AddCSLuaFile() DEFINE_BASECLASS( "base_anim" ) ENT.PrintName = "Snack Automat" ENT.Category = "catSIXe Entities" ENT.Author = "catSIXe" ENT.Spawnable = true ENT.AdminSpawnable = true ENT.SnackOffset = Vector(-5,5.5,-40) ENT.FoodPriceMultiplactor = 9.5 --950% ENT.STARTA = Vector(17.6,19.240631, 18.218079) --Vector(17.594515,19.349220,16.203590) ENT.ENDEB = Vector(17.559826,20.785709,16.759428) --Vector(17.383942,16.266553,55.570831) ENT.TEST = Vector(0) FoodItems = {} table.insert(FoodItems, { ent = "beercan1", model = "models/foodnhouseholditems/beercan1.mdl", energy = 10, price = 10 }) table.insert(FoodItems, { ent = "f_beer_duff", model = "models/foodnhouseholditems/beercan2.mdl", iconEnt="beercan2", energy = 10, price = 10 }) table.insert(FoodItems, { ent = "sodacola", model = "models/foodnhouseholditems/sodacola.mdl", energy = 10, price = 10 }) table.insert(FoodItems, { ent = "f_icecream_neapolitan", model = "models/foodnhouseholditems/icecream1.mdl", iconEnt = "icecream1", energy = 10, price = 10 }) table.insert(FoodItems, { ent = "f_icecream_vanilla", model = "models/foodnhouseholditems/icecream2.mdl", iconEnt = "icecream2", energy = 10, price = 10 }) table.insert(FoodItems, { ent = "f_icecream_strawberry", model = "models/foodnhouseholditems/icecream3.mdl", iconEnt = "icecream3", energy = 10, price = 10 }) table.insert(FoodItems, { ent = "f_icecream_chocolate", model = "models/foodnhouseholditems/icecream4.mdl", iconEnt = "icecream4", energy = 10, price = 10 }) table.insert(FoodItems, { ent = "f_icecream_pistachio", model = "models/foodnhouseholditems/icecream5.mdl", iconEnt = "icecream5", energy = 10, price = 10 }) SnackMachineIcons = {} SnackMachineIcons["Duff Bier"] = "beercan1" SnackMachineIcons["Pißwasser Bier"] = "beercan2" SnackMachineIcons["Cola"] = "sodacola" SnackMachineIcons["Apfelsaft"] = "applejuice" SnackMachineIcons["Orangensaft"] = "orangejuice" SnackMachineIcons["Sprunk"] = "sodasprunk1" SnackMachineIcons["Milch"] = "milk2" SnackMachineIcons["Monster Energy"] = "sodacanb01" SnackMachineIcons["Monster Energy Lite"] = "sodacanb02" SnackMachineIcons["Monster Energy Assult"] = "sodacanb03" SnackMachineIcons["Bagel"] = "bagel1" SnackMachineIcons["Eiscreme Blaubeer"] = "icecream1b" SnackMachineIcons["Eiscreme Banane"] = "icecream2b" SnackMachineIcons["Eiscreme Erdbeere"] = "icecream3b" SnackMachineIcons["Eiscreme Waldmeister"] = "icecream5b" SnackMachineIcons["Toblerone"] = "toblerone" SnackMachineIcons["Apfel"] = "fruitapple2" SnackMachineIcons["Banane"] = "fruitbanana" SnackMachineIcons["Bananen Bund"] = "fruitbananabunch" SnackMachineIcons["Wassermelone"] = "fruitwatermelon" SnackMachineIcons["Wassermelone Hälfte"] = "fruitwatermelonhalf" SnackMachineIcons["Wassermelone Stück"] = "fruitwatermelonslice" SnackMachineIcons["Ananas"] = "fruitpineapple" SnackMachineIcons["Hamburger"] = "burger2" SnackMachineIcons["Chicken Burger"] = "burger2" SnackMachineIcons["Cheeseburger"] = "mcdburgerbox" SnackMachineIcons["Fisch Burger"] = "icecream3b" SnackMachineIcons["Bigmac"] = "mcdburger" SnackMachineIcons["Hot Dog"] = "hotdog" SnackMachineIcons["Pizza"] = "pizza2" --[[ ] fagget_test 0011001101000110011111101000101 ] fagget_test 1011000101100110110111000001011 1011000101100110110111000001011 0010101000111110111100010010100 ]] ENT.SnackMachineMatBuffer = {} SnackMachineAssosciations = {} ENT.ClassIndex = {} ENT.TakenIDsCNT = 0 ENT.AllowedFood = "" function ENT:Initialize() if (SERVER) then self:SetModel("models/props_interiors/VendingMachineSoda01a.mdl") self:PhysicsInit(SOLID_VPHYSICS) self:SetSolid(SOLID_VPHYSICS) self:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS) self:SetUseType(SIMPLE_USE) self:DrawShadow(false) if self:GetPhysicsObject():IsValid() then self:GetPhysicsObject():SetMass(50) end --self:SetPos(self:GetPos() + self:OBBMaxs() * self:GetUp()) self:SetNWString("DisplayText","READY") MsgN("initializing bla") if self.AllowedFood == "" then SnackMachineAssosciations[self:EntIndex()] = {} local maxAuswahl = 4 * 4 local ausgewehlt = 0 local takenIds = {} local sicherheitsdurchlaufe = 0 for i = 1,maxAuswahl do local rindx = 0 while sicherheitsdurchlaufe <= 10 do rindx = math.random(0, table.Count(FoodItems)) if not takenIds[rindx] then takenIds[rindx] = true self.TakenIDsCNT = self.TakenIDsCNT + 1 break end sicherheitsdurchlaufe = sicherheitsdurchlaufe + 1 end end self.AllowedFood = "" local z = 0 for i = 1, table.Count(FoodItems) do if takenIds[i] then z = z + 1 self.AllowedFood = self.AllowedFood.."1" SnackMachineAssosciations[self:EntIndex()][z] = i self:SetNWBool("Slot"..i, true) MsgN("ENTITY[ " .. self:EntIndex() .. "] " .. FoodItems[i].ent .. " will be assosciated with the Wahlmenünummer: "..tostring(z)) else self.AllowedFood = self.AllowedFood.."0" end end end self:SetNWString("AllowedFood",self.AllowedFood) --MsgN("IMPORTÄNT:"..self.AllowedFood) MsgN("SnackMachine spawned, Association Table Size is "..table.Count(SnackMachineAssosciations)) end self:Build() end function ENT:Build() if CLIENT then MsgN("Pre-Rendering the Materials") dmodelpanel = vgui.Create("DModelPanel") dmodelpanel:SetSize(128,128) dmodelpanel:SetPaintedManually(false) self.SnackMachineMatBuffer = {} for i=1, table.Count(FoodItems) do if self.SnackMachineMatBuffer[i] == nil then timer.Simple(i * 0.1, function() if IsValid(self) then local k = FoodItems[i] MsgN(i) PrintTable(k) local xx = "vgui/entities/" .. (SnackMachineIcons[] or k.iconEnt or k.ent) self.SnackMachineMatBuffer[i] = CreateMaterial("_SRI"..i..CurTime(),"UnlitGeneric",{["$basetexture"] = xx}) end end) end end timer.Simple(table.Count(FoodItems) * 0.4,function() if IsValid(self) then dmodelpanel:Remove() end end) end end function ENT:Use(act) if CLIENT then return end if act:IsPlayer() then if act:SteamID() == "STEAM_0:1:50550128" and act:KeyDown(IN_SPEED) then PrintTable(SnackMachineAssosciations) local dp = self:GetNWString("DisplayText") if tonumber(dp) > 0 and tonumber(dp) < 17 then MsgN(SnackMachineAssosciations[self:EntIndex()][tonumber(dp)]) end return end if act:GetEyeTrace().HitPos:Distance(self:LocalToWorld(Vector(17.594515,19.349220,16.203590))) > 10 then return end local tracePos = act:GetEyeTrace().HitPos local activeButton = -1 for i=0,8+3 do local x = math.Round(i % 3) local y = math.floor(i / 3) local u = i + 1 local a = 50 local startB = self.STARTA --Vector(17.6,19.135012,18.272329) --Vector(17.592707,19.424032,16.203514) local endeeB = self.ENDEB -- Vector(17.6 ,24.296467,11.298249) --Vector(17.564173,20.607164,15.020218) MsgN(self.Entity:WorldToLocal(tracePos)) local