You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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5 years ago
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<div id="app">
<v-app-bar app>
<b>MC</b> <b>A</b>ccount <b>C</b>hecker and <b>I</b>ntegrity <b>V</b>alidator
<sub>by <a href="">CuddlyCheetah</a></sub>
hello to anyone, who reads this :3
<v-data-table must-sort :footer-props="footerProps" :options="options" :loading="loading" loading-text="Loading... Please wait" :headers="headers" item-key="_id" :items="accountData" :items-per-page="5"
class="elevation-1" :search="search" :custom-filter="filterOnlyCapsText">
<template v-slot:top>
<v-text-field v-model="search" label="Search" class="mx-4"></v-text-field>
<template v-slot:no-data>
No Accounts to show
<template v-slot:item.uuid="{ item }">
<td :colspan="headers.length">
<img v-if="item.validState == 1" :alt="item.uuid"
:src="'' + item.uuid + '/48/nohelm.png'">
<img v-if="item.validState == -1" :src="'Barrier_2.png'">
Import Bulk Accounts
<v-textarea outlined v-model="bulkImportText" label="Bulk Import Data" placeholder="[username]:<user/email>:<password>
<v-btn :disabled="isBulkTextValid()" raised @click="bulkImport()">Import</v-btn>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
//vueResource: new vueResource(),
http: {
root: '/',
data() {
return {
loading: true,
search: '',
options: {
itemsPerPage: -1,
groupBy: ['validState'],
groupDesc: ['validState']
footerProps: {
itemsPerPageOptions: [ -1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 75, 100 ]
validStateLUT: {
[-1]: '❌ Invalid',
[0]: '❔ Unknown',
[1]: '✅ Valid'
headers: [
{ text: 'UUID', align: 'start', groupable: false, sortable: false, value: 'uuid', },
{ text: 'State', value: 'validStateText', groupable: true },
{ text: 'E-Mail', value: 'email', groupable: false },
{ text: 'Username', value: 'username', groupable: false },
{ text: 'Passwort', value: 'password', groupable: false },
accountData: [],
bulkImportText: '',
created() {
methods: {
refresh() {
this.$http.get('/api/accounts').then(response => {
this.accountData = => {
item.validStateText = this.validStateLUT[item.validState]
return item
//this.accountData.sort((a,b) => a.validState - b.validState)
this.loading = false
}, response => {
isBulkTextValid() {
return this.bulkImportText.length < 0 || this.bulkImportText.indexOf(':') === -1
bulkImport() {
const accounts = this.bulkImportText.split('\n')
this.$'/api/import', JSON.stringify(accounts)).then(response => {
this.bulkImportText = response.body
}, console.error)