/* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Doug McLain This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "droidstar.h" #include "httpmanager.h" #include "SHA256.h" #include "crs129.h" #include "cbptc19696.h" #include "cgolay2087.h" #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID #include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_IOS #include "micpermission.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include DroidStar::DroidStar(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_dmrid(0), m_essid(0), m_dmr_destid(0), m_outlevel(0) { qRegisterMetaType("Codec::MODEINFO"); m_settings_processed = false; m_modelchange = false; connect_status = Codec::DISCONNECTED; m_settings = new QSettings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, "dudetronics", "droidstar", this); config_path = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation); qDebug() << "Config path == " << config_path; qDebug() << "Download path == " << QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation); #if !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && !defined(Q_OS_WIN) config_path += "/dudetronics"; #endif #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) keepScreenOn(); const QString permission("android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"); if(QtAndroid::checkPermission(permission) != QtAndroid::PermissionResult::Granted){ auto resultHash = QtAndroid::requestPermissionsSync(QStringList({permission})); if(resultHash[permission] == QtAndroid::PermissionResult::Denied){ qDebug() << "Storage read permissions denied"; } } #endif check_host_files(); discover_devices(); process_settings(); qDebug() << "CPU arch: " << QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture(); qDebug() << "Build ABI: " << QSysInfo::buildAbi(); qDebug() << "boot ID: " << QSysInfo::bootUniqueId(); qDebug() << "Pretty name: " << QSysInfo::prettyProductName(); qDebug() << "Type: " << QSysInfo::productType(); qDebug() << "Version: " << QSysInfo::productVersion(); qDebug() << "Kernel type: " << QSysInfo::kernelType(); qDebug() << "Kernel version: " << QSysInfo::kernelVersion(); qDebug() << "Software version: " << VERSION_NUMBER; } DroidStar::~DroidStar() { } #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID void DroidStar::keepScreenOn() { char const * const action = "addFlags"; QtAndroid::runOnAndroidThread([action](){ QAndroidJniObject activity = QtAndroid::androidActivity(); if (activity.isValid()) { QAndroidJniObject window = activity.callObjectMethod("getWindow", "()Landroid/view/Window;"); if (window.isValid()) { const int FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON = 128; window.callMethod("addFlags", "(I)V", FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } }}); } void DroidStar::reset_connect_status() { if(connect_status == Codec::CONNECTED_RW){ connect_status = Codec::CONNECTING; process_connect(); } } #endif void DroidStar::discover_devices() { m_playbacks.clear(); m_captures.clear(); m_vocoders.clear(); m_modems.clear(); m_playbacks.append("OS Default"); m_captures.append("OS Default"); m_vocoders.append("Software vocoder"); m_modems.append("None"); m_playbacks.append(AudioEngine::discover_audio_devices(AUDIO_OUT)); m_captures.append(AudioEngine::discover_audio_devices(AUDIO_IN)); QMap l = SerialAMBE::discover_devices(); QMap::const_iterator i = l.constBegin(); while (i != l.constEnd()) { m_vocoders.append(i.value()); m_modems.append(i.value()); ++i; } } void DroidStar::download_file(QString f, bool u) { qDebug() << "download_file() " << f << ":" << u; HttpManager *http = new HttpManager(f, u); QThread *httpThread = new QThread; http->moveToThread(httpThread); connect(httpThread, SIGNAL(started()), http, SLOT(process())); if(u){ connect(http, SIGNAL(file_downloaded(QString)), this, SLOT(url_downloaded(QString))); } else{ connect(http, SIGNAL(file_downloaded(QString)), this, SLOT(file_downloaded(QString))); } connect(httpThread, SIGNAL(finished()), http, SLOT(deleteLater())); httpThread->start(); } void DroidStar::url_downloaded(QString url) { qDebug() << "DudeStar::url_downloaded() " << url; emit update_log("Downloaded " + url); } void DroidStar::file_downloaded(QString filename) { qDebug() << "DudeStar::file_downloaded() " << filename; emit update_log("Updated " + filename); { if(filename == "dplus.txt" && m_protocol == "REF"){ process_ref_hosts(); } else if(filename == "dextra.txt" && m_protocol == "XRF"){ process_xrf_hosts(); } else if(filename == "dcs.txt" && m_protocol == "DCS"){ process_dcs_hosts(); } else if(filename == "YSFHosts.txt" && m_protocol == "YSF"){ process_ysf_hosts(); } else if(filename == "FCSHosts.txt" && m_protocol == "FCS"){ process_fcs_rooms(); } else if(filename == "P25Hosts.txt" && m_protocol == "P25"){ process_p25_hosts(); } else if(filename == "DMRHosts.txt" && m_protocol == "DMR"){ process_dmr_hosts(); } else if(filename == "NXDNHosts.txt" && m_protocol == "NXDN"){ process_nxdn_hosts(); } else if(filename == "M17Hosts-full.csv" && m_protocol == "M17"){ process_m17_hosts(); } else if(filename == "DMRIDs.dat"){ process_dmr_ids(); } else if(filename == "NXDN.csv"){ process_nxdn_ids(); } } } void DroidStar::dtmf_send_clicked(QString dtmf) { QByteArray tx(dtmf.simplified().toUtf8(), dtmf.simplified().size()); tx.prepend('*'); emit send_dtmf(tx); } void DroidStar::tts_changed(QString tts) { if(tts == "Mic"){ m_tts = 0; } else if(tts == "TTS1"){ m_tts = 1; } else if(tts == "TTS2"){ m_tts = 2; } else if(tts == "TTS3"){ m_tts = 3; } emit input_source_changed(m_tts, m_ttstxt); } void DroidStar::tts_text_changed(QString ttstxt) { m_ttstxt = ttstxt; emit input_source_changed(m_tts, m_ttstxt); } void DroidStar::process_connect() { if(connect_status != Codec::DISCONNECTED){ connect_status = Codec::DISCONNECTED; m_modethread->quit(); m_data1.clear(); m_data2.clear(); m_data3.clear(); m_data4.clear(); m_data5.clear(); m_data6.clear(); emit connect_status_changed(0); emit update_log("Disconnected"); } else{ #ifdef Q_OS_IOS MicPermission::check_permission(); #endif if( (m_callsign.size() < 4) || (m_dmrid < 250000) || (m_callsign != m_dmrids[m_dmrid])) { emit connect_status_changed(4); return; } if(m_protocol == "REF"){ m_host = m_saved_refhost; } else if(m_protocol == "DCS"){ m_host = m_saved_dcshost; } else if(m_protocol == "XRF"){ m_host = m_saved_xrfhost; } else if(m_protocol == "YSF"){ m_host = m_saved_ysfhost; } else if(m_protocol == "FCS"){ m_host = m_saved_fcshost; } else if(m_protocol == "DMR"){ m_host = m_saved_dmrhost; } else if(m_protocol == "P25"){ m_host = m_saved_p25host; } else if(m_protocol == "NXDN"){ m_host = m_saved_nxdnhost; } else if(m_protocol == "M17"){ m_host = m_saved_m17host; } emit connect_status_changed(1); connect_status = Codec::CONNECTING; QStringList sl; if(m_protocol != "IAX"){ m_hostname = m_hostmap[m_host]; sl = m_hostname.split(','); if( (m_protocol == "M17") && (m_host != "MMDVM_DIRECT") && (m_ipv6) && (sl.size() > 2) && (sl.at(2) != "none") ){ m_hostname = sl.at(2).simplified(); m_port = sl.at(1).toInt(); } else if(sl.size() > 1){ m_hostname = sl.at(0).simplified(); m_port = sl.at(1).toInt(); } else if( (m_protocol == "M17") && (m_host == "MMDVM_DIRECT") ){ qDebug() << "Going MMDVM_DIRECT"; } else{ m_errortxt = "Invalid host selection"; connect_status = Codec::DISCONNECTED; emit connect_status_changed(5); return; } } QString vocoder = ""; if( (m_vocoder != "Software vocoder") && (m_vocoder.contains(':')) ){ QStringList vl = m_vocoder.split(':'); vocoder = vl.at(1); } QString modem = ""; if( (m_modem != "None") && (m_modem.contains(':')) ){ QStringList ml = m_modem.split(':'); modem = ml.at(1); } const bool txInvert = true; const bool rxInvert = false; const bool pttInvert = false; const bool useCOSAsLockout = 0; const uint32_t ysfTXHang = 4; const float pocsagTXLevel = 50; const float m17TXLevel = 50; const bool duplex = m_modemRxFreq.toUInt() != m_modemTxFreq.toUInt(); const int rxfreq = m_modemRxFreq.toInt() + m_modemRxOffset.toInt(); const int txfreq = m_modemTxFreq.toInt() + m_modemTxOffset.toInt(); emit update_log("Connecting to " + m_hostname + ":" + QString::number(m_port) + "..."); if( (m_protocol == "REF") || ((m_protocol == "XRF") && m_xrf2ref) ){ m_ref = new REFCodec(m_callsign, m_host, m_module, m_hostname, 20001, false, vocoder, modem, m_playback, m_capture); m_ref->set_modem_flags(rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, useCOSAsLockout, duplex); m_ref->set_modem_params(m_modemBaud.toUInt(), rxfreq, txfreq, m_modemTxDelay.toInt(), m_modemRxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemRFLevel.toFloat(), ysfTXHang, m_modemCWIdTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDstarTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDMRTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemYSFTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemP25TxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemNXDNTxLevel.toFloat(), pocsagTXLevel, m17TXLevel); m_modethread = new