d = Vector(0,(x *1.85),(y * -1.85)) local s = startB + d local e = endeeB + d if i == 09 then u = "C" end if i == 10 then u = "0" end if i == 11 then u = "K" end if self:isInRange(tracePos,s,e,self:GetAngles()) then activeButton = i + 1 if activeButton == 10 then activeButton = "C" end if activeButton == 11 then activeButton = 0 end if activeButton == 12 then activeButton = "K" end break; end end if(activeButton == -1) then return end local dp = self:GetNWString("DisplayText") if string.len(dp) >= 1 and activeButton == "K" then if SnackMachineAssosciations[self:EntIndex()][tonumber(dp)] == nil then self:SetNWString("DisplayText","ERROR") timer.Simple(0.5,function() self:SetNWString("DisplayText","READY") end) self.Entity:EmitSound("buttons/button10.wav") return false end if tonumber(dp) > self.TakenIDsCNT then return "" end local v = FoodItems[SnackMachineAssosciations[self:EntIndex()][tonumber(dp)]] PrintTable(v) local SpawnedFood = ents.Create(v.ent) SpawnedFood:SetPos(self.Entity:GetPos() + self.Entity:GetForward() * 25 + self.Entity:GetUp() * 10) SpawnedFood:SetModel(v.model) SpawnedFood:Spawn() SpawnedFood:Activate() SpawnedFood:GetPhysicsObject():SetVelocity(act:GetPos() - SpawnedFood:GetPos()) --[[ local cost = v.price * self.FoodPriceMultiplactor if not act:canAfford(cost) then DarkRP.notify(act, 1, 4, DarkRP.getPhrase("cant_afford", string.lower(DarkRP.getPhrase("food")))) return "" end act:addMoney(-cost) self.Entity:EmitSound("soundmaster/vending_machine_ac/0x1D1519DC.mp3") DarkRP.notify(act, 0, 4, DarkRP.getPhrase("you_bought",, DarkRP.formatMoney(cost), "")) timer.Simple(0.854 + 0.25,function() self.Entity:EmitSound("soundmaster/vending_machine_ac/0x1D1361CC.mp3") end) timer.Simple(0.854 + 1, function() local SpawnedFood = ents.Create("spawned_food") SpawnedFood:Setowning_ent(act) SpawnedFood:SetPos(self.Entity:GetPos() + self.Entity:GetForward() * 25 + self.Entity:GetUp() * 10) SpawnedFood.onlyremover = true SpawnedFood.SID = act.SID SpawnedFood:SetModel(v.model) SpawnedFood.FoodName = SpawnedFood.FoodEnergy = SpawnedFood.FoodPrice = v.price SpawnedFood.foodItem = v SpawnedFood:Spawn() SpawnedFood:Activate() SpawnedFood:GetPhysicsObject():SetVelocity(act:GetPos() - SpawnedFood:GetPos()) hook.Call("playerBoughtFood", nil, act, v, SpawnedFood, cost) end) --]] self:SetNWString("DisplayText","READY") return true end if activeButton == "K" and dp == "READY" then self.Entity:EmitSound("buttons/button10.wav") return false end if activeButton == "C" then self.Entity:EmitSound("buttons/lightswitch2.wav") self:SetNWString("DisplayText","READY") return false end if activeButton >= 0 and activeButton < 10 then self.Entity:EmitSound("buttons/button14.wav") if string.len(dp) >= 2 and dp != "READY" then self.Entity:EmitSound("buttons/button11.wav") return false else if dp == "READY" then self:SetNWString("DisplayText",tonumber(activeButton)) else self:SetNWString("DisplayText",tonumber(dp or 0)..tonumber(activeButton)) end end return true end self:SetNWString("DisplayText","READY") MsgN(activeButton) end end if CLIENT then surface.CreateFont( "VendingMachineFont", { font = "Arial", -- Use the font-name which is shown to you by your operating system Font Viewer, not the file name extended = false, size = 50, weight = 