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + + /** + * Expose `Emitter`. + */ + + if (true) { + module.exports = Emitter; + } + + /** + * Initialize a new `Emitter`. + * + * @api public + */ + + function Emitter(obj) { + if (obj) return mixin(obj); + }; + + /** + * Mixin the emitter properties. + * + * @param {Object} obj + * @return {Object} + * @api private + */ + + function mixin(obj) { + for (var key in Emitter.prototype) { + obj[key] = Emitter.prototype[key]; + } + return obj; + } + + /** + * Listen on the given `event` with `fn`. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Function} fn + * @return {Emitter} + * @api public + */ + + Emitter.prototype.on = + Emitter.prototype.addEventListener = function(event, fn){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + (this._callbacks['$' + event] = this._callbacks['$' + event] || []) + .push(fn); + return this; + }; + + /** + * Adds an `event` listener that will be invoked a single + * time then automatically removed. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Function} fn + * @return {Emitter} + * @api public + */ + + Emitter.prototype.once = function(event, fn){ + function on() { + this.off(event, on); + fn.apply(this, arguments); + } + + on.fn = fn; + this.on(event, on); + return this; + }; + + /** + * Remove the given callback for `event` or all + * registered callbacks. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Function} fn + * @return {Emitter} + * @api public + */ + + Emitter.prototype.off = + Emitter.prototype.removeListener = + Emitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = + Emitter.prototype.removeEventListener = function(event, fn){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + + // all + if (0 == arguments.length) { + this._callbacks = {}; + return this; + } + + // specific event + var callbacks = this._callbacks['$' + event]; + if (!callbacks) return this; + + // remove all handlers + if (1 == arguments.length) { + delete this._callbacks['$' + event]; + return this; + } + + // remove specific handler + var cb; + for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { + cb = callbacks[i]; + if (cb === fn || cb.fn === fn) { + callbacks.splice(i, 1); + break; + } + } + return this; + }; + + /** + * Emit `event` with the given args. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Mixed} ... + * @return {Emitter} + */ + + Emitter.prototype.emit = function(event){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1) + , callbacks = this._callbacks['$' + event]; + + if (callbacks) { + callbacks = callbacks.slice(0); + for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; ++i) { + callbacks[i].apply(this, args); + } + } + + return this; + }; + + /** + * Return array of callbacks for `event`. + * + * @param {String} event + * @return {Array} + * @api public + */ + + Emitter.prototype.listeners = function(event){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + return this._callbacks['$' + event] || []; + }; + + /** + * Check if this emitter has `event` handlers. + * + * @param {String} event + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ + + Emitter.prototype.hasListeners = function(event){ + return !! this.listeners(event).length; + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 42 */ +/*!******************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/parseqs/index.js ***! + \******************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + /** + * Compiles a querystring + * Returns string representation of the object + * + * @param {Object} + * @api private + */ + + exports.encode = function (obj) { + var str = ''; + + for (var i in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + if (str.length) str += '&'; + str += encodeURIComponent(i) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[i]); + } + } + + return str; + }; + + /** + * Parses a simple querystring into an object + * + * @param {String} qs + * @api private + */ + + exports.decode = function(qs){ + var qry = {}; + var pairs = qs.split('&'); + for (var i = 0, l = pairs.length; i < l; i++) { + var pair = pairs[i].split('='); + qry[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); + } + return qry; + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 43 */ +/*!****************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/component-inherit/index.js ***! + \****************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + + module.exports = function(a, b){ + var fn = function(){}; + fn.prototype = b.prototype; + a.prototype = new fn; + a.prototype.constructor = a; + }; + +/***/ }, +/* 44 */ +/*!****************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/~/yeast/index.js ***! + \****************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + 'use strict'; + + var alphabet = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_'.split('') + , length = 64 + , map = {} + , seed = 0 + , i = 0 + , prev; + + /** + * Return a string representing the specified number. + * + * @param {Number} num The number to convert. + * @returns {String} The string representation of the number. + * @api public + */ + function encode(num) { + var encoded = ''; + + do { + encoded = alphabet[num % length] + encoded; + num = Math.floor(num / length); + } while (num > 0); + + return encoded; + } + + /** + * Return the integer value specified by the given string. + * + * @param {String} str The string to convert. + * @returns {Number} The integer value represented by the string. + * @api public + */ + function decode(str) { + var decoded = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { + decoded = decoded * length + map[str.charAt(i)]; + } + + return decoded; + } + + /** + * Yeast: A tiny growing id generator. + * + * @returns {String} A unique id. + * @api public + */ + function yeast() { + var now = encode(+new Date()); + + if (now !