QThread; m_ref->moveToThread(m_modethread); connect(this, SIGNAL(module_changed(char)), m_ref, SLOT(module_changed(char))); connect(m_ref, SIGNAL(update(Codec::MODEINFO)), this, SLOT(update_ref_data(Codec::MODEINFO))); connect(m_ref, SIGNAL(update_output_level(unsigned short)), this, SLOT(update_output_level(unsigned short))); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(started()), m_ref, SLOT(send_connect())); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_ref, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(input_source_changed(int, QString)), m_ref, SLOT(input_src_changed(int, QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swrx_state_changed(int)), m_ref, SLOT(swrx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swtx_state_changed(int)), m_ref, SLOT(swtx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(agc_state_changed(int)), m_ref, SLOT(agc_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_clicked(bool)), m_ref, SLOT(toggle_tx(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_pressed()), m_ref, SLOT(start_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_released()), m_ref, SLOT(stop_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal)), m_ref, SLOT(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal))); connect(this, SIGNAL(mycall_changed(QString)), m_ref, SLOT(mycall_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(urcall_changed(QString)), m_ref, SLOT(urcall_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(rptr1_changed(QString)), m_ref, SLOT(rptr1_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(rptr2_changed(QString)), m_ref, SLOT(rptr2_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(usrtxt_changed(QString)), m_ref, SLOT(usrtxt_changed(QString))); emit module_changed(m_module); emit mycall_changed(m_mycall); emit urcall_changed(m_urcall); emit rptr1_changed(m_rptr1); emit rptr2_changed(m_rptr2); emit usrtxt_changed(m_dstarusertxt); m_modethread->start(); } if(m_protocol == "DCS"){ m_dcs = new DCSCodec(m_callsign, m_host, m_module, m_hostname, m_port, false, vocoder, modem, m_playback, m_capture); m_dcs->set_modem_flags(rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, useCOSAsLockout, duplex); m_dcs->set_modem_params(m_modemBaud.toUInt(), rxfreq, txfreq, m_modemTxDelay.toInt(), m_modemRxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemRFLevel.toFloat(), ysfTXHang, m_modemCWIdTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDstarTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDMRTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemYSFTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemP25TxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemNXDNTxLevel.toFloat(), pocsagTXLevel, m17TXLevel); m_modethread = new QThread; m_dcs->moveToThread(m_modethread); connect(m_dcs, SIGNAL(update(Codec::MODEINFO)), this, SLOT(update_dcs_data(Codec::MODEINFO))); connect(m_dcs, SIGNAL(update_output_level(unsigned short)), this, SLOT(update_output_level(unsigned short))); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(started()), m_dcs, SLOT(send_connect())); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_dcs, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(input_source_changed(int, QString)), m_dcs, SLOT(input_src_changed(int, QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swrx_state_changed(int)), m_dcs, SLOT(swrx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swtx_state_changed(int)), m_dcs, SLOT(swtx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(agc_state_changed(int)), m_dcs, SLOT(agc_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_clicked(bool)), m_dcs, SLOT(toggle_tx(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_pressed()), m_dcs, SLOT(start_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_released()), m_dcs, SLOT(stop_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal)), m_dcs, SLOT(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal))); connect(this, SIGNAL(mycall_changed(QString)), m_dcs, SLOT(mycall_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(urcall_changed(QString)), m_dcs, SLOT(urcall_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(rptr1_changed(QString)), m_dcs, SLOT(rptr1_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(rptr2_changed(QString)), m_dcs, SLOT(rptr2_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(usrtxt_changed(QString)), m_dcs, SLOT(usrtxt_changed(QString))); emit mycall_changed(m_mycall); emit urcall_changed(m_urcall); emit rptr1_changed(m_rptr1); emit rptr2_changed(m_rptr2); emit usrtxt_changed(m_dstarusertxt); m_modethread->start(); } if( (m_protocol == "XRF") && (m_xrf2ref == false) ){ m_xrf = new XRFCodec(m_callsign, m_host, m_module, m_hostname, m_port, false, vocoder, modem, m_playback, m_capture); m_xrf->set_modem_flags(rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, useCOSAsLockout, duplex); m_xrf->set_modem_params(m_modemBaud.toUInt(), rxfreq, txfreq, m_modemTxDelay.toInt(), m_modemRxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemRFLevel.toFloat(), ysfTXHang, m_modemCWIdTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDstarTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDMRTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemYSFTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemP25TxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemNXDNTxLevel.toFloat(), pocsagTXLevel, m17TXLevel); m_modethread = new QThread; m_xrf->moveToThread(m_modethread); connect(m_xrf, SIGNAL(update(Codec::MODEINFO)), this, SLOT(update_xrf_data(Codec::MODEINFO))); connect(m_xrf, SIGNAL(update_output_level(unsigned short)), this, SLOT(update_output_level(unsigned short))); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(started()), m_xrf, SLOT(send_connect())); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_xrf, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(input_source_changed(int, QString)), m_xrf, SLOT(input_src_changed(int, QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swrx_state_changed(int)), m_xrf, SLOT(swrx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swtx_state_changed(int)), m_xrf, SLOT(swtx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(agc_state_changed(int)), m_xrf, SLOT(agc_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_clicked(bool)), m_xrf, SLOT(toggle_tx(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_pressed()), m_xrf, SLOT(start_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_released()), m_xrf, SLOT(stop_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal)), m_xrf, SLOT(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal))); connect(this, SIGNAL(mycall_changed(QString)), m_xrf, SLOT(mycall_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(urcall_changed(QString)), m_xrf, SLOT(urcall_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(rptr1_changed(QString)), m_xrf, SLOT(rptr1_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(rptr2_changed(QString)), m_xrf, SLOT(rptr2_changed(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(usrtxt_changed(QString)), m_xrf, SLOT(usrtxt_changed(QString))); emit mycall_changed(m_mycall); emit urcall_changed(m_urcall); emit rptr1_changed(m_rptr1); emit rptr2_changed(m_rptr2); emit usrtxt_changed(m_dstarusertxt); m_modethread->start(); } if(m_protocol == "DMR"){ QString dmrpass = sl.at(2).simplified(); if((m_host.size() > 2) && (m_host.left(2) == "BM")){ if(!m_bm_password.isEmpty()){ dmrpass = m_bm_password; } } if((m_host.size() > 4) && (m_host.left(4) == "TGIF")){ if(!m_tgif_password.isEmpty()){ dmrpass = m_tgif_password; } } m_dmr = new DMRCodec(m_callsign, m_dmrid, m_essid, dmrpass, m_latitude, m_longitude, m_location, m_description, m_freq, m_url, m_swid, m_pkgid, m_dmropts, m_dmr_destid, m_hostname, m_port, false, vocoder, modem, m_playback, m_capture); m_dmr->set_modem_flags(rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, useCOSAsLockout, duplex); m_dmr->set_modem_params(m_modemBaud.toUInt(), rxfreq, txfreq, m_modemTxDelay.toInt(), m_modemRxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemRFLevel.toFloat(), ysfTXHang, m_modemCWIdTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDstarTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDMRTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemYSFTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemP25TxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemNXDNTxLevel.toFloat(), pocsagTXLevel, m17TXLevel); m_modethread = new QThread; m_dmr->moveToThread(m_modethread); connect(m_dmr, SIGNAL(update(Codec::MODEINFO)), this, SLOT(update_dmr_data(Codec::MODEINFO))); connect(m_dmr, SIGNAL(update_output_level(unsigned short)), this, SLOT(update_output_level(unsigned