/* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Doug McLain This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "xrfcodec.h" #include "CRCenc.h" #define DEBUG const unsigned char MMDVM_DSTAR_HEADER = 0x10U; const unsigned char MMDVM_DSTAR_DATA = 0x11U; const unsigned char MMDVM_DSTAR_LOST = 0x12U; const unsigned char MMDVM_DSTAR_EOT = 0x13U; XRFCodec::XRFCodec(QString callsign, QString hostname, char module, QString host, int port, bool ipv6, QString vocoder, QString modem, QString audioin, QString audioout) : Codec(callsign, module, hostname, host, port, ipv6, vocoder, modem, audioin, audioout) { } XRFCodec::~XRFCodec() { } void XRFCodec::process_udp() { QByteArray buf; QHostAddress sender; quint16 senderPort; static bool sd_sync = 0; static int sd_seq = 0; static char user_data[21]; buf.resize(m_udp->pendingDatagramSize()); m_udp->readDatagram(buf.data(), buf.size(), &sender, &senderPort); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "RECV: "); for(int i = 0; i < buf.size(); ++i){ fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", (unsigned char)buf.data()[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fflush(stderr); #endif if(buf.size() == 9){ m_modeinfo.count++; if( (m_modeinfo.stream_state == STREAM_LOST) || (m_modeinfo.stream_state == STREAM_END) ){ m_modeinfo.stream_state = STREAM_IDLE; } } if( (m_modeinfo.status == CONNECTING) && (buf.size() == 14) && (!memcmp(buf.data()+10, "ACK", 3)) ){ m_modeinfo.status = CONNECTED_RW; m_modeinfo.vocoder_loaded = load_vocoder_plugin(); if(m_vocoder != ""){ m_hwrx = true; m_hwtx = true; m_ambedev = new SerialAMBE("XRF"); m_ambedev->connect_to_serial(m_vocoder); connect(m_ambedev, SIGNAL(data_ready()), this, SLOT(get_ambe())); } if(m_modemport != ""){ m_modem = new SerialModem("XRF"); m_modem->set_modem_flags(m_rxInvert, m_txInvert, m_pttInvert, m_useCOSAsLockout, m_duplex); m_modem->set_modem_params(m_rxfreq, m_txfreq, m_txDelay, m_rxLevel, m_rfLevel, m_ysfTXHang, m_cwIdTXLevel, m_dstarTXLevel, m_dmrTXLevel, m_ysfTXLevel, m_p25TXLevel, m_nxdnTXLevel, m_pocsagTXLevel); m_modem->connect_to_serial(m_modemport); connect(m_modem, SIGNAL(modem_data_ready(QByteArray)), this, SLOT(process_modem_data(QByteArray))); } m_rxtimer = new QTimer(); connect(m_rxtimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(process_rx_data())); m_txtimer = new QTimer(); connect(m_txtimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(transmit())); m_ping_timer = new QTimer(); connect(m_ping_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(send_ping())); m_ping_timer->start(3000); m_audio = new AudioEngine(m_audioin, m_audioout); m_audio->init(); } if((buf.size() == 56) && (!memcmp(buf.data(), "DSVT", 4)) ){ uint16_t streamid = (buf.data()[12] << 8) | (buf.data()[13] & 0xff); if( (m_modeinfo.streamid != 0) && (streamid != m_modeinfo.streamid) ){ qDebug() << "New header received before timeout"; m_modeinfo.streamid = 0; m_audio->stop_playback(); } if(!m_tx && (m_modeinfo.streamid == 0)){ char temp[9]; memcpy(temp, buf.data() + 18, 8); temp[8] = '\0'; m_modeinfo.gw2 = QString(temp); memcpy(temp, buf.data() + 26, 8); temp[8] = '\0'; m_modeinfo.gw = QString(temp); memcpy(temp, buf.data() + 34, 8); temp[8] = '\0'; m_modeinfo.dst = QString(temp); memcpy(temp, buf.data() + 42, 