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* Project 25 IMBE Encoder/Decoder Fixed-Point implementation
* Developed by Pavel Yazev E-mail:
* Version 1.0 (c) Copyright 2009
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* The software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
| |
| Constants and Globals |
| |
| $Id $
extern Flag Overflow;
extern Flag Carry;
#define MAX_32 (Word32)0x7fffffffL
#define MIN_32 (Word32)0x80000000L
#define MAX_16 (Word16)0x7fff
#define MIN_16 (Word16)0x8000
| |
| Prototypes for basic arithmetic operators |
Word16 add (Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Short add, 1 */
Word16 sub (Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Short sub, 1 */
Word16 abs_s (Word16 var1); /* Short abs, 1 */
Word16 shl (Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Short shift left, 1 */
Word16 shr (Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Short shift right, 1 */
Word16 mult (Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Short mult, 1 */
Word32 L_mult (Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Long mult, 1 */
Word16 negate (Word16 var1); /* Short negate, 1 */
Word16 extract_h (Word32 L_var1); /* Extract high, 1 */
Word16 extract_l (Word32 L_var1); /* Extract low, 1 */
Word16 round (Word32 L_var1); /* Round, 1 */
Word32 L_mac (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Mac, 1 */
Word32 L_msu (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Msu, 1 */
Word32 L_macNs (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Mac without
sat, 1 */
Word32 L_msuNs (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Msu without
sat, 1 */
Word32 L_add (Word32 L_var1, Word32 L_var2); /* Long add, 2 */
Word32 L_sub (Word32 L_var1, Word32 L_var2); /* Long sub, 2 */
Word32 L_add_c (Word32 L_var1, Word32 L_var2); /* Long add with c, 2 */
Word32 L_sub_c (Word32 L_var1, Word32 L_var2); /* Long sub with c, 2 */
Word32 L_negate (Word32 L_var1); /* Long negate, 2 */
Word16 mult_r (Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Mult with round, 2 */
Word32 L_shl (Word32 L_var1, Word16 var2); /* Long shift left, 2 */
Word32 L_shr (Word32 L_var1, Word16 var2); /* Long shift right, 2*/
Word16 shr_r (Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Shift right with
round, 2 */
Word16 mac_r (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Mac with
rounding,2 */
Word16 msu_r (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Msu with
rounding,2 */
Word32 L_deposit_h (Word16 var1); /* 16 bit var1 -> MSB, 2 */
Word32 L_deposit_l (Word16 var1); /* 16 bit var1 -> LSB, 2 */
Word32 L_shr_r (Word32 L_var1, Word16 var2); /* Long shift right with
round, 3 */
Word32 L_abs (Word32 L_var1); /* Long abs, 3 */
Word32 L_sat (Word32 L_var1); /* Long saturation, 4 */
Word16 norm_s (Word16 var1); /* Short norm, 15 */
Word16 div_s (Word16 var1, Word16 var2); /* Short division, 18 */
Word16 norm_l (Word32 L_var1); /* Long norm, 30 */