short))); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(started()), m_dmr, SLOT(send_connect())); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_dmr, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(input_source_changed(int, QString)), m_dmr, SLOT(input_src_changed(int, QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swrx_state_changed(int)), m_dmr, SLOT(swrx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swtx_state_changed(int)), m_dmr, SLOT(swtx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(agc_state_changed(int)), m_dmr, SLOT(agc_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_clicked(bool)), m_dmr, SLOT(toggle_tx(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_pressed()), m_dmr, SLOT(start_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_released()), m_dmr, SLOT(stop_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(dmr_tgid_changed(unsigned int)), m_dmr, SLOT(dmr_tgid_changed(unsigned int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(dmrpc_state_changed(int)), m_dmr, SLOT(dmrpc_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(slot_changed(int)), m_dmr, SLOT(slot_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(cc_changed(int)), m_dmr, SLOT(cc_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal)), m_dmr, SLOT(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal))); m_modethread->start(); } if( (m_protocol == "YSF") || (m_protocol == "FCS") ){ m_ysf = new YSFCodec(m_callsign, m_host, m_hostname, m_port, false, vocoder, modem, m_playback, m_capture); m_ysf->set_modem_flags(rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, useCOSAsLockout, duplex); m_ysf->set_modem_params(m_modemBaud.toUInt(), rxfreq, txfreq, m_modemTxDelay.toInt(), m_modemRxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemRFLevel.toFloat(), ysfTXHang, m_modemCWIdTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDstarTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDMRTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemYSFTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemP25TxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemNXDNTxLevel.toFloat(), pocsagTXLevel, m17TXLevel); m_modethread = new QThread; m_ysf->moveToThread(m_modethread); connect(m_ysf, SIGNAL(update(Codec::MODEINFO)), this, SLOT(update_ysf_data(Codec::MODEINFO))); connect(m_ysf, SIGNAL(update_output_level(unsigned short)), this, SLOT(update_output_level(unsigned short))); connect(this, SIGNAL(m17_rate_changed(int)), m_ysf, SLOT(rate_changed(int))); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(started()), m_ysf, SLOT(send_connect())); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_ysf, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(input_source_changed(int, QString)), m_ysf, SLOT(input_src_changed(int, QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swrx_state_changed(int)), m_ysf, SLOT(swrx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swtx_state_changed(int)), m_ysf, SLOT(swtx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(agc_state_changed(int)), m_ysf, SLOT(agc_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_clicked(bool)), m_ysf, SLOT(toggle_tx(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_pressed()), m_ysf, SLOT(start_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_released()), m_ysf, SLOT(stop_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal)), m_ysf, SLOT(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal))); m_modethread->start(); } if(m_protocol == "P25"){ m_dmrid = m_dmrids.key(m_callsign); m_dmr_destid = m_host.toUInt(); m_p25 = new P25Codec(m_callsign, m_dmrid, m_dmr_destid, m_hostname, m_port, false, modem, m_playback, m_capture); m_modethread = new QThread; m_p25->moveToThread(m_modethread); connect(m_p25, SIGNAL(update(Codec::MODEINFO)), this, SLOT(update_p25_data(Codec::MODEINFO))); connect(m_p25, SIGNAL(update_output_level(unsigned short)), this, SLOT(update_output_level(unsigned short))); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(started()), m_p25, SLOT(send_connect())); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_p25, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(input_source_changed(int, QString)), m_p25, SLOT(input_src_changed(int, QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(agc_state_changed(int)), m_p25, SLOT(agc_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_clicked(bool)), m_p25, SLOT(toggle_tx(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_pressed()), m_p25, SLOT(start_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_released()), m_p25, SLOT(stop_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal)), m_p25, SLOT(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal))); m_modethread->start(); } if(m_protocol == "NXDN"){ m_dmr_destid = m_host.toUInt(); m_nxdn = new NXDNCodec(m_callsign, m_nxdnids.key(m_callsign), m_dmr_destid, m_hostname, m_port, false, vocoder, modem, m_playback, m_capture); m_modethread = new QThread; m_nxdn->moveToThread(m_modethread); connect(m_nxdn, SIGNAL(update(Codec::MODEINFO)), this, SLOT(update_nxdn_data(Codec::MODEINFO))); connect(m_nxdn, SIGNAL(update_output_level(unsigned short)), this, SLOT(update_output_level(unsigned short))); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(started()), m_nxdn, SLOT(send_connect())); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_nxdn, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(input_source_changed(int, QString)), m_nxdn, SLOT(input_src_changed(int, QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swrx_state_changed(int)), m_nxdn, SLOT(swrx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(swtx_state_changed(int)), m_nxdn, SLOT(swtx_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(agc_state_changed(int)), m_nxdn, SLOT(agc_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_clicked(bool)), m_nxdn, SLOT(toggle_tx(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_pressed()), m_nxdn, SLOT(start_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_released()), m_nxdn, SLOT(stop_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal)), m_nxdn, SLOT(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal))); m_modethread->start(); } if(m_protocol == "M17"){ m_m17 = new M17Codec(m_callsign, m_module, m_host, m_hostname, m_port, false, modem, m_playback, m_capture); m_m17->set_modem_flags(rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, useCOSAsLockout, duplex); m_m17->set_modem_params(m_modemBaud.toUInt(), rxfreq, txfreq, m_modemTxDelay.toInt(), m_modemRxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemRFLevel.toFloat(), ysfTXHang, m_modemCWIdTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDstarTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemDMRTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemYSFTxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemP25TxLevel.toFloat(), m_modemNXDNTxLevel.toFloat(), pocsagTXLevel, m17TXLevel); m_modethread = new QThread; m_m17->moveToThread(m_modethread); connect(m_m17, SIGNAL(update(Codec::MODEINFO)), this, SLOT(update_m17_data(Codec::MODEINFO))); connect(m_m17, SIGNAL(update_output_level(unsigned short)), this, SLOT(update_output_level(unsigned short))); connect(this, SIGNAL(m17_rate_changed(int)), m_m17, SLOT(rate_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(m17_can_changed(int)), m_m17, SLOT(can_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(input_source_changed(int, QString)), m_m17, SLOT(input_src_changed(int, QString))); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(started()), m_m17, SLOT(send_connect())); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_m17, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(agc_state_changed(int)), m_m17, SLOT(agc_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_clicked(bool)), m_m17, SLOT(toggle_tx(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_pressed()), m_m17, SLOT(start_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_released()), m_m17, SLOT(stop_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal)), m_m17, SLOT(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal))); m_modethread->start(); } if(m_protocol == "IAX"){ m_iax = new IAXCodec(m_callsign, m_iaxuser, m_iaxpassword, m_iaxnode, m_iaxhost, m_iaxport, m_playback, m_capture); m_modethread = new QThread; m_iax->moveToThread(m_modethread); connect(m_iax, SIGNAL(update()), this, SLOT(update_iax_data())); connect(m_iax, SIGNAL(update_output_level(unsigned short)), this, SLOT(update_output_level(unsigned short))); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(started()), m_iax, SLOT(send_connect())); connect(m_modethread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_iax, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(input_source_changed(int, QString)), m_iax, SLOT(input_src_changed(int, QString))); //connect(this, SIGNAL(agc_state_changed(int)), m_xrf, SLOT(agc_state_changed(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_clicked(bool)), m_iax, SLOT(toggle_tx(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_pressed()), m_iax, SLOT(start_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(tx_released()), m_iax, SLOT(stop_tx())); connect(this, SIGNAL(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal)), m_iax, SLOT(in_audio_vol_changed(qreal))); connect(this, SIGNAL(send_dtmf(QByteArray)), m_iax, SLOT(send_dtmf(QByteArray))); m_modethread->start(); } } qDebug() << "process_connect