8); temp[8] = '\0'; m_modeinfo.src = QString(temp); QString h = m_hostname + " " + m_module; m_modeinfo.streamid = streamid; m_modeinfo.stream_state = STREAM_NEW; m_modeinfo.ts = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); if(!m_rxtimer->isActive()){ m_audio->start_playback(); m_rxtimer->start(m_rxtimerint); } if(m_modem){ uint8_t out[44]; out[0] = 0xe0; out[1] = 44; out[2] = MMDVM_DSTAR_HEADER; out[3] = 0x40; out[4] = 0; out[5] = 0; memcpy(out + 6, m_modeinfo.gw2.toLocal8Bit().data(), 8); memcpy(out + 14, m_modeinfo.gw.toLocal8Bit().data(), 8); memcpy(out + 22, m_modeinfo.dst.toLocal8Bit().data(), 8); memcpy(out + 30, m_modeinfo.src.toLocal8Bit().data(), 8); memcpy(out + 38, buf.data() + 50, 4); CCRC::addCCITT161((uint8_t *)out + 3, 41); for(int i = 0; i < 44; ++i){ m_rxmodemq.append(out[i]); } //m_modem->write(out); } qDebug() << "New stream from " << m_modeinfo.src << " to " << m_modeinfo.dst << " id == " << QString::number(m_modeinfo.streamid, 16); emit update(m_modeinfo); } m_rxwatchdog = 0; } if((buf.size() == 27) && (!memcmp(buf.data(), "DSVT", 4))) { m_rxwatchdog = 0; uint16_t streamid = (buf.data()[12] << 8) | (buf.data()[13] & 0xff); if( (streamid != m_modeinfo.streamid) ){ qDebug() << "New data packet received before timeout"; m_modeinfo.streamid = streamid; if(!m_rxtimer->isActive()){ m_audio->start_playback(); m_rxtimer->start(m_rxtimerint); } } if(!m_tx && ( (m_modeinfo.stream_state == STREAM_LOST) || (m_modeinfo.stream_state == STREAM_END) || (m_modeinfo.stream_state == STREAM_IDLE) )){ if(!m_rxtimer->isActive()){ m_audio->start_playback(); m_rxtimer->start(m_rxtimerint); } m_modeinfo.stream_state = STREAM_NEW; } else{ m_modeinfo.stream_state = STREAMING; } m_modeinfo.streamid = streamid; m_modeinfo.frame_number = buf.data()[14]; if(m_modeinfo.frame_number & 0x40){ qDebug() << "XRF RX stream ended "; m_rxwatchdog = 0; m_modeinfo.stream_state = STREAM_END; m_modeinfo.ts = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); emit update(m_modeinfo); m_modeinfo.streamid = 0; if(m_modem){ m_rxmodemq.append(0xe0); m_rxmodemq.append(3); m_rxmodemq.append(MMDVM_DSTAR_EOT); } } else if(m_modem){ m_rxmodemq.append(0xe0); m_rxmodemq.append(15); m_rxmodemq.append(MMDVM_DSTAR_DATA); for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i){ m_rxmodemq.append(buf.data()[15+i]); } } if((buf.data()[14] == 0) && (buf.data()[24] == 0x55) && (buf.data()[25] == 0x2d) && (buf.data()[26] == 0x16)){ sd_sync = 1; sd_seq = 1; } if(sd_sync && (sd_seq == 1) && (buf.data()[14] == 1) && (buf.data()[24] == 0x30)){ user_data[0] = buf.data()[25] ^ 0x4f; user_data[1] = buf.data()[26] ^ 0x93; ++sd_seq; } if(sd_sync && (sd_seq == 2) && (buf.data()[14] == 2)){ user_data[2] = buf.data()[24] ^ 0x70; user_data[3] = buf.data()[25] ^ 0x4f; user_data[4] = buf.data()[26] ^ 0x93; ++sd_seq; } if(sd_sync && (sd_seq == 3) && (buf.data()[14] == 3) && (buf.data()[24] == 0x31)){ user_data[5] = buf.data()[25] ^ 0x4f; user_data[6] = buf.data()[26] ^ 0x93; ++sd_seq; } if(sd_sync && (sd_seq == 4) && (buf.data()[14] == 4)){ user_data[7] = buf.data()[24] ^ 0x70; user_data[8] = buf.data()[25] ^ 0x4f; user_data[9] = buf.data()[26] ^ 0x93; ++sd_seq; } if(sd_sync && (sd_seq == 5) && (buf.data()[14] == 5) && (buf.data()[24] == 0x32)){ user_data[10] = buf.data()[25] ^ 