const config = require('../config') const every = require('every') // MongoDB const { mongoose, Models } = require('../database') // MCD API const UUID = require('uuid') const rqt = require('../node_modules/rqt') const MCDSession = new rqt.Session({ host: config.mcdEndpointLegacy, headers: config.mcdHeadersLegacy, }) const imapAuth = config.accountManager.imapAuth const MailListener = require('mail-listener2') const mailListener = new MailListener({ ...imapAuth, connTimeout: 10000, authTimeout: 10000, // debug: console.log, tlsOptions: { rejectUnauthorized: false }, mailbox: config.accountManager.imapMailbox, searchFilter: ['UNSEEN'], markSeen: true, fetchUnreadOnStart: true, }) function generatePass(plength){ var keylistalpha="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var keylistint="123456789"; var keylistspec="!@#_"; var temp=''; var len = plength/2; var len = len - 1; var lenspec = plength-len-len; for (i=0;i { const BOTID = mongoose.Types.ObjectId() const MAIL = BOTID + config.accountManager.mailSuffix const PW = generatePass(8) + 'aA.' const deviceId = UUID.v4() console.log('creating account', MAIL) const res = await MCDSession.aqt('/v2/customer/security/account?type=traditional', { method: 'POST', type: 'json', data: { "password": PW, "profile": { "base": { "address": [ { "activeInd": "Y", "allowPromotions": "Y", "details": [{ "addressLineDetails": { "zipCode": config.accountManager.mcdRegZipCode }, "addressLocale": "de-DE" }], "primaryInd": "Y", "addressType": "other" }, ], "email": [ { "activeInd": "Y", "emailAddress": MAIL, "primaryInd": "Y", "type": "personal" }, ], "firstName": config.accountManager.mcdRegFirstName, "lastName": config.accountManager.mcdRegLastName, "username": MAIL }, "extended": { "devices": [ { "brand": "privacymatters", "deviceId": deviceId, "deviceIdType": "AndroidId", "isActive": "Y", "language": "de-DE", "manufacturer": "privacymatters", "model": "privacymatters", "os": "android", "osVersion": "9", "personalName": "PersonalMobile", "sourceId": "MOT", "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "token": "00000-0000:APA000000000000-00000000000000--0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" } ], "policies": { "acceptancePolicies": [ { "acceptanceInd": "Y", "channelId": "M", "deviceId": deviceId, "isExpired": false, "name": "TermsOfUseAcceptanceType","sourceId": "MOT", "type": "1" } ], "accessPolicy": [ { "acceptanceInd": "Y", "channelId": "M", "deviceId": deviceId, "isExpired": false, "name": "PrivacyPolicyAcceptanceType", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "2" } ] }, "preferences": [ { "details": { "Email": "de-DE", "legacyId": "1", "MobileApp": "de-DE" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "PreferredLanguage", "preferenceId": "1", "label": "PreferredLanguage", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "ecpLegacy" }, { "details": { "Email": "False", "legacyId": "2", "MobileApp": "False" }, "isActive": "N", "preferenceDesc": "DoesAcceptPromotion", "preferenceId": "2", "label": "DoesAcceptPromotion", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "ecpLegacy" }, { "details": { "Email": "ByEmail", "legacyId": "3", "MobileApp": "ByEmail" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "PreferredNotification", "preferenceId": "3", "label": "PreferredNotification", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "ecpLegacy" }, { "details": { "Email": [], "legacyId": "18", "MobileApp": [] }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "PreferredOfferCategory", "preferenceId": "11", "label": "PreferredOfferCategory", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "ecpLegacy" }, { "details": { "enabled": "Y" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "FoodPreferenceFry", "preferenceId": "16", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "FoodPreference" }, { "details": { "Email": "False", "legacyId": "6", "MobileApp": "True" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "YourOffers", "preferenceId": "6", "label": "YourOffers", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "ecpLegacy" }, { "details": { "Email": "False", "legacyId": "7", "MobileApp": "True" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "LimitedTimeOffers", "preferenceId": "7", "label": "LimitedTimeOffers", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "ecpLegacy" }, { "details": { "enabled": "Y" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "FoodPreferenceBreakfast", "preferenceId": "12", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "FoodPreference" }, { "details": { "enabled": "Y" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "FoodPreferenceSandwich", "preferenceId": "13", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "FoodPreference" }, { "details": { "enabled": "Y" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "FoodPreferenceHappymeal", "preferenceId": "17", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "FoodPreference" }, { "details": { "enabled": "Y" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "FoodPreferenceDrink", "preferenceId": "15", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "FoodPreference" }, { "details": { "enabled": "Y" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "FoodPreferenceSalad", "preferenceId": "19", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "FoodPreference" }, { "details": { "enabled": "Y" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "FoodPreferenceChicken", "preferenceId": "14", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "FoodPreference" }, { "details": { "Email": "False", "legacyId": "8", "MobileApp": "True" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "PunchcardOffers", "preferenceId": "8", "label": "PunchcardOffers", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "ecpLegacy" }, { "details": { "Email": "False", "legacyId": "9", "MobileApp": "True" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "EverydayOffers", "preferenceId": "9", "label": "EverydayOffers", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "ecpLegacy" }, { "details": { "enabled": "Y" }, "isActive": "Y", "preferenceDesc": "FoodPreferenceWrap", "preferenceId": "21", "sourceId": "MOT", "type": "FoodPreference" } ], "subscriptions": [ { "legacyId": "1", "legacyType": "optin", "optInStatus": "N", "sourceId": "MOT", "subscriptionDesc": "CommunicationChannel", "subscriptionId": "1" }, { "legacyId": "2", "legacyType": "optin", "optInStatus": "N", "sourceId": "MOT", "subscriptionDesc": "Surveys", "subscriptionId": "2" }, { "legacyId": "3", "legacyType": "optin", "optInStatus": "N", "sourceId": "MOT", "subscriptionDesc": "ProgramChanges", "subscriptionId": "3" }, { "legacyId": "4", "legacyType": "optin", "optInStatus": "N", "sourceId": "MOT", "subscriptionDesc": "Contests", "subscriptionId": "4" }, { "legacyId": "5", "legacyType": "optin", "optInStatus": "N", "sourceId": "MOT", "subscriptionDesc": "OtherMarketingMessages", "subscriptionId": "5" }, { "legacyId": "2", "legacyType": "sub", "optInStatus": "Y", "sourceId": "MOT", "subscriptionDesc": "OfferProgram", "subscriptionId": "7" }, { "legacyId": "5", "legacyType": "pref", "optInStatus": "Y", "sourceId": "MOT", "subscriptionDesc": "MobileNotificationEnabled", "subscriptionId": "11" }, { "legacyId": "5", "legacyType": "pref", "optInStatus": "N", "sourceId": "MOT", "subscriptionDesc": "EmailNotificationEnabled", "subscriptionId": "10" }, { "optInStatus": "Y", "sourceId": "MOT", "subscriptionDesc": "GeneralMarketing", "subscriptionId": "22" }, { "optInStatus": "N", "sourceId": "MOT", "subscriptionDesc": "PersonalMarketing", "subscriptionId": "23" } ] } } }, }) //console.log(JSON.stringify(res.body, null, '\n')) await Models.Account.create({ _id: BOTID, email: MAIL, deviceId: deviceId, password: PW, }) return BOTID } const removeAccount = async(botId) => { let dbId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(botId) console.log('removeAccount', dbId) let $user = await Models.Account.findById(dbId) const res = await MCDSession.jqt('/v2/customer/security/account', { method: 'DELETE', headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${ $user.token }`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }) if (res.status == "ok") { await Models.Account.findByIdAndRemove(dbId) } else { console.log(res) return false } } const login = async (botId) => { let dbId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(botId) let $user = await Models.Account.findById(dbId) console.log('logging in', $user._id) const res = await MCDSession.jqt('/v2/customer/security/authentication?type=traditional', { method: 'POST', type: 'json', data: { password: $user.password, type: "email", loginUsername: $, } }) if (res.status == "ok") { await Models.Account.findByIdAndUpdate(dbId, { token: res.details.token, lastLogin: new Date(), }) return true } else console.error('logging in', $user._id, 'failed', res) return false } async function handleMail(html, subject, toward, seqno) { try { let toMail = toward.replace('<', '').replace('>', '') if (subject == config.accountManager.mcdSubjectVerified) { // remove verified-mails mailListener.imap.seq.addFlags(seqno, '\\Seen', null) mailListener.imap.seq.addFlags(seqno, '\\Deleted', null) return } if (subject !== config.accountManager.mcdSubjectVerify) return console.error('not an register email') if (toMail.indexOf(config.accountManager.mailSuffix) == -1) return false let botId = toMail.substring(0, toMail.indexOf(config.accountManager.mailSuffix)) console.log(botId) let dbId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(botId) let activateAccountURL = html if (!activateAccountURL) return false if (activateAccountURL.indexOf(config.accountManager.mcdVerifyLink) == -1) return false // console.log(toMail, botId) if (await Models.Account.count({ _id: dbId }) !== 1) return console.error('not in db') let userEntryForMail = await Models.Account.findById(dbId) // activateAccountURL = activateAccountURL.substring(activateAccountURL.indexOf(config.accountManager.mcdVerifyLink)) activateAccountURL = activateAccountURL.substring(0, activateAccountURL.indexOf('"')) let verificationCode = activateAccountURL.substring(activateAccountURL.indexOf('ac=') + 'ac='.length) console.log(toMail, toMail ==, activateAccountURL, verificationCode) let res = await MCDSession.jqt('/v2/customer/security/account/verification?type=email', { method: 'POST', type: 'json', data: { "username":, "verificationCode": verificationCode } }) // console.log(userEntryForMail , JSON.stringify(res, null,'\n')) console.log(res) if (res['status'] == "ok") { await Models.Account.findByIdAndUpdate(dbId, { active: true, link: activateAccountURL, }) mailListener.imap.seq.addFlags(seqno, '\\Seen', null); mailListener.imap.seq.addFlags(seqno, '\\Deleted', null); } else { console.log(res) } } catch (ex) { console.error(ex) } } async function Init() { // Schedule to fill up the Accounts every(5000) .on('data', async () => { let freeAccounts = await Models.Account.count({ free: true, }) if (freeAccounts < config.accountManager.freeAccountsReserve) { makeAccount() } let oldAccounts = await Models.Account.find({ active: true, free: false, lastLogin: { $lt: (new Date(new Date() - (1000 * 60 * 5))) } }) for (let oldAccount of oldAccounts) { if (await login(oldAccount._id) === true) { // if login works await removeAccount(oldAccount._id) } } }) // mail stuff mailListener.on('server:connected', () => { console.log("imapConnected") }) mailListener.on('server:disconnected', () => { console.log("imapDisconnected") mailListener.stop() mailListener.start() }) mailListener.on('error', (err) => { console.log(err) }) mailListener.on('mail', async (mail, seqno, attributes) => { if (mail.headers.from.indexOf('') > -1) { // console.log("emailParsed", mail.headers.subject, if ('-') > -1) return // TODO: remove await handleMail(mail.html, mail.subject,, seqno) } }) mailListener.start() } Init()