called m_callsign == " << m_callsign; qDebug() << "process_connect called m_dmrid == " << m_dmrid; qDebug() << "process_connect called m_bm_password == " << m_bm_password; qDebug() << "process_connect called m_tgif_password == " << m_tgif_password; qDebug() << "process_connect called m_dmropts == " << m_dmropts; qDebug() << "process_connect called m_host == " << m_host; qDebug() << "process_connect called m_hostname == " << m_hostname; qDebug() << "process_connect called m_module == " << m_module; qDebug() << "process_connect called m_protocol == " << m_protocol; qDebug() << "process_connect called m_port == " << m_port; } void DroidStar::process_host_change(const QString &h) { if(m_protocol == "REF"){ m_saved_refhost = h.simplified(); } if(m_protocol == "DCS"){ m_saved_dcshost = h.simplified(); } if(m_protocol == "XRF"){ m_saved_xrfhost = h.simplified(); } if(m_protocol == "YSF"){ m_saved_ysfhost = h.simplified(); } if(m_protocol == "FCS"){ m_saved_fcshost = h.simplified(); } if(m_protocol == "DMR"){ m_saved_dmrhost = h.simplified(); } if(m_protocol == "P25"){ m_saved_p25host = h.simplified(); } if(m_protocol == "NXDN"){ m_saved_nxdnhost = h.simplified(); } if(m_protocol == "M17"){ m_saved_m17host = h.simplified(); } if(m_protocol == "IAX"){ m_saved_iaxhost = h.simplified(); } save_settings(); } void DroidStar::process_mode_change(const QString &m) { m_protocol = m; if(m == "REF"){ process_ref_hosts(); m_label1 = "MYCALL"; m_label2 = "URCALL"; m_label3 = "RPTR1"; m_label4 = "RPTR2"; m_label5 = "Stream ID"; m_label6 = "User txt"; } if(m == "DCS"){ process_dcs_hosts(); m_label1 = "MYCALL"; m_label2 = "URCALL"; m_label3 = "RPTR1"; m_label4 = "RPTR2"; m_label5 = "Stream ID"; m_label6 = "User txt"; } if(m == "XRF"){ process_xrf_hosts(); m_label1 = "MYCALL"; m_label2 = "URCALL"; m_label3 = "RPTR1"; m_label4 = "RPTR2"; m_label5 = "Stream ID"; m_label6 = "User txt"; } if(m == "YSF"){ process_ysf_hosts(); m_label1 = "Gateway"; m_label2 = "Callsign"; m_label3 = "Dest"; m_label4 = "Type"; m_label5 = "Path"; m_label6 = "Frame#"; } if(m == "FCS"){ process_fcs_rooms(); m_label1 = "Gateway"; m_label2 = "Callsign"; m_label3 = "Dest"; m_label4 = "Type"; m_label5 = "Path"; m_label6 = "Frame#"; } if(m == "DMR"){ process_dmr_hosts(); //process_dmr_ids(); m_label1 = "Callsign"; m_label2 = "SrcID"; m_label3 = "DestID"; m_label4 = "GWID"; m_label5 = "Info"; m_label6 = ""; } if(m == "P25"){ process_p25_hosts(); m_label1 = "Callsign"; m_label2 = "SrcID"; m_label3 = "DestID"; m_label4 = "GWID"; m_label5 = "Seq#"; m_label6 = ""; } if(m == "NXDN"){ process_nxdn_hosts(); m_label1 = "Callsign"; m_label2 = "SrcID"; m_label3 = "DestID"; m_label4 = "GWID"; m_label5 = "Seq#"; m_label6 = ""; } if(m == "M17"){ process_m17_hosts(); m_label1 = "SrcID"; m_label2 = "DstID"; m_label3 = "Type"; m_label4 = "Frame#"; m_label5 = "StreamID"; m_label6 = ""; } if(m == "IAX"){ m_label1 = ""; m_label2 = ""; m_label3 = ""; m_label4 = ""; m_label5 = ""; m_label6 = ""; } emit mode_changed(); } void DroidStar::save_settings() { //m_settings->setValue("PLAYBACK", ui->comboPlayback->currentText()); //m_settings->setValue("CAPTURE", ui->comboCapture->currentText()); m_settings->setValue("IPV6", m_ipv6 ? "true" : "false"); m_settings->setValue("MODE", m_protocol); m_settings->setValue("REFHOST", m_saved_refhost); m_settings->setValue("DCSHOST", m_saved_dcshost); m_settings->setValue("XRFHOST", m_saved_xrfhost); m_settings->setValue("YSFHOST", m_saved_ysfhost); m_settings->setValue("FCSHOST", m_saved_fcshost); m_settings->setValue("DMRHOST", m_saved_dmrhost); m_settings->setValue("P25HOST", m_saved_p25host); m_settings->setValue("NXDNHOST", m_saved_nxdnhost); m_settings->setValue("M17HOST", m_saved_m17host); m_settings->setValue("MODULE", QString(m_module)); m_settings->setValue("CALLSIGN", m_callsign); m_settings->setValue("DMRID", m_dmrid); m_settings->setValue("ESSID", m_essid); m_settings->setValue("BMPASSWORD", m_bm_password); m_settings->setValue("TGIFPASSWORD", m_tgif_password); m_settings->setValue("DMRTGID", m_dmr_destid); m_settings->setValue("DMRLAT", m_latitude); m_settings->setValue("DMRLONG", m_longitude); m_settings->setValue("DMRLOC", m_location); m_settings->setValue("DMRDESC", m_description); m_settings->setValue("DMRFREQ", m_freq); m_settings->setValue("DMRURL", m_url); m_settings->setValue("DMRSWID", m_swid); m_settings->setValue("DMRPKGID", m_pkgid); m_settings->setValue("DMROPTS", m_dmropts); m_settings->setValue("MYCALL", m_mycall); m_settings->setValue("URCALL", m_urcall); m_settings->setValue("RPTR1", m_rptr1); m_settings->setValue("RPTR2", m_rptr2); m_settings->setValue("TXTIMEOUT", m_txtimeout); m_settings->setValue("TXTOGGLE", m_toggletx ? "true" : "false"); m_settings->setValue("XRF2REF", m_xrf2ref ? "true" : "false"); m_settings->setValue("USRTXT", m_dstarusertxt); m_settings->setValue("IAXUSER", m_iaxuser); m_settings->setValue("IAXPASS", m_iaxpassword); m_settings->setValue("IAXNODE", m_iaxnode); m_settings->setValue("IAXHOST", m_iaxhost); m_settings->setValue("IAXPORT", m_iaxport); m_settings->setValue("ModemRxFreq", m_modemRxFreq); m_settings->setValue("ModemTxFreq", m_modemTxFreq); m_settings->setValue("ModemRxOffset", m_modemRxOffset); m_settings->setValue("ModemTxOffset", m_modemTxOffset); m_settings->setValue("ModemRxDCOffset", m_modemRxDCOffset); m_settings->setValue("ModemTxDCOffset", m_modemTxDCOffset); m_settings->setValue("ModemRxLevel", m_modemRxLevel); m_settings->setValue("ModemTxLevel", m_modemTxLevel); m_settings->setValue("ModemRFLevel", m_modemRFLevel); m_settings->setValue("ModemTxDelay", m_modemTxDelay); m_settings->setValue("ModemCWIdTxLevel", m_modemCWIdTxLevel); m_settings->setValue("ModemDstarTxLevel", m_modemDstarTxLevel); m_settings->setValue("ModemDMRTxLevel", m_modemDMRTxLevel); m_settings->setValue("ModemYSFTxLevel", m_modemYSFTxLevel); m_settings->setValue("ModemP25TxLevel", m_modemP25TxLevel); m_settings->setValue("ModemNXDNTxLevel", m_modemNXDNTxLevel); m_settings->setValue("ModemBaud", m_modemBaud); m_settings->setValue("ModemM17CAN", m_modemM17CAN); m_settings->setValue("ModemTxInvert", m_modemTxInvert ? "true" : "false"); m_settings->setValue("ModemRxInvert", m_modemRxInvert ? "true" : "false"); m_settings->setValue("ModemPTTInvert", m_modemPTTInvert ? "true" : "false"); } void DroidStar::process_settings() { m_ipv6 = (m_settings->value("IPV6").toString().simplified() == "true") ? true : false; process_mode_change(m_settings->value("MODE").toString().simplified()); m_saved_refhost = m_settings->value("REFHOST").toString().simplified(); m_saved_dcshost =m_settings->value("DCSHOST").toString().simplified(); m_saved_xrfhost = m_settings->value("XRFHOST").toString().simplified(); m_saved_ysfhost = m_settings->value("YSFHOST").toString().simplified(); m_saved_fcshost = m_settings->value("FCSHOST").toString().simplified(); m_saved_dmrhost = m_settings->value("DMRHOST").toString().simplified(); m_saved_p25host = m_settings->value("P25HOST").toString().simplified(); m_saved_nxdnhost = m_settings->value("NXDNHOST").toString().simplified(); m_saved_m17host = m_settings->value("M17HOST").toString().simplified(); m_module = m_settings->value("MODULE").toString().toStdString()[0]; m_callsign = m_settings->value("CALLSIGN").toString().simplified(); m_dmrid = m_settings->value("DMRID").toString().simplified().toUInt(); m_essid = m_settings->value("ESSID").toString().simplified().toUInt(); m_bm_password = m_settings->value("BMPASSWORD").toString().simplified(); m_tgif_password = m_settings->value("TGIFPASSWORD").toString().simplified(); m_latitude = m_settings->value("DMRLAT", "0").toString().simplified(); m_longitude = m_settings->value("DMRLONG", "0").toString().simplified(); m_location = m_settings->value("DMRLOC").toString().simplified(); m_description = m_settings->value("DMRDESC", "DroidStar").toString().simplified(); m_freq = m_settings->value("DMRFREQ", "438800000").toString().simplified(); m_url = m_settings->value("DMRURL", "www.qrz.com").toString().simplified(); m_swid = m_settings->value("DMRSWID", "20200922").toString().simplified(); m_pkgid = m_settings->value("DMRPKGID", "MMDVM_MMDVM_HS_Hat").toString().simplified(); m_dmropts = m_settings->value("DMROPTS").toString().simplified(); m_dmr_destid = m_settings->value("DMRTGID", "4000").toString().simplified().toUInt(); m_mycall = m_settings->value("MYCALL").toString().simplified(); m_urcall = m_settings->value("URCALL", "CQCQCQ").toString().simplified(); m_rptr1 = m_settings->value("RPTR1").toString().simplified(); m_rptr2 = m_settings->value("RPTR2").toString().simplified(); m_txtimeout = m_settings->value("TXTIMEOUT", "300").toString().simplified().toUInt(); m_toggletx = (m_settings->value("TXTOGGLE", "true").toString().simplified() == "true") ? true : false; m_dstarusertxt = m_settings->value("USRTXT").toString().simplified(); m_xrf2ref = (m_settings->value("XRF2REF").toString().simplified() == "true") ? true : false; m_iaxuser = m_settings->value("IAXUSER").toString().simplified(); m_iaxpassword = m_settings->value("IAXPASS").toString().simplified(); m_iaxnode = m_settings->value("IAXNODE").toString().simplified(); m_saved_iaxhost = m_iaxhost = m_settings->value("IAXHOST").toString().simplified(); m_iaxport = m_settings->value("IAXPORT", "4569").toString().simplified().toUInt(); m_localhosts = m_settings->value("LOCALHOSTS").toString(); m_modemRxFreq = m_settings->value("ModemRxFreq", "438800000").toString().simplified(); m_modemTxFreq = m_settings->value("ModemTxFreq", "438800000").toString().simplified(); m_modemRxOffset = m_settings->value("ModemRxOffset", "0").toString().simplified(); m_modemTxOffset = m_settings->value("ModemTxOffset", "0").toString().simplified(); m_modemRxDCOffset = m_settings->value("ModemRxDCOffset", "0").toString().simplified(); m_modemTxDCOffset = m_settings->value("ModemTxDCOffset", "0").toString().simplified(); m_modemRxLevel = m_settings->value("ModemRxLevel", "50").toString().simplified(); m_modemTxLevel = m_settings->value("ModemTxLevel", "50").toString().simplified(); m_modemRFLevel = m_settings->value("ModemRFLevel", "100").toString().simplified(); m_modemTxDelay = m_settings->value("ModemTxDelay", "100").toString().simplified(); m_modemCWIdTxLevel = m_settings->value("ModemCWIdTxLevel", "50").toString().simplified(); m_modemDstarTxLevel = m_settings->value("ModemDstarTxLevel", "50").toString().simplified(); m_modemDMRTxLevel = m_settings->value("ModemDMRTxLevel", "50").toString().simplified(); m_modemYSFTxLevel = m_settings->value("ModemYSFTxLevel", "50").toString().simplified(); m_modemP25TxLevel = m_settings->value("ModemP25TxLevel", "50").toString().simplified(); m_modemNXDNTxLevel = m_settings->value("ModemNXDNTxLevel", "50").toString().simplified(); m_modemBaud = m_settings->value("ModemBaud", "115200").toString().simplified(); m_modemM17CAN = m_settings->value("ModemM17CAN", "0").toString().simplified(); m_modemTxInvert = (m_settings->value("ModemTxInvert", "true").toString().simplified() == "true") ? true : false; m_modemRxInvert = (m_settings->value("ModemRxInvert", "false").toString().simplified() == "true") ? true : false; m_modemPTTInvert = (m_settings->value("ModemPTTInvert", "false").toString().simplified() == "true") ? true : false; emit update_settings(); } void DroidStar::update_custom_hosts(QString h) { m_settings->setValue("LOCALHOSTS", h); m_localhosts = m_settings->value("LOCALHOSTS").toString(); } void DroidStar::process_ref_hosts() { m_hostmap.clear(); m_hostsmodel.clear(); QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/dplus.txt"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/dplus.txt"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString l = f.readLine(); if(l.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList ll = l.split('\t'); if(ll.size() > 1){ m_hostmap[ll.at(0).simplified()] = ll.at(1).simplified() + ",20001"; } } m_customhosts = m_localhosts.split('\n'); for (const auto& i : m_customhosts){ QStringList line = i.simplified().split(' '); if(line.at(0) == "REF"){ m_hostmap[line.at(1).simplified()] = line.at(2).simplified() + "," + line.at(3).simplified(); } } QMap::const_iterator i = m_hostmap.constBegin(); while (i != m_hostmap.constEnd()) { m_hostsmodel.append(i.key()); ++i; } } f.close(); } else{ download_file("/dplus.txt"); } } void DroidStar::process_dcs_hosts() { m_hostmap.clear(); m_hostsmodel.clear(); QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/dcs.txt"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/dcs.txt"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString l = f.readLine(); if(l.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList ll = l.split('\t'); if(ll.size() > 1){ m_hostmap[ll.at(0).simplified()] = ll.at(1).simplified() + ",30051"; } } m_customhosts = m_localhosts.split('\n'); for (const auto& i : m_customhosts){ QStringList line = i.simplified().split(' '); if(line.at(0) == "DCS"){ m_hostmap[line.at(1).simplified()] = line.at(2).simplified() + "," + line.at(3).simplified(); } } QMap::const_iterator i = m_hostmap.constBegin(); while (i != m_hostmap.constEnd()) { m_hostsmodel.append(i.key()); ++i; } } f.close(); } else{ download_file("/dcs.txt"); } } void DroidStar::process_xrf_hosts() { m_hostmap.clear(); m_hostsmodel.clear(); QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/dextra.txt"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/dextra.txt"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString l = f.readLine(); if(l.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList ll = l.split('\t'); if(ll.size() > 1){ m_hostmap[ll.at(0).simplified()] = ll.at(1).simplified() + ",30001"; } } m_customhosts = m_localhosts.split('\n'); for (const auto& i : m_customhosts){ QStringList line = i.simplified().split(' '); if(line.at(0) == "XRF"){ m_hostmap[line.at(1).simplified()] = line.at(2).simplified() + "," + line.at(3).simplified(); } } QMap::const_iterator i = m_hostmap.constBegin(); while (i != m_hostmap.constEnd()) { m_hostsmodel.append(i.key()); ++i; } } f.close(); } else{ download_file("/dextra.txt"); } } void DroidStar::process_ysf_hosts() { m_hostmap.clear(); m_hostsmodel.clear(); QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/YSFHosts.txt"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/YSFHosts.txt"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString l = f.readLine(); if(l.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList ll = l.split(';'); if(ll.size() > 4){ m_hostmap[ll.at(1).simplified()] = ll.at(3) + "," + ll.at(4); } } m_customhosts = m_localhosts.split('\n'); for (const auto& i : m_customhosts){ QStringList line = i.simplified().split(' '); if(line.at(0) == "YSF"){ m_hostmap[line.at(1).simplified()] = line.at(2).simplified() + "," + line.at(3).simplified(); } } QMap::const_iterator i = m_hostmap.constBegin(); while (i != m_hostmap.constEnd()) { m_hostsmodel.append(i.key()); ++i; } } f.close(); //process_fcs_rooms(); } else{ download_file("/YSFHosts.txt"); } } void DroidStar::process_fcs_rooms() { m_hostmap.clear(); m_hostsmodel.clear(); QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/FCSHosts.txt"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/FCSHosts.txt"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString l = f.readLine(); if(l.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList ll = l.split(';'); if(ll.size() > 4){ if(ll.at(1).simplified() != "nn"){ m_hostmap[ll.at(0).simplified() + " - " + ll.at(1).simplified()] = ll.at(2).left(6).toLower() + ".xreflector.net,62500"; } } } m_customhosts = m_localhosts.split('\n'); for (const auto& i : m_customhosts){ QStringList line = i.simplified().split(' '); if(line.at(0) == "FCS"){ m_hostmap[line.at(1).simplified()] = line.at(2).simplified() + "," + line.at(3).simplified(); } } QMap::const_iterator i = m_hostmap.constBegin(); while (i != m_hostmap.constEnd()) { m_hostsmodel.append(i.key()); ++i; } } f.close(); } else{ download_file("/FCSHosts.txt"); } } void DroidStar::process_dmr_hosts() { m_hostmap.clear(); m_hostsmodel.clear(); QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/DMRHosts.txt"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/DMRHosts.txt"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString l = f.readLine(); if(l.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList ll = l.simplified().split(' '); if(ll.size() > 4){ if( (ll.at(0).simplified() != "DMRGateway") && (ll.at(0).simplified() != "DMR2YSF") && (ll.at(0).simplified() != "DMR2NXDN")) { m_hostmap[ll.at(0).simplified()] = ll.at(2) + "," + ll.at(4) + "," + ll.at(3); } } } m_customhosts = m_localhosts.split('\n'); for (const auto& i : m_customhosts){ QStringList line = i.simplified().split(' '); if(line.at(0) == "DMR"){ m_hostmap[line.at(1).simplified()] = line.at(2).simplified() + "," + line.at(3).simplified() + "," + line.at(4).simplified(); } } QMap::const_iterator i = m_hostmap.constBegin(); while (i != m_hostmap.constEnd()) { m_hostsmodel.append(i.key()); ++i; } } f.close(); } else{ download_file("/DMRHosts.txt"); } } void DroidStar::process_p25_hosts() { m_hostmap.clear(); m_hostsmodel.clear(); QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/P25Hosts.txt"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/P25Hosts.txt"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString l = f.readLine(); if(l.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList ll = l.simplified().split(' '); if(ll.size() > 2){ m_hostmap[ll.at(0).simplified()] = ll.at(1) + "," + ll.at(2); } } m_customhosts = m_localhosts.split('\n'); for (const auto& i : m_customhosts){ QStringList line = i.simplified().split(' '); if(line.at(0) == "P25"){ m_hostmap[line.at(1).simplified()] = line.at(2).simplified() + "," + line.at(3).simplified(); } } QMap::const_iterator i = m_hostmap.constBegin(); while (i != m_hostmap.constEnd()) { m_hostsmodel.append(i.key()); ++i; } } f.close(); } else{ download_file("/P25Hosts.txt"); } } void DroidStar::process_nxdn_hosts() { m_hostmap.clear(); m_hostsmodel.clear(); QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/NXDNHosts.txt"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/NXDNHosts.txt"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString l = f.readLine(); if(l.