/* * Project 25 IMBE Encoder/Decoder Fixed-Point implementation * Developed by Pavel Yazev E-mail: pyazev@gmail.com * Version 1.0 (c) Copyright 2009 * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * The software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "typedef.h" #include "globals.h" #include "imbe.h" #include "basic_op.h" #include "aux_sub.h" #include "math_sub.h" #include "dsp_sub.h" #include "tbls.h" #include "v_uv_det.h" #include #include #include #include "encode.h" #include "imbe_vocoder_impl.h" #define CNST_0_5625_Q1_15 0x4800 #define CNST_0_45_Q1_15 0x3999 #define CNST_0_1741_Q1_15 0x164A #define CNST_0_1393_Q1_15 0x11D5 #define CNST_0_99_Q1_15 0x7EB8 #define CNST_0_01_Q1_15 0x0148 #define CNST_0_0025_Q1_15 0x0051 #define CNST_0_25_Q1_15 0x2000 #define CNST_PI_4_Q1_15 0x6488 #define CNST_0_55_Q4_12 0x08CD extern FILE *fp_in, *fp_out; extern int frame_cnt; void imbe_vocoder_impl::pitch_ref_init(void) { v_zap(v_uv_dsn, NUM_BANDS_MAX); th_max = 0; } Word16 imbe_vocoder_impl::voiced_sa_calc(Word32 num, Word16 den) { Word16 tmp; Word32 L_tmp; L_tmp = L_mpy_ls(num, den); L_tmp = sqrt_l_exp(L_tmp, &tmp); L_tmp = L_shr(L_tmp, tmp - 3); //L_tmp =0; //return (Word16)(2*256.0*sqrt(2*(double)num/(double)den)); return extract_h(L_tmp); } Word16 imbe_vocoder_impl::unvoiced_sa_calc(Word32 num, Word16 den) { Word16 shift, tmp; Word32 L_tmp; shift = norm_s(den); tmp = div_s(0x4000, shl(den, shift)); L_tmp = L_shl(L_mpy_ls(num, tmp), shift + 2); L_tmp = sqrt_l_exp(L_tmp, &tmp); L_tmp = L_shr(L_tmp, tmp - 2 + 6); L_tmp = L_mpy_ls(L_tmp, 0x4A76); //L_tmp =0; //return (Word16)(2*0.1454 * sqrt(2*256*(double)num/(double)den)); return extract_h(L_tmp); } //============================================================================= // // Voiced/Unvoiced Determination & Spectral Amplitudes Estimation // //============================================================================= void imbe_vocoder_impl::v_uv_det(IMBE_PARAM *imbe_param, Cmplx16 *fft_buf) { Word16 i, j, index_a_save, tmp, index_wr; Word32 fund_freq, fund_freq_2, fund_freq_acc_a, fund_freq_acc_b, fund_freq_acc, fund_fr_acc, L_tmp, amp_re_acc, amp_im_acc; Word16 ha, hb, index_a, index_b, index_tbl[30], it_ind, re_tmp, im_tmp, re_tmp2, im_tmp2, sc_coef; Word32 Sw_sum, M_num[NUM_HARMS_MAX], M_num_sum, M_den_sum, D_num, D_den, th_lf, th_hf, th0, fund_fr_step, M_fcn_num, M_fcn_den; Word16 sp_rec_re, sp_rec_im, M_fcn; Word16 band_cnt, num_harms_cnt, uv_harms_cnt, Dk; Word16 num_harms, num_bands, dsn_thr=0; Word16 thr[NUM_BANDS_MAX], M_den[NUM_HARMS_MAX], b1_vec; fund_freq = imbe_param->fund_freq; tmp = shr( add( shr(imbe_param->ref_pitch, 1), CNST_0_25_Q8_8), 8); // fix(pitch_cand / 2 + 0.5) num_harms = extract_h((UWord32)CNST_0_9254_Q0_16 * tmp); // fix(0.9254 * fix(pitch_cand / 2 + 0.5)) if(num_harms < NUM_HARMS_MIN) num_harms = NUM_HARMS_MIN; else if(num_harms > NUM_HARMS_MAX) num_harms = NUM_HARMS_MAX; if(num_harms <= 36) num_bands = extract_h((UWord32)(num_harms + 2) * CNST_0_33_Q0_16); // fix((L+2)/3) else num_bands = NUM_BANDS_MAX; imbe_param->num_harms = num_harms; imbe_param->num_bands = num_bands; //========================================================================= // // M(th) function calculation // //========================================================================= for(j = 0, th_lf = 0; j < 64; j++) { th_lf = L_mac(th_lf, fft_buf[j].re, fft_buf[j].re); th_lf = L_mac(th_lf, fft_buf[j].im, fft_buf[j].im); } for(j = 64, th_hf = 0; j < 128; j++) { th_hf = L_mac(th_hf, fft_buf[j].re, fft_buf[j].re); th_hf = L_mac(th_hf, fft_buf[j].im, fft_buf[j].im); } th0 = L_add(th_lf, th_hf); if(th0 > th_max) th_max = L_shr(L_add(th_max, th0), 1); else th_max = L_add(L_mpy_ls(th_max, CNST_0_99_Q1_15), L_mpy_ls(th0, CNST_0_01_Q1_15)); M_fcn_num = L_add(th0, L_mpy_ls(th_max, CNST_0_0025_Q1_15)); M_fcn_den = L_add(th0, L_mpy_ls(th_max, CNST_0_01_Q1_15)); if(M_fcn_den == 0) M_fcn = CNST_0_25_Q1_15; else { tmp = norm_l(M_fcn_den); M_fcn_den = L_shl(M_fcn_den, tmp); M_fcn_num = L_shl(M_fcn_num, tmp); M_fcn = div_s(extract_h(M_fcn_num), extract_h(M_fcn_den)); if(th_lf < (L_tmp= L_add(L_shl(th_hf, 2), th_hf))) // compare th_lf < 5*th_hf { tmp = norm_l(L_tmp); M_fcn_den = L_shl(L_tmp, tmp); th_lf = L_shl(th_lf, tmp); tmp = div_s(extract_h(th_lf), extract_h(M_fcn_den)); L_tmp = sqrt_l_exp(L_deposit_h(tmp), &tmp); if(tmp) L_tmp = L_shr(L_tmp, tmp); M_fcn = mult(M_fcn, extract_h(L_tmp)); } } // ======================================================================== fund_fr_step = L_shl(L_mpy_ls(fund_freq, CNST_PI_4_Q1_15), 2); // mult by PI uv_harms_cnt = 0; b1_vec = 0; band_cnt = 0; num_harms_cnt = 0; Sw_sum = 0; D_num = D_den = 0; fund_fr_acc = 0; fund_freq_acc = fund_freq; fund_freq_2 = L_shr(fund_freq, 1); fund_freq_acc_a = L_sub(fund_freq, fund_freq_2); fund_freq_acc_b = L_add(fund_freq, fund_freq_2); for(j = 0; j < num_harms; j++) { ha = extract_h(fund_freq_acc_a); hb = extract_h(fund_freq_acc_b); index_a = (ha >> 8) + ((ha & 0xFF)?1:0); index_b = (hb >> 8) + ((hb & 0xFF)?1:0); L_tmp = L_shl(L_deposit_h(index_a), 8); L_tmp = L_sub(L_tmp, fund_freq_acc); L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, 0x00020000); // for rounding purpose L_tmp = L_shr(L_tmp, 2); index_a_save = index_a; it_ind = 0; // =========== v/uv determination threshold function == if(num_harms_cnt == 0) // calculate one time per band { if(imbe_param->e_p > CNST_0_55_Q4_12 && band_cnt >= 1) dsn_thr = 0; else if(v_uv_dsn[band_cnt] == 1) dsn_thr = mult(M_fcn, sub(CNST_0_5625_Q1_15, mult(CNST_0_1741_Q1_15, extract_h(fund_fr_acc)))); else dsn_thr = mult(M_fcn, sub(CNST_0_45_Q1_15, mult(CNST_0_1393_Q1_15, extract_h(fund_fr_acc)))); fund_fr_acc = L_add(fund_fr_acc, fund_fr_step); thr[band_cnt] = dsn_thr; } // ==================================================== M_den_sum = 0; amp_re_acc = amp_im_acc = 0; while(index_a < index_b) { index_wr = extract_h(L_tmp); if(index_wr < 0 && (L_tmp & 0xFFFF)) // truncating for negative number index_wr = add(index_wr, 1); index_wr = add(index_wr, 160); index_tbl[it_ind++] = index_wr; if(index_wr >= 0 && index_wr <= 320) { amp_re_acc = L_mac(amp_re_acc, fft_buf[index_a].re, wr_sp[index_wr]); amp_im_acc = L_mac(amp_im_acc, fft_buf[index_a].im, wr_sp[index_wr]); M_den_sum = L_add(M_den_sum, mult(wr_sp[index_wr], wr_sp[index_wr])); } index_a++; L_tmp = L_add(L_tmp, 0x400000); } sc_coef = div_s(0x4000, extract_l(L_shr(M_den_sum, 1))); im_tmp2 = mult(extract_h(amp_im_acc), sc_coef); re_tmp2 = mult(extract_h(amp_re_acc), sc_coef); M_num_sum = 0; it_ind = 0; index_a = index_a_save; while(index_a < index_b) { index_wr = index_tbl[it_ind++]; if(index_wr < 0 || index_wr > 320) sp_rec_re = sp_rec_im = 0; else { sp_rec_im = mult( im_tmp2, wr_sp[index_wr]); sp_rec_re = mult( re_tmp2, wr_sp[index_wr]); } re_tmp = sub(fft_buf[index_a].re, sp_rec_re); im_tmp = sub(fft_buf[index_a].im, sp_rec_im); D_num = L_mac(D_num, re_tmp, re_tmp); D_num = L_mac(D_num, im_tmp, im_tmp); M_num_sum = L_mac(M_num_sum, fft_buf[index_a].re, fft_buf[index_a].re); M_num_sum = L_mac(M_num_sum, fft_buf[index_a].im, fft_buf[index_a].im); index_a++; } M_den[j] = sc_coef; M_num[j] = M_num_sum; D_den = L_add(D_den, M_num_sum); if(++num_harms_cnt == 3 && band_cnt < num_bands - 1) { b1_vec <<= 1; if(D_den > D_num && D_den != 0) { tmp = norm_l(D_den); Dk = div_s(extract_h(L_shl(D_num, tmp)), extract_h(L_shl(D_den, tmp))); } else Dk = MAX_16; if(Dk < dsn_thr) { // voiced band v_uv_dsn[band_cnt] = 1; b1_vec |= 1; i = j - 2; while(i <= j) { imbe_param->sa[i] = voiced_sa_calc(M_num[i], M_den[i]); imbe_param->v_uv_dsn[i] = 1; i++; } } else { // unvoiced band v_uv_dsn[band_cnt] = 0; i = j - 2; while(i <= j) { imbe_param->sa[i] = unvoiced_sa_calc(M_num[i], index_b - index_a_save); imbe_param->v_uv_dsn[i] = 0; uv_harms_cnt++; i++; } } D_num = D_den = 0; num_harms_cnt = 0; band_cnt++; } fund_freq_acc_a = L_add(fund_freq_acc_a, fund_freq); fund_freq_acc_b = L_add(fund_freq_acc_b, fund_freq); fund_freq_acc = L_add(fund_freq_acc, fund_freq); } if(num_harms_cnt) { b1_vec <<= 1; if(D_den > D_num && D_den != 0) { tmp = norm_l(D_den); Dk= div_s(extract_h(L_shl(D_num, tmp)), extract_h(L_shl(D_den, tmp))); } else Dk = MAX_16; if(Dk < dsn_thr) { // voiced band v_uv_dsn[band_cnt] = 1; b1_vec |= 1; i = num_harms - num_harms_cnt; while(i < num_harms) { imbe_param->sa[i] = voiced_sa_calc(M_num[i], M_den[i]); imbe_param->v_uv_dsn[i] = 1; i++; } } else { // unvoiced band v_uv_dsn[band_cnt] = 0; i = num_harms - num_harms_cnt; while(i < num_harms) { imbe_param->sa[i] = unvoiced_sa_calc(M_num[i], index_b - index_a_save); imbe_param->v_uv_dsn[i] = 0; uv_harms_cnt++; i++; } } } imbe_param->l_uv = uv_harms_cnt; imbe_param->b_vec[1] = b1_vec; // Save encoded voiced/unvoiced decision imbe_param->b_vec[0] = shr( sub(imbe_param->ref_pitch, 0x1380), 7); // Pitch encode fix(2*pitch - 39) }