@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
module.exports = {
// MongoDB
mongodbURI: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
mongodbName: 'doofnalds',
// Redis
redisHost: '',
redisPort: 6379,
// Microservice specific Configurations
accountManager: {
imapAuth: {
username: 'catchall@emailhost.tld', // catchall email account
password: 'PASSWORD', // email pw
host: 'imap.emailhost.tld', // imap host
port: 993,
tls: true,
imapMailbox: 'INBOX',
mailSuffix: '.mcd@emailhost.tld',
freeAccountsReserve: 10, // keep 10 accounts ready for use
mcdSubjectVerified: 'Dein McDonald’s App-Account ist freigeschaltet',
mcdSubjectVerify: "Deine Registrierung in der McDonald's App",
mcdVerifyLink: 'https://www.mcdonalds.com/de/de-de/gmaredirect.html',
mcdRegFirstName: 'John',
mcdRegLastName: 'Teig',
mcdRegZipCode: '10115', // Default to Berlin
storeFinder: {
// dont change if you dont know, what youre doing
port: 30495,
host: '',
googlePlacesKey: 'API KEY FROM GOOGLE', // get it from google cloud console
sessionManager: {
// dont change if you dont know, what youre doing
port: 30496,
host: '',
accountsPerSession: 2,
renderService: {
// dont change if you dont know, what youre doing
port: 30497,
host: '',
telegramBot: {
texts: {
start: 'Hallo, willkommen beim Doofnalds Bot, mit diesen Bot kannst du',
// MC Donalds API Configuration
mcdEndpoint: 'https://eu-prod.api.mcd.com',
mcdEndpointLegacy: 'https://europe.api.mcd.com',
mcdEndpointOfferImage: 'https://de-prod-us-cds-oceofferimages.s3.amazonaws.com/oce2-de-prod/',
mcdHeaders: {
'User-Agent': 'MCDSDK/1.3.20 (Android; 28; de-DE) GMA/5.0',
'mcd-clientid': '6DEUyJOKaBoz8QR' + 'Fm49qqVIVPj0GUzoH',
'mcd-marketid': 'DE',
'mcd_apikey': 'DEDCUSANDPILOT919541' + '4' + 'I4J5M2D4CSJR45D500DE', // prevent easy search of this key
'MarketId': 'DE.PROD2',
'mcd-sourceapp': 'GMA',
'accept-language': 'de-DE',
'accept-charset': 'UTF-8',
'mcd-uuid': 'e48468ce-71f9-45e3' +'-' + '9b3d-333d3b32d028', // prevent easy search of this key
mcdHeadersLegacy: {
'User-Agent': 'Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 9; XT1685 Build/PQ2A.190405.003)',
'mcd-marketid': 'DE',
'mcd_apikey': 'DEDCUSANDPILOT91954' + '14I4J5M2D4CSJR45D500DE',
'MarketId': 'DE.PROD2',
'mcd-sourceapp': 'MOT',
'mcd-locale': 'de-DE',
'mcd-apiuid': '644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb' +'-' + 'b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b',