0x4f; user_data[11] = buf.data()[26] ^ 0x93; ++sd_seq; } if(sd_sync && (sd_seq == 6) && (buf.data()[14] == 6)){ user_data[12] = buf.data()[24] ^ 0x70; user_data[13] = buf.data()[25] ^ 0x4f; user_data[14] = buf.data()[26] ^ 0x93; ++sd_seq; } if(sd_sync && (sd_seq == 7) && (buf.data()[14] == 7) && (buf.data()[24] == 0x33)){ user_data[15] = buf.data()[25] ^ 0x4f; user_data[16] = buf.data()[26] ^ 0x93; ++sd_seq; } if(sd_sync && (sd_seq == 8) && (buf.data()[14] == 8)){ user_data[17] = buf.data()[24] ^ 0x70; user_data[18] = buf.data()[25] ^ 0x4f; user_data[19] = buf.data()[26] ^ 0x93; user_data[20] = '\0'; sd_sync = 0; sd_seq = 0; m_modeinfo.usertxt = QString(user_data); } for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){ m_rxcodecq.append(buf.data()[15+i]); } } emit update(m_modeinfo); } void XRFCodec::hostname_lookup(QHostInfo i) { if (!i.addresses().isEmpty()) { QByteArray out; out.append(m_modeinfo.callsign.toUtf8()); out.append(8 - m_modeinfo.callsign.size(), ' '); out.append(m_module); out.append(m_module); out.append(11); m_address = i.addresses().first(); m_udp = new QUdpSocket(this); connect(m_udp, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(process_udp())); m_udp->writeDatagram(out, m_address, m_modeinfo.port); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "CONN: "); for(int i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i){ fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", (unsigned char)out.data()[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fflush(stderr); #endif } } void XRFCodec::send_ping() { QByteArray out; out.append(m_modeinfo.callsign.toUtf8()); out.append(8 - m_modeinfo.callsign.size(), ' '); out.append('\x00'); m_udp->writeDatagram(out, m_address, m_modeinfo.port); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "PING: "); for(int i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i){ fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", (unsigned char)out.data()[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fflush(stderr); #endif } void XRFCodec::send_disconnect() { QByteArray out; out.append(m_modeinfo.callsign.toUtf8()); out.append(8 - m_modeinfo.callsign.size(), ' '); out.append(m_module); out.append(' '); out.append('\x00'); m_udp->writeDatagram(out, m_address, m_modeinfo.port); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "SEND: "); for(int i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i){ fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", (unsigned char)out.data()[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fflush(stderr); #endif } void XRFCodec::format_callsign(QString &s) { QStringList l = s.simplified().split(' '); if(l.size() > 1){ s = l.at(0).simplified(); while(s.size() < 7){ s.append(' '); } s += l.at(1).simplified(); } else{ while(s.size() < 8){ s.append(' '); } } } void XRFCodec::process_modem_data(QByteArray d) { QByteArray txdata; char cs[9]; uint8_t ambe[9]; uint8_t *p_frame = (uint8_t *)(d.data()); if(p_frame[2] == MMDVM_DSTAR_HEADER){ format_callsign(m_txrptr1); format_callsign(m_txrptr2); cs[8] = 0; memcpy(cs, p_frame + 22, 8); m_txurcall = QString(cs); memcpy(cs, p_frame + 30, 8); m_txmycall = QString(cs); m_modeinfo.stream_state = TRANSMITTING_MODEM; m_tx = true; } else if( (p_frame[2] == MMDVM_DSTAR_EOT) || (p_frame[2] == MMDVM_DSTAR_LOST) ){ m_tx = false; } else if(p_frame[2] == MMDVM_DSTAR_DATA){ memcpy(ambe, p_frame + 3, 9); } send_frame(ambe); } void XRFCodec::toggle_tx(bool tx) { tx ? start_tx() : stop_tx(); } void XRFCodec::start_tx() { format_callsign(m_txmycall); format_callsign(m_txurcall); format_callsign(m_txrptr1); format_callsign(m_txrptr2); Codec::start_tx(); } void XRFCodec::transmit() { unsigned char ambe[9]; uint8_t ambe_frame[72]; int16_t pcm[160]; memset(ambe_frame, 0, 72); memset(ambe, 0, 9); #ifdef USE_FLITE if(m_ttsid > 0){ for(int i = 0; i < 160; ++i){ if(m_ttscnt >= tts_audio->num_samples/2){ pcm[i] = 0; } else{ pcm[i] = tts_audio->samples[m_ttscnt*2] / 2; m_ttscnt++; } } } #endif if(m_ttsid == 0){ if(m_audio->read(pcm, 160)){ } else{ return; } } if(m_hwtx){ m_ambedev->encode(pcm); if(m_tx && (m_txcodecq.size() >= 9)){ for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){ ambe[i] = m_txcodecq.dequeue(); } send_frame(ambe); } else if(!m_tx){ send_frame(ambe); } } else{ if(m_modeinfo.vocoder_loaded){ m_mbevocoder->encode_2400x1200(pcm, ambe); } send_frame(ambe); } } void XRFCodec::send_frame(uint8_t *ambe) { QByteArray txdata; static uint16_t txstreamid = 0; static bool sendheader = 1; if(txstreamid == 0){ txstreamid = static_cast((::rand() & 0xFFFF)); } if(sendheader){ sendheader = 0; txdata.resize(56); txdata[0] = 0x44; txdata[1] = 0x53; txdata[2] = 0x56; txdata[3] = 0x54; txdata[4] = 0x10; txdata[5] = 0x00; txdata[6] = 0x00; txdata[7] = 0x00; txdata[8] = 0x20; txdata[9] = 0x00; txdata[10] = 0x01; txdata[11] = 0x02; txdata[12] = txstreamid & 0xff; txdata[13] = (txstreamid >> 8) & 0xff; txdata[14] = 0x80; txdata[15] = 0x00; txdata[16] = 0x00; txdata[17] = 0x00; txdata.replace(18, 8, m_txrptr2.toLocal8Bit().data()); txdata.replace(26, 8, m_txrptr1.toLocal8Bit().data()); txdata.replace(34, 8, m_txurcall.toLocal8Bit().data()); txdata.replace(42, 8, m_txmycall.toLocal8Bit().data()); txdata.replace(50, 4, "AMBE"); CCRC::addCCITT161((uint8_t *)txdata.data() + 15, 41); m_modeinfo.src = m_txmycall; m_modeinfo.dst = m_txurcall; m_modeinfo.gw = m_txrptr1; m_modeinfo.gw2 = m_txrptr2; m_modeinfo.streamid = txstreamid; m_modeinfo.frame_number = m_txcnt; } else{ txdata.resize(27); txdata[0] = 0x44; txdata[1] = 0x53; txdata[2] = 0x56; txdata[3] = 0x54; txdata[4] = 0x20; txdata[5] = 0x00; txdata[6] = 0x00; txdata[7] = 0x00; txdata[8] = 0x20; txdata[9] = 0x00; txdata[10] = 0x01; txdata[11] = 0x02; txdata[12] = txstreamid & 0xff; txdata[13] = (txstreamid >> 8) & 0xff; txdata[14] = m_txcnt % 21; memcpy(txdata.data() + 15, ambe, 9); switch(txdata.data()[14]){ case 0: txdata[24] = 0x55; txdata[25] = 0x2d; txdata[26] = 0x16; break; case 1: txdata[24] = 0x40 ^ 0x70; txdata[25] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[0] ^ 0x4f; txdata[26] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[1] ^ 0x93; break; case 2: txdata[24] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[2] ^ 0x70; txdata[25] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[3] ^ 0x4f; txdata[26] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[4] ^ 0x93; break; case 3: txdata[24] = 0x41 ^ 0x70; txdata[25] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[5] ^ 0x4f; txdata[26] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[6] ^ 0x93; break; case 4: txdata[24] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[7] ^ 0x70; txdata[25] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[8] ^ 0x4f; txdata[26] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[9] ^ 0x93; break; case 5: txdata[24] = 0x42 ^ 0x70; txdata[25] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[10] ^ 0x4f; txdata[26] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[11] ^ 0x93; break; case 6: txdata[24] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[12] ^ 0x70; txdata[25] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[13] ^ 0x4f; txdata[26] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[14] ^ 0x93; break; case 7: txdata[24] = 0x43 ^ 0x70; txdata[25] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[15] ^ 0x4f; txdata[26] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[16] ^ 0x93; break; case 8: txdata[24] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[17] ^ 0x70; txdata[25] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[18] ^ 0x4f; txdata[26] = m_txusrtxt.toLocal8Bit().data()[19] ^ 0x93; break; default: txdata[24] = 0x16; txdata[25] = 0x29; txdata[26] = 0xf5; break; } } if(m_tx){ m_txcnt++; } else{ txdata[14] = (++m_txcnt % 21) | 0x40; m_txcnt = 0; txstreamid = 0; m_modeinfo.streamid = 0; sendheader = 1; m_txtimer->stop(); if((m_ttsid == 0) && (m_modeinfo.stream_state == TRANSMITTING) ){ m_audio->stop_capture(); } m_ttscnt = 0; m_modeinfo.stream_state = STREAM_IDLE; } m_udp->writeDatagram(txdata, m_address, m_modeinfo.port); emit update_output_level(m_audio->level()); update(m_modeinfo); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "SEND:%d: ", txdata.size()); for(int i = 0; i < txdata.size(); ++i){ fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", (unsigned char)txdata.data()[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fflush(stderr); #endif } void XRFCodec::get_ambe() { uint8_t ambe[9]; if(m_ambedev->get_ambe(ambe)){ for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){ m_txcodecq.append(ambe[i]); } } } void XRFCodec::process_rx_data() { int16_t pcm[160]; uint8_t ambe[9]; if(m_rxwatchdog++ > 100){ qDebug() << "XRF RX stream timeout "; m_rxwatchdog = 0; m_modeinfo.stream_state = STREAM_LOST; m_modeinfo.ts = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); emit update(m_modeinfo); m_modeinfo.streamid = 0; } if(m_rxmodemq.size() > 2){ QByteArray out; int s = m_rxmodemq[1]; if((m_rxmodemq[0] == 0xe0) && (m_rxmodemq.size() >= s)){ for(int i = 0; i < s; ++i){ out.append(m_rxmodemq.dequeue()); } m_modem->write(out); } } if((!m_tx) && (m_rxcodecq.size() > 8) ){ for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){ ambe[i] = m_rxcodecq.dequeue(); } if(m_hwrx){ m_ambedev->decode(ambe); if(m_ambedev->get_audio(pcm)){ m_audio->write(pcm, 160); emit update_output_level(m_audio->level()); } } else{ if(m_modeinfo.vocoder_loaded){ m_mbevocoder->decode_2400x1200(pcm, ambe); } else{ memset(pcm, 0, 160 * sizeof(int16_t)); } m_audio->write(pcm, 160); emit update_output_level(m_audio->level()); } } else if ( (m_modeinfo.stream_state == STREAM_END) || (m_modeinfo.stream_state == STREAM_LOST) ){ m_rxtimer->stop(); m_audio->stop_playback(); m_rxwatchdog = 0; m_modeinfo.streamid = 0; m_rxcodecq.clear(); qDebug() << "XRF playback stopped"; return; } }