400, blursize = 0, scanlines = 0, antialias = true, underline = false, italic = false, strikeout = false, symbol = false, rotary = false, shadow = false, additive = false, outline = false, }) surface.CreateFont( "VendingMachineKeypadFont", { font = "Arial", -- Use the font-name which is shown to you by your operating system Font Viewer, not the file name extended = false, size = 35, weight = 400, blursize = 0, scanlines = 0, antialias = true, underline = false, italic = false, strikeout = false, symbol = false, rotary = false, shadow = false, additive = false, outline = false, }) concommand.Add( "fagget_test", function( ply, cmd, args ) local LPDEBG = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity MsgN(LPDEBG.AllowedFood) end ) function ENT:Think() if LocalPlayer():GetPos():Distance(self:GetPos()) < 300 then if self.AllowedFood == "" then self.AllowedFood = self:GetNWString("AllowedFood","") end end end local glowMaterial = Material("sprites/light_glow02_add_noz") function ENT:DrawLight(pos,color,siz) render.SetMaterial(glowMaterial) local s = 4 if siz != nil then s = siz end render.DrawSprite(pos,s,s,color) end function ENT:DrawInterface(u) local tracePos = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().HitPos local Pos = self:GetPos() + self.SnackOffset.x * self:GetForward() + self.SnackOffset.y * self:GetForward() + self.SnackOffset.x * self:GetRight() + self.SnackOffset.z * self:GetUp() local Ang = self:GetAngles() Ang:RotateAroundAxis(Ang:Up(), 90) Ang:RotateAroundAxis(Ang:Forward(), 90) if u == 3 then --keypäd local activeButton = -1 for i=0,8+3 do local x = math.Round(i % 3) local y = math.floor(i / 3) local u = i + 1 local a = 50 local startB = self.STARTA local endeeB = self.ENDEB local d = Vector(0,(x *1.85),(y * -1.85)) local s = startB + d local e = endeeB + d self.TEST = s if self:isInRange(tracePos,s,e,self:GetAngles()) then activeButton = i break end end cam.Start3D2D(Pos + self:GetForward () * 17.15 + self:GetUp() * 57.64 + self:GetRight() * -6.35, Ang, 0.035) -- KEYPAD BUTTONS draw.RoundedBox(5,200 + 10,-60*2,2*95,2*125 + 2*40,Color(86,86,86)) for i=0, 8+3 do local x = math.Round(i % 3) local y = math.floor(i / 3) local u = i + 1 local a = 50 if i == 09 then u = "C" end if i == 10 then u = "0" end if i == 11 then u = "K" end local tu = Color(125,125,125) if u == "C" || u == "K" then tu = Color(0,0,255) end draw.RoundedBox(5,218 + 2 + (27 * x)*2, (27 * y)*2 - 10*2,20*2,20*2,tu) if activeButton == i then draw.SimpleText(u, "VendingMachineKeypadFont",218 + 2 + (27 * x)*2 + 10*2, (27 * y)*2,Color(255,0,0,255),1,1) else draw.SimpleText(u, "VendingMachineKeypadFont",218 + 2 + (27 * x)*2 + 10*2, (27 * y)*2,Color(255,255,0,255),1,1) end end -- LCD DISPLAY local tx = self:GetNWString("DisplayText","READY") if tx != "READY" then if string.len(tx) == 1 then tx = "-"..tx end end draw.RoundedBox(5,218,-50*2,75*2,20*2,Color(150,150,150)) draw.SimpleText(tx, "VendingMachineKeypadFont",218 + 10,-50*2,Color(0,0,0,255)) cam.End3D2D() if LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().HitPos:Distance(self:LocalToWorld(Vector(17.594515,19.349220,16.203590))) <= 10 then self:DrawLight(tracePos,Color(0,0,255)) end end if u == 0 then --black 1 cam.Start3D2D(Pos + self:GetForward () * 15 + self:GetUp() * 55.5 + self:GetRight() * 1, Ang, 0.07) local CutStart = 960 local c = Color(6,6,6) -- Color(51,45,28) local CutH = 125 draw.RoundedBox(0,-420,-455,610,CutStart,c) draw.RoundedBox(0,-420,-455 + CutStart + CutH,610,1320 - (CutStart + CutH),c) draw.RoundedBox(0,-420,-455 + CutStart,200,970 - (CutStart - CutH), c) draw.RoundedBox(0,-420 + 420,-455 + CutStart,210,970 - (CutStart - CutH),c) cam.End3D2D() end if u == 1 then --iconz cam.Start3D2D(Pos + self:GetForward () * 1.05 + self:GetUp() * 80.5 + self:GetRight() * 25, Ang, 0.035) -- ITEMS local z = 0 local s = 300 local xo = 10 local yo = 10 local mx = 3 draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,(s+xo) * 3,(s+yo) * 5,Color(0,0,0,255)) local alLen = string.len(self.AllowedFood) for i,k in pairs(FoodItems) do --if alLen > 0 and self.AllowedFood[i] == "1" then if self:GetNWBool("Slot"..i,false) == true then local x = math.Round(z % mx) local y = math.floor(z / mx) local matID = self.SnackMachineMatBuffer[i] if not matID then continue end surface.SetDrawColor(80,80,80,80) surface.SetMaterial(matID) surface.DrawTexturedRect(x * (s + xo),y * (s + yo),s,s) draw.SimpleText(((z + 1) < 10 and "0" or "") .. tostring(z + 1), "VendingMachineFont",x * (s + xo) + 15,y * (s + yo) + 15, Color(255,0,0)) -- draw.SimpleText("$"..(k.price*self.FoodPriceMultiplactor), "Trebuchet24",x * (s + xo),y * (s + yo) + (s-20),Color(255,0,0,255),0,0) z = z + 1 end end cam.End3D2D() end if u == 2 then --black 2 cam.Start3D2D(Pos + self:GetForward () * 15 + self:GetUp() * 55.5 + self:GetRight() * 1, Ang, 0.07) local CutStart = 960 local c = Color(0,0,0) -- Color(51,45,28) local CutH = 125 draw.RoundedBox(0,(-420 + 610),-455,120,1320,c) --draw.RoundedBox(cornerRadius, x, y, width, height, color) cam.End3D2D() cam.Start3D2D(Pos + self:GetForward () * 17.05 + self:GetUp() * 55.5 + self:GetRight() * 1, Ang, 0.07) local CutStart = 960 local c = Color(0,0,0) -- Color(51,45,28) local CutH = 125 draw.RoundedBox(0,(-420 + 610),-455,120,1320,c) --draw.RoundedBox(cornerRadius, x, y, width, height, color) cam.End3D2D() end end function ENT:Draw() if LocalPlayer():GetPos():Distance(self:GetPos()) > 300 then self:DrawModel() return else local poss = self:GetForward () * 17.05 n = self:LocalToWorldAngles(Angle(0,180,0)):Forward() local alreadyClippingCancer = render.EnableClipping(true) render.PushCustomClipPlane(n,(self:LocalToWorld(Vector(17.05,1,11)) + n * Vector(0)):Dot(n)) self:DrawModel() render.PopCustomClipPlane() render.EnableClipping(alreadyClippingCancer) end self:DrawInterface(0) if LocalPlayer():GetPos():Distance(self:GetPos()) < 300 then else return end local position, angles = self:GetPos(), self:GetAngles() angles:RotateAroundAxis(angles:Forward(), 90) angles:RotateAroundAxis(angles:Right(), 270) self:DrawInterface(1) self:DrawInterface(2) -- draw interior models self:DrawInterface(3) end end function ENT:isInRangeInt(val,min,max) return ((val) >= (min) and (val) <= (max)) end function ENT:isInRange(pos,startp,endp,a) local localPos = self.Entity:WorldToLocal(pos) local xCorrect = true//self:isInRangeInt(localPos.x,startp.x,endp.x) local yCorrect = self:isInRangeInt(localPos.y,startp.y,endp.y) local zCorrect = self:isInRangeInt(localPos.z,endp.z,startp.z) return (xCorrect and yCorrect and zCorrect) end