#!/bin/python3 # Mi365 Scooter Library # MiAuth - Authenticate and interact with Xiaomi devices over BLE # Copyright (C) 2021 Daljeet Nandha + modified by @catSIXe # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import sys import json import os import argparse import time from bluepy import btle from mim365mi.m365scooter import M365Scooter from message import * import struct parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("mac", help="mac address of target device") parser.add_argument("-c", "--command", help="send command (w/o checksum) to uart and print reply") parser.add_argument("-s", "--serial", action='store_true', help="retrieve serial number") parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action='store_true', help="retrieve firmware version") parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action='store_true', help="activate debug log") parser.add_argument("-r", "--register", action='store_true', help="register with device / create token (caution: will lose bond to all other apps)") parser.add_argument("-t", "--token_file", default="./mi_token", help="path to mi token file (default: ./mi_token)") args = parser.parse_args() from miauth.mi.micrypto import MiCrypto from paho.mqtt import client as mqtt_client port = 1883 broker = '' topic = "m365/test/" client_id = f'john-xina' def connect_mqtt(): def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): if rc == 0: print("Connected to MQTT Broker!") else: print("Failed to connect, return code %d\n", rc) client = mqtt_client.Client(client_id) client.username_pw_set('scooter', 'PASSWORD') client.on_connect = on_connect client.connect(broker, port) return client def main(): mqtt = connect_mqtt() mc = M365Scooter(btle.Peripheral(), args.mac, debug=args.debug) def lol(reg, payload): payloadO = payload payload = int.from_bytes(payload, signed=True, byteorder='little') if reg == '23010d': #Motor phase A current reg = 'esc_phase_a_current' if reg == '23010e': #Motor phase B current reg = 'esc_phase_b_current' if reg == '23010f': #Motor phase C current reg = 'esc_phase_c_current' if reg == '230175': #drive mode reg = 'drive_mode' if reg == '230122': #batt percent reg = 'bms_level' if reg == '230150': #current reg = 'esc_current_ma' payload = payload * 10 if reg == '230148': #bms volt reg = 'bms_volt' payload = payload/1e2 if reg == '230147': #esc volt reg = 'esc_volt' payload = payload/1e2 if reg == '230126': #speed reg = 'speed' if reg == '230129': #Total mileage, m reg = 'total_km' payload = payload/1e3 if reg == '23012F': #Current mileage reg = 'current_m' if reg == '230132': #Total run time reg = 'total_uptime' if reg == '23013a': #triptime reg = 'triptime1' if reg == '23013e': #frame_temp reg = 'frame_temp1' payload = payload/1e1 if reg == '2301bb': #frame_temp reg = 'frame_temp2' payload = payload/1e1 if reg == '250140': # cell voltages reg = 'bms_cell_voltages' payload = [] for i in range(0, 10): payload.append(int.from_bytes(payloadO[ (i*2) : (i*2)+2 ], signed=True, byteorder='little') /1e3) payload = json.dumps(payload) if reg == '25013b': # battery health reg = 'bms_health' if reg == '250130': # battery status reg = 'bms_status' if reg == '25011c': # Charge count reg = 'bms_chargecount' if reg == '25011b': # Charge full cycles reg = 'bms_chargefullcount' if reg == '250110': # Serial number reg = 'bms_serial' payload = payloadO.decode() if reg == '250133': # bms current x10mA reg = 'bms_current_ma' payload = payload * 10 if reg == '250135': # bms temps high and low bytes, -20C offset reg = 'bms_temp1' payload = payloadO[ 1 ] - 20 mqtt.publish(topic + reg, payload) reg = 'bms_temp2' payload = payloadO[ 0 ] - 20 print(reg, payload) mqtt.publish(topic + reg, payload) mc.handleData(lol) print("Connecting") mc.connect() if args.register: print("Registering") mc.register() mc.save_token(args.token_file) print("Saved token to:", args.token_file) if not mc.token: if not os.path.isfile(args.token_file): sys.exit("""No authentication token found, register with '-r' or specify path to token file with '-t '.Caution: After registration this device will lose coupling to all other apps (remove/add device in Mi Home app if needed). """) print("Loading token from:", args.token_file) mc.load_token(args.token_file) print("Logging in...") mc.login() print("Retrieving serial number") mc.comm_simplex("55aa032001 10 0e") #print("Serial number:", resp.decode()) time.sleep(3) #print("Retrieving firmware version") #resp = mc.comm("55aa032001 1a 10") #print("Firmware version:", f"{resp[0]}.{resp[1]}") cmd = str(battery_info._raw_bytes.hex()) print("Sending command:", cmd) def scooterPowerManagement(reboot=False): mc.comm_simplex(Message() \ .set_direction(0x20) \ .set_read_write(ReadWrite.WRITE) \ .set_attribute(0x78 if reboot else 0x79) \ .set_payload(b'\x01\x00') \ .build()._raw_bytes.hex()) def on_message(client, userdata, msg): print(f"Received `{msg.payload.decode()}` from `{msg.topic}` topic") if msg.topic == topic +'cmds/poweroff': scooterPowerManagement(True) if msg.topic == topic +'cmds/reboot': scooterPowerManagement(True) mqtt.subscribe(topic+'cmds/#') mqtt.on_message = on_message mqtt.loop_start() i = 0 while True: i+=1 # ESC if i % 10 == 0: mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 29 04') # Total mileage, m time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 2F 02') # Current mileage time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 32 04') # Total run time time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 34 04') # ? some run time time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 3A 04') # ? trip time time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 3B 04') # ? trip time time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 22 02') # BMS Percent time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 26 02') # Speed time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 47 02') # ESC supply voltage (measured by ESC) time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 48 02') # Battery voltage (from BMS) time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 50 02') # Battery current (from BMS) time.sleep(0.05) if i % 10 == 0: mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 75 02') time.sleep(0.05) # ESC Temperatures if i % 10 == 0: mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 BB 02') #Frame temperature time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 20 01 3E 02') # Frame temperature time.sleep(0.05) # BMS if i % 10 == 0: mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 40 14') # Cell Voltage 1 - 10 time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 35 02') # bTemperature1:bTemperature2, Deg C, 0 is -20 time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 30 02') # Status time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 33 02') #Current, x10mA, positive - discharging, negative - charging time.sleep(0.05) if i % 180 == 0: mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 10 0E') #Serial number time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 17 02') #Firmware version time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 18 02') #Factory capacity time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 20 02') #Manufacture date time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 1B 02') #Charge full cycles time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 1C 02') #Charge count time.sleep(0.05) mc.comm_simplex('55AA 03 22 01 3B 02') #Health, % time.sleep(0.05) print("Disconnecting") mc.disconnect() if __name__ == "__main__": main()