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList ll = l.simplified().split(' '); if(ll.size() > 2){ m_hostmap[ll.at(0).simplified()] = ll.at(1) + "," + ll.at(2); } } m_customhosts = m_localhosts.split('\n'); for (const auto& i : m_customhosts){ QStringList line = i.simplified().split(' '); if(line.at(0) == "NXDN"){ m_hostmap[line.at(1).simplified()] = line.at(2).simplified() + "," + line.at(3).simplified(); } } QMap::const_iterator i = m_hostmap.constBegin(); while (i != m_hostmap.constEnd()) { m_hostsmodel.append(i.key()); ++i; } } f.close(); } else{ download_file("/NXDNHosts.txt"); } } void DroidStar::process_m17_hosts() { m_hostmap.clear(); m_hostsmodel.clear(); m_hostmap["MMDVM_DIRECT"] = "MMDVM_DIRECT"; QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/M17Hosts-full.csv"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/M17Hosts-full.csv"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString l = f.readLine(); if(l.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList ll = l.simplified().split(','); if(ll.size() > 3){ m_hostmap[ll.at(0).simplified()] = ll.at(2) + "," + ll.at(4) + "," + ll.at(3); } } m_customhosts = m_localhosts.split('\n'); for (const auto& i : m_customhosts){ QStringList line = i.simplified().split(' '); if(line.at(0) == "M17"){ m_hostmap[line.at(1).simplified()] = line.at(2).simplified() + "," + line.at(3).simplified(); } } QMap::const_iterator i = m_hostmap.constBegin(); while (i != m_hostmap.constEnd()) { m_hostsmodel.append(i.key()); ++i; } } f.close(); } else{ download_file("/M17Hosts-full.csv"); } } void DroidStar::process_dmr_ids() { QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/DMRIDs.dat"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/DMRIDs.dat"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString lids = f.readLine(); if(lids.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList llids = lids.simplified().split(' '); if(llids.size() >= 2){ m_dmrids[llids.at(0).toUInt()] = llids.at(1); } } } f.close(); } else{ download_file("/DMRIDs.dat"); } } void DroidStar::update_dmr_ids() { QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/DMRIDs.dat"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/DMRIDs.dat"); f.remove(); } process_dmr_ids(); update_nxdn_ids(); } void DroidStar::process_nxdn_ids() { QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/NXDN.csv"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/NXDN.csv"); if(f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ while(!f.atEnd()){ QString lids = f.readLine(); if(lids.at(0) == '#'){ continue; } QStringList llids = lids.simplified().split(','); if(llids.size() > 1){ m_nxdnids[llids.at(0).toUInt()] = llids.at(1); } } } f.close(); } else{ download_file("/NXDN.csv"); } } void DroidStar::update_nxdn_ids() { QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/NXDN.csv"); if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ QFile f(config_path + "/NXDN.csv"); f.remove(); } process_nxdn_ids(); } void DroidStar::update_host_files() { m_update_host_files = true; check_host_files(); } void DroidStar::check_host_files() { if(!QDir(config_path).exists()){ QDir().mkdir(config_path); } QFileInfo check_file(config_path + "/dplus.txt"); if( (!check_file.exists() && !(check_file.isFile())) || m_update_host_files ){ download_file("/dplus.txt"); } check_file.setFile(config_path + "/dextra.txt"); if( (!check_file.exists() && !check_file.isFile() ) || m_update_host_files ){ download_file("/dextra.txt"); } check_file.setFile(config_path + "/dcs.txt"); if( (!check_file.exists() && !check_file.isFile()) || m_update_host_files ){ download_file( "/dcs.txt"); } check_file.setFile(config_path + "/YSFHosts.txt"); if( (!check_file.exists() && !check_file.isFile()) || m_update_host_files ){ download_file("/YSFHosts.txt"); } check_file.setFile(config_path + "/FCSHosts.txt"); if( (!check_file.exists() && !check_file.isFile()) || m_update_host_files ){ download_file("/FCSHosts.txt"); } check_file.setFile(config_path + "/DMRHosts.txt"); if( (!check_file.exists() && !check_file.isFile()) || m_update_host_files ){ download_file("/DMRHosts.txt"); } check_file.setFile(config_path + "/P25Hosts.txt"); if( (!check_file.exists() && !check_file.isFile()) || m_update_host_files ){ download_file("/P25Hosts.txt"); } check_file.setFile(config_path + "/NXDNHosts.txt"); if((!check_file.exists() && !check_file.isFile()) || m_update_host_files ){ download_file("/NXDNHosts.txt"); } check_file.setFile(config_path + "/M17Hosts-full.csv"); if( (!check_file.exists() && !check_file.isFile()) || m_update_host_files ){ download_file("/M17Hosts-full.csv"); } check_file.setFile(config_path + "/DMRIDs.dat"); if(!check_file.exists() && !check_file.isFile()){ download_file("/DMRIDs.dat"); } else { process_dmr_ids(); } check_file.setFile(config_path + "/NXDN.csv"); if(!check_file.exists() && !check_file.isFile()){ download_file("/NXDN.csv"); } else{ process_nxdn_ids(); } m_update_host_files = false; //process_mode_change(ui->modeCombo->currentText().simplified()); /* #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) QString vocname = "/vocoder_plugin." + QSysInfo::productType() + "." + QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture(); #else QString vocname = "/vocoder_plugin." + QSysInfo::kernelType() + "." + QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture(); #endif QString newvoc = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation) + vocname; QString voc = config_path + vocname; check_file.setFile(newvoc); qDebug() << "newvoc == " << newvoc; qDebug() << "voc == " << voc; if(check_file.exists() && check_file.isFile()){ qDebug() << newvoc << " found"; if(QFile::exists(voc)){ qDebug() << voc << " found"; if(QFile::remove(voc)){ qDebug() << voc << " deleted"; } else{ qDebug() << voc << " not deleted"; } } if(QFile::copy(newvoc, voc)){ qDebug() << newvoc << " copied"; } else{ qDebug() << "Could not copy " << newvoc; } } else{ qDebug() << newvoc << " not found"; } */ } void DroidStar::update_ref_data(Codec::MODEINFO info) { if((connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && (info.status == Codec::DISCONNECTED)){ process_connect(); return; } if( (connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && (info.status == Codec::CONNECTED_RW)){ connect_status = Codec::CONNECTED_RW; emit connect_status_changed(2); emit in_audio_vol_changed(0.0); emit swtx_state(!m_ref->get_hwtx()); emit swrx_state(!m_ref->get_hwrx()); emit rptr2_changed(m_host + " " + m_module); if(m_mycall.isEmpty()) set_mycall(m_callsign); if(m_urcall.isEmpty()) set_urcall("CQCQCQ"); if(m_rptr1.isEmpty()) set_rptr1(m_callsign + " " + m_module); emit update_log("Connected to DStar " + m_host + " " + m_hostname + ":" + QString::number(m_port)); if(info.sw_vocoder_loaded){ emit update_log("Vocoder plugin loaded"); } else{ emit update_log("No vocoder plugin found"); } } m_netstatustxt = "Connected ping cnt: " + QString::number(info.count); m_ambestatustxt = "AMBE: " + (info.ambeprodid.isEmpty() ? "No device" : info.ambeprodid); m_mmdvmstatustxt = "MMDVM: "; if(info.mmdvm.isEmpty()){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += "No device"; } QStringList verlist = info.ambeverstr.split('.'); if(verlist.size() > 7){ m_ambestatustxt += " " + verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(5); } verlist = info.mmdvm.split(' '); if(verlist.size() > 3){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(1); } if(info.streamid){ m_data1 = info.src; m_data2 = info.dst; m_data3 = info.gw; m_data4 = info.gw2; m_data5 = QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " " + QString("%1").arg(info.frame_number, 2, 16, QChar('0')); m_data6 = info.usertxt; } else{ m_data1.clear(); m_data2.clear(); m_data3.clear(); m_data4.clear(); m_data5.clear(); m_data6.clear(); } QString t = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(info.ts).toString("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss.zzz"); if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_NEW){ emit update_log(t + " XRF RX started id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.gw2); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_END){ emit update_log(t + " XRF RX ended id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.gw2); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_LOST){ emit update_log(t + " XRF RX lost id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.gw2); } emit update_data(); } void DroidStar::update_dcs_data(Codec::MODEINFO info) { if((connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && (info.status == Codec::DISCONNECTED)){ process_connect(); return; } if( (connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && (info.status == Codec::CONNECTED_RW)){ connect_status = Codec::CONNECTED_RW; emit connect_status_changed(2); emit