== prev) return seed = 0, prev = now; + return now +'.'+ encode(seed++); + } + + // + // Map each character to its index. + // + for (; i < length; i++) map[alphabet[i]] = i; + + // + // Expose the `yeast`, `encode` and `decode` functions. + // + yeast.encode = encode; + yeast.decode = decode; + module.exports = yeast; + + +/***/ }, +/* 45 */ +/*!*******************************************************************************!*\ + !*** ./~/socket.io-client/~/engine.io-client/lib/transports/polling-jsonp.js ***! + \*******************************************************************************/ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) { + /** + * Module requirements. + */ + + var Polling = __webpack_require__(/*! ./polling */ 30); + var inherit = __webpack_require__(/*! component-inherit */ 43); + + /** + * Module exports. + */ + + module.exports = JSONPPolling; + + /** + * Cached regular expressions. + */ + + var rNewline = /\n/g; + var rEscapedNewline = /\\n/g; + + /** + * Global JSONP callbacks. + */ + + var callbacks; + + /** + * Noop. + */ + + function empty () { } + + /** + * JSONP Polling constructor. + * + * @param {Object} opts. + * @api public + */ + + function JSONPPolling (opts) { + Polling.call(this, opts); + + this.query = this.query || {}; + + // define global callbacks array if not present + // we do this here (lazily) to avoid unneeded global pollution + if (!callbacks) { + // we need to consider multiple engines in the same page + if (!global.___eio) global.___eio = []; + callbacks = global.___eio; + } + + // callback identifier + this.index = callbacks.length; + + // add callback to jsonp global + var self = this; + callbacks.push(function (msg) { + self.onData(msg); + }); + + // append to query string + this.query.j = this.index; + + // prevent spurious errors from being emitted when the window is unloaded + if (global.document && global.addEventListener) { + global.addEventListener('beforeunload', function () { + if (self.script) self.script.onerror = empty; + }, false); + } + } + + /** + * Inherits from Polling. + */ + + inherit(JSONPPolling, Polling); + + /* + * JSONP only supports binary as base64 encoded strings + */ + + JSONPPolling.prototype.supportsBinary = false; + + /** + * Closes the socket. + * + * @api private + */ + + JSONPPolling.prototype.doClose = function () { + if (this.script) { + this.script.parentNode.removeChild(this.script); + this.script = null; + } + + if (this.form) { + this.form.parentNode.removeChild(this.form); + this.form = null; + this.iframe = null; + } + + Polling.prototype.doClose.call(this); + }; + + /** + * Starts a poll cycle. + * + * @api private + */ + + JSONPPolling.prototype.doPoll = function () { + var self = this; + var script = document.createElement('script'); + + if (this.script) { + this.script.parentNode.removeChild(this.script); + this.script = null; + } + + script.async = true; + script.src = this.uri(); + script.onerror = function (e) { + self.onError('jsonp poll error', e); + }; + + var insertAt = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; + if (insertAt) { + insertAt.parentNode.insertBefore(script, insertAt); + } else { + (document.head || document.body).appendChild(script); + } + this.script = script; + + var isUAgecko = 'undefined' !== typeof navigator && /gecko/i.test(navigator.userAgent); + + if (isUAgecko) { + setTimeout(function () { + var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); + document.body.appendChild(iframe); + document.body.removeChild(iframe); + }, 100); + } + }; + + /** + * Writes with a hidden iframe. + * + * @param {String} data to send + * @param {Function} called upon flush. + * @api private + */ + + JSONPPolling.prototype.doWrite = function (data, fn) { + var self = this; + + if (!this.form) { + var form = document.createElement('form'); + var area = document.createElement('textarea'); + var id = this.iframeId = 'eio_iframe_' + this.index; + var iframe; + + form.className = 'socketio'; + form.style.position = 'absolute'; + form.style.top = '-1000px'; + form.style.left = '-1000px'; + form.target = id; + form.method = 'POST'; + form.setAttribute('accept-charset', 'utf-8'); + area.name = 'd'; + form.appendChild(area); + document.body.appendChild(form); + + this.form = form; + this.area = area; + } + + this.form.action = this.uri(); + + function complete () { + initIframe(); + fn(); + } + + function initIframe () { + if (self.iframe) { + try { + self.form.removeChild(self.iframe); + } catch (e) { + self.onError('jsonp polling iframe removal error', e); + } + } + + try { + // ie6 dynamic iframes with target="" support (thanks Chris Lambacher) + var html = '