in_audio_vol_changed(0.0); emit swtx_state(!m_dcs->get_hwtx()); emit swrx_state(!m_dcs->get_hwrx()); emit rptr2_changed(m_host + " " + m_module); if(m_mycall.isEmpty()) set_mycall(m_callsign); if(m_urcall.isEmpty()) set_urcall("CQCQCQ"); if(m_rptr1.isEmpty()) set_rptr1(m_callsign + " " + m_module); emit update_log("Connected to DStar " + m_host + " " + m_hostname + ":" + QString::number(m_port)); if(info.sw_vocoder_loaded){ emit update_log("Vocoder plugin loaded"); } else{ emit update_log("No vocoder plugin found"); } } m_netstatustxt = "Connected ping cnt: " + QString::number(info.count); m_ambestatustxt = "AMBE: " + (info.ambeprodid.isEmpty() ? "No device" : info.ambeprodid); m_mmdvmstatustxt = "MMDVM: "; if(info.mmdvm.isEmpty()){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += "No device"; } QStringList verlist = info.ambeverstr.split('.'); if(verlist.size() > 7){ m_ambestatustxt += " " + verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(5); } verlist = info.mmdvm.split(' '); if(verlist.size() > 3){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(1); } if(info.streamid){ m_data1 = info.src; m_data2 = info.dst; m_data3 = info.gw; m_data4 = info.gw2; m_data5 = QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " " + QString("%1").arg(info.frame_number, 2, 16, QChar('0')); m_data6 = info.usertxt; } else{ m_data1.clear(); m_data2.clear(); m_data3.clear(); m_data4.clear(); m_data5.clear(); m_data6.clear(); } QString t = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(info.ts).toString("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss.zzz"); if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_NEW){ emit update_log(t + " XRF RX started id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.gw2); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_END){ emit update_log(t + " XRF RX ended id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.gw2); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_LOST){ emit update_log(t + " XRF RX lost id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.gw2); } emit update_data(); } void DroidStar::update_xrf_data(Codec::MODEINFO info) { if((connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && (info.status == Codec::DISCONNECTED)){ process_connect(); return; } if( (connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && (info.status == Codec::CONNECTED_RW)){ connect_status = Codec::CONNECTED_RW; emit connect_status_changed(2); emit in_audio_vol_changed(0.0); emit swtx_state(!m_xrf->get_hwtx()); emit swrx_state(!m_xrf->get_hwrx()); emit rptr2_changed(m_host + " " + m_module); if(m_mycall.isEmpty()) set_mycall(m_callsign); if(m_urcall.isEmpty()) set_urcall("CQCQCQ"); if(m_rptr1.isEmpty()) set_rptr1(m_callsign + " " + m_module); emit update_log("Connected to DStar " + m_host + " " + m_hostname + ":" + QString::number(m_port)); if(info.sw_vocoder_loaded){ emit update_log("Vocoder plugin loaded"); } else{ emit update_log("No vocoder plugin found"); } } m_netstatustxt = "Connected ping cnt: " + QString::number(info.count); m_ambestatustxt = "AMBE: " + (info.ambeprodid.isEmpty() ? "No device" : info.ambeprodid); m_mmdvmstatustxt = "MMDVM: "; if(info.mmdvm.isEmpty()){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += "No device"; } QStringList verlist = info.ambeverstr.split('.'); if(verlist.size() > 7){ m_ambestatustxt += " " + verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(5); } verlist = info.mmdvm.split(' '); if(verlist.size() > 3){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(1); } if(info.streamid){ m_data1 = info.src; m_data2 = info.dst; m_data3 = info.gw; m_data4 = info.gw2; m_data5 = QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " " + QString("%1").arg(info.frame_number, 2, 16, QChar('0')); m_data6 = info.usertxt; } else{ m_data1.clear(); m_data2.clear(); m_data3.clear(); m_data4.clear(); m_data5.clear(); m_data6.clear(); } QString t = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(info.ts).toString("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss.zzz"); if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_NEW){ emit update_log(t + " XRF RX started id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.gw2); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_END){ emit update_log(t + " XRF RX ended id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.gw2); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_LOST){ emit update_log(t + " XRF RX lost id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.gw2); } emit update_data(); } void DroidStar::update_nxdn_data(Codec::MODEINFO info) { if( (connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && ( info.status == Codec::CONNECTED_RW)){ connect_status = Codec::CONNECTED_RW; emit connect_status_changed(2); emit in_audio_vol_changed(0.3); emit swtx_state(!m_nxdn->get_hwtx()); emit swrx_state(!m_nxdn->get_hwrx()); emit update_log("Connected to " + m_protocol + " " + m_host + " " + m_hostname + ":" + QString::number(m_port)); if(info.sw_vocoder_loaded){ emit update_log("Vocoder plugin loaded"); } else{ emit update_log("No vocoder plugin found"); } } m_netstatustxt = "Connected ping cnt: " + QString::number(info.count); m_ambestatustxt = "AMBE: " + (info.ambeprodid.isEmpty() ? "No device" : info.ambeprodid); m_mmdvmstatustxt = "MMDVM: "; if(info.mmdvm.isEmpty()){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += "No device"; } QStringList verlist = info.ambeverstr.split('.'); if(verlist.size() > 7){ m_ambestatustxt += " " + verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(5); } verlist = info.mmdvm.split(' '); if(verlist.size() > 3){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(1); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_IDLE){ m_data1.clear(); m_data2.clear(); m_data3.clear(); m_data4.clear(); m_data5.clear(); m_data6.clear(); } else{ if(info.srcid){ m_data1 = m_nxdnids[info.srcid]; m_data2 = QString::number(info.srcid); } m_data3 = QString::number(info.dstid); if(info.frame_number){ QString n = QString("%1").arg(info.frame_number, 4, 16, QChar('0')); m_data5 = n; } } QString t = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(info.ts).toString("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss.zzz"); if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_NEW){ emit update_log(t + " NXDN RX started id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + QString::number(info.srcid) + " dst: " + QString::number(info.dstid)); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_END){ emit update_log(t + " NXDN RX ended id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + QString::number(info.srcid) + " dst: " + QString::number(info.dstid)); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_LOST){ emit update_log(t + " NXDN RX lost id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + QString::number(info.srcid) + " dst: " + QString::number(info.dstid)); } emit update_data(); } void DroidStar::update_dmr_data(Codec::MODEINFO info) { if((connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && (info.status == Codec::DISCONNECTED)){ m_errortxt = "Connection refused by DMR server. You must have a valid DMR ID, matching callsign, and if you are already connected with this DMR ID on another device, you must use a unique ESSID. Some servers also require specific Lat/Long/Location/Decsription settings. It is up to you to determine the connect requirements for the server you are connecting to."; emit connect_status_changed(5); //process_connect(); return; } if(info.status == Codec::CLOSED){ m_errortxt = "DMR server closing down. Try a different server or try again later."; emit connect_status_changed(5); //process_connect(); return; } if( (connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && ( info.status == Codec::CONNECTED_RW)){ connect_status = Codec::CONNECTED_RW; emit connect_status_changed(2); emit in_audio_vol_changed(0.3); emit swtx_state(!m_dmr->get_hwtx()); emit swrx_state(!m_dmr->get_hwrx()); emit update_log("Connected to " + m_protocol + " " + m_host + " " + m_hostname + ":" + QString::number(m_port)); if(info.sw_vocoder_loaded){ emit update_log("Vocoder plugin loaded"); } else{ emit update_log("No vocoder plugin found"); } } m_netstatustxt = "Connected ping cnt: " + QString::number(info.count); m_ambestatustxt = "AMBE: " + (info.ambeprodid.isEmpty() ? "No device" : info.ambeprodid); m_mmdvmstatustxt = "MMDVM: "; if(info.mmdvm.isEmpty()){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += "No device"; } QStringList verlist = info.ambeverstr.split('.'); if(verlist.size() > 7){ m_ambestatustxt += " " + verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(5); } verlist = info.mmdvm.split(' '); if(verlist.size() > 3){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(1); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_IDLE){ m_data1.clear(); m_data2.clear(); m_data3.clear(); m_data4.clear(); m_data5.clear(); m_data6.clear(); } else{ m_data1 = m_dmrids[info.srcid]; m_data2 = info.srcid ? QString::number(info.srcid) : ""; m_data3 = info.dstid ? QString::number(info.dstid) : ""; m_data4 = info.gwid ? QString::number(info.gwid) : ""; QString s = "Slot" + QString::number(info.slot); QString flco; switch( (info.slot & 0x40) >> 6){ case 0: flco = "Group"; break; case 3: flco = "Private"; break; case 8: flco = "GPS"; break; default: flco = "Unknown"; break; } if(info.frame_number){ QString n = s + " " + flco + " " + QString("%1").arg(info.frame_number, 2, 16, QChar('0')); m_data5 = n; } } QString t = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(info.ts).toString("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss.zzz"); if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_NEW){ emit update_log(t + " DMR RX started id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + QString::number(info.srcid) + " dst: " + QString::number(info.dstid)); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_END){ emit update_log(t + " DMR RX ended id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + QString::number(info.srcid) + " dst: " + QString::number(info.dstid)); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_LOST){ emit update_log(t + " DMR RX lost id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + QString::number(info.srcid) + " dst: " + QString::number(info.dstid)); } emit update_data(); } void DroidStar::update_ysf_data(Codec::MODEINFO info) { if( (connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && (info.status == Codec::CONNECTED_RW)){ connect_status = Codec::CONNECTED_RW; emit connect_status_changed(2); emit in_audio_vol_changed(0.2); emit swtx_state(!m_ysf->get_hwtx()); emit swrx_state(!m_ysf->get_hwrx()); emit update_log("Connected to " + m_protocol + " " + m_host + " " + m_hostname + ":" + QString::number(m_port)); if(info.sw_vocoder_loaded){ emit update_log("Vocoder plugin loaded"); } else{ emit update_log("No vocoder plugin found"); if(!info.hw_vocoder_loaded) { emit open_vocoder_dialog(); } } } m_netstatustxt = "Connected ping cnt: " + QString::number(info.count); m_ambestatustxt = "AMBE: " + (info.ambeprodid.isEmpty() ? "No device" : info.ambeprodid); m_mmdvmstatustxt = "MMDVM: "; if(info.mmdvm.isEmpty()){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += "No device"; } QStringList verlist = info.ambeverstr.split('.'); if(verlist.size() > 7){ m_ambestatustxt += " " + verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(5); } verlist = info.mmdvm.split(' '); if(verlist.size() > 3){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(1); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_IDLE){ m_data1.clear(); m_data2.clear(); m_data3.clear(); m_data4.clear(); m_data5.clear(); m_data6.clear(); } else{ m_data1 = info.gw; m_data2 =info.src; m_data3 = info.dst; if(info.type == 0){ m_data4 = "V/D mode 1"; } else if(info.type == 1){ m_data4 = "Data Full Rate"; } else if(info.type == 2){ m_data4 = "V/D mode 2"; } else if(info.type == 3){ m_data4 = "Voice Full Rate"; } else{ m_data4 = ""; } if(info.type >= 0){ m_data5 = info.path ? "Internet" : "Local"; m_data6 = QString::number(info.frame_number) + "/" + QString::number(info.frame_total); } else{ m_data5 = m_data6 = ""; } } QString t = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(info.ts).toString("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss.zzz"); if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_NEW){ emit update_log(t + " YSF RX started"); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_END){ emit update_log(t + " YSF RX ended"); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_LOST){ emit update_log(t + " YSF RX lost"); } emit update_data(); } void DroidStar::update_p25_data(Codec::MODEINFO info) { if( (connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && (info.status == Codec::CONNECTED_RW)){ connect_status = Codec::CONNECTED_RW; emit connect_status_changed(2); emit in_audio_vol_changed(0.3); emit swtx_state(!m_p25->get_hwtx()); emit swrx_state(!m_p25->get_hwrx()); emit update_log("Connected to " + m_protocol + " " + m_host + " " + m_hostname + ":" + QString::number(m_port)); } m_netstatustxt = "Host: " + m_hostname + ":" + QString::number(m_port) + " Cnt: " + QString::number(info.count); m_ambestatustxt = "AMBE: " + (info.ambeprodid.isEmpty() ? "No device" : info.ambeprodid); m_mmdvmstatustxt = "MMDVM: "; if(info.mmdvm.isEmpty()){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += "No device"; } QStringList verlist = info.ambeverstr.split('.'); if(verlist.size() > 7){ m_ambestatustxt += " " + verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(5); } verlist = info.mmdvm.split(' '); if(verlist.size() > 3){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(1); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_IDLE){ m_data1.clear(); m_data2.clear(); m_data3.clear(); m_data4.clear(); m_data5.clear(); m_data6.clear(); } else{ m_data1 = m_dmrids[info.srcid]; m_data2 = info.srcid ? QString::number(info.srcid) : ""; m_data3 = info.dstid ? QString::number(info.dstid) : ""; m_data4 = info.srcid ? QString::number(info.srcid) : ""; if(info.frame_number){ QString n = QString("%1").arg(info.frame_number, 2, 16, QChar('0')); m_data5 = n; } } QString t = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(info.ts).toString("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss.zzz"); if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_NEW){ emit update_log(t + " P25 RX started id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + QString::number(info.srcid) + " dst: " + QString::number(info.dstid)); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_END){ emit update_log(t + " P25 RX ended id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + QString::number(info.srcid) + " dst: " + QString::number(info.dstid)); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_LOST){ emit update_log(t + " P25 RX lost id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + QString::number(info.srcid) + " dst: " + QString::number(info.dstid)); } emit update_data(); } void DroidStar::update_m17_data(M17Codec::MODEINFO info) { if( (connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && ( info.status == Codec::CONNECTED_RW)){ connect_status = Codec::CONNECTED_RW; emit connect_status_changed(2); emit in_audio_vol_changed(0.5); emit swtx_state(!m_m17->get_hwtx()); emit swrx_state(!m_m17->get_hwrx()); emit update_log("Connected to " + m_protocol + " " + m_host + " " + m_hostname + ":" + QString::number(m_port)); } m_netstatustxt = "Connected ping cnt: " + QString::number(info.count); m_ambestatustxt = "AMBE: " + (info.ambeprodid.isEmpty() ? "No device" : info.ambeprodid); m_mmdvmstatustxt = "MMDVM: "; if(info.mmdvm.isEmpty()){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += "No device"; } QStringList verlist = info.ambeverstr.split('.'); if(verlist.size() > 7){ m_ambestatustxt += " " + verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(5) + " " + verlist.at(6); } verlist = info.mmdvm.split(' '); if(verlist.size() > 3){ m_mmdvmstatustxt += verlist.at(0) + " " + verlist.at(1); } if(info.streamid){ m_data1 = info.src; m_data2 = info.dst; m_data3 = info.type ? "3200 Voice" : "1600 V/D"; if(info.frame_number){ QString n = QString("%1").arg(info.frame_number, 4, 16, QChar('0')); m_data4 = n; } m_data5 = QString::number(info.streamid, 16); } else{ m_data1.clear(); m_data2.clear(); m_data3.clear(); m_data4.clear(); m_data5.clear(); } QString t = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(info.ts).toString("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss.zzz"); if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_NEW){ emit update_log(t + " M17 RX started id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.dst); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_END){ emit update_log(t + " M17 RX ended id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.dst); } if(info.stream_state == Codec::STREAM_LOST){ emit update_log(t + " M17 RX lost id: " + QString::number(info.streamid, 16) + " src: " + info.src + " dst: " + info.dst); } emit update_data(); } void DroidStar::update_iax_data() { if((connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && (m_iax->get_status() == Codec::DISCONNECTED)){ m_errortxt = "Connection refused by. Check your AllStar/IAX settings and make sure that you have permission to connect to this node."; emit connect_status_changed(5); return; } if( (connect_status == Codec::CONNECTING) && ( m_iax->get_status() == Codec::CONNECTED_RW)){ connect_status = Codec::CONNECTED_RW; emit connect_status_changed(2); emit in_audio_vol_changed(0.5); emit update_log("Connected to " + m_protocol + " " + m_iaxhost + ":" + QString::number(m_iaxport)); } m_netstatustxt = "Connected ping cnt: " + QString::number(m_iax->get_cnt()); emit update_data(); } void DroidStar::set_input_volume(qreal v) { emit in_audio_vol_changed(v); //audioin->setVolume(v * 0.01); } void DroidStar::press_tx() { emit tx_pressed(); } void DroidStar::release_tx() { emit tx_released(); } void DroidStar::click_tx(bool tx) { emit tx_clicked(tx); }