const config = require('../config')
const express = require('../node_modules/express')
const bodyParser = require('../node_modules/body-parser')
const fs = require('fs')
const Jimp = require('jimp')
const sha1 = require('sha1')
const microService = express()
let AndroidAppImg
Jimp.read('./app.png').then((img) => AndroidAppImg = img)
let IOSAppImg
Jimp.read('./app-ios.png').then((img) => IOSAppImg = img)
let OverviewImg
Jimp.read('./overview.png').then((img) => OverviewImg = img)
* Putting the QR Code into a Screenshot
.post('/qrcode', async (req, res) => {
const qrCodeImage = await Jimp.read(Buffer.from(req.body.QrCode, 'base64'))
await qrCodeImage.crop(37, 37, 165, 165)
if (!!req.body.ios_deprecated) {
const returnImage = IOSAppImg.clone()
198, 635
397, 835
await qrCodeImage.resize(200, 200, Jimp.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
await returnImage.composite(qrCodeImage, 198, 635)
const font = await Jimp.loadFont(Jimp.FONT_SANS_64_BLACK)
await returnImage.print(font, 0, 868,
text: req.body.RandomCode,
915 - 868
res.set('Content-Type', 'image/png')
return res.send(await returnImage.getBufferAsync('image/png'))
} else {
const screenWidth = req.body.screenWidth || 666
const screenHeight = req.body.screenHeight || 1080
let BaseAppImg = await Jimp.read('./android/base.png')
const returnImage = BaseAppImg.clone()
await returnImage.resize(screenWidth, screenHeight)
let CropTop = 0
let CropBottom = 0
let globalY = 0
{ // Statuszeile
const CStatusBarHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 63
CropTop = CStatusBarHeight
for (const { x, y } of returnImage.scanIterator(0, 0, screenWidth, CStatusBarHeight))
await returnImage.setPixelColor(0x2f2f2fff, x, y)
const statusBarImage = await Jimp.read('./android/statusbarright.png')
await statusBarImage.resize(Jimp.AUTO, CStatusBarHeight, Jimp.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
await returnImage.composite(statusBarImage, (screenWidth - statusBarImage.bitmap.width) - 25, 0)
globalY += CStatusBarHeight
{ // Obere Zeile mit MCDLogo und dem Pfeil
const CFirstBarHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 126
const CFirstBarLineWidth = Math.round((screenHeight / 2220) * 3)
for (const { x, y } of returnImage.scanIterator(0, globalY, screenWidth, CFirstBarHeight))
await returnImage.setPixelColor(
(CFirstBarLineWidth <= (CFirstBarHeight - (y - globalY)))
? 0x666666ff
: 0x585858ff,
x, y)
const firstBarLeftImage = await Jimp.read('./android/middleleftthingy.png')
await firstBarLeftImage.resize(Jimp.AUTO, CFirstBarHeight - CFirstBarLineWidth, Jimp.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
await returnImage.composite(firstBarLeftImage, 25, globalY)
const firstBarCenterImage = await Jimp.read('./android/middlelogo.png')
await firstBarCenterImage.resize(Jimp.AUTO, CFirstBarHeight - CFirstBarLineWidth, Jimp.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
await returnImage.composite(firstBarCenterImage, (screenWidth - firstBarCenterImage.bitmap.width) / 2, globalY)
globalY += CFirstBarHeight
{ // Navigationsleiste
const CNavBarHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 120
CropBottom = CNavBarHeight
for (const { x, y } of returnImage.scanIterator(0, screenHeight - CNavBarHeight, screenWidth, CNavBarHeight))
await returnImage.setPixelColor(0x616161ff, x, y)
const navBarImage = await Jimp.read('./android/navbar.png')
await navBarImage.resize(Jimp.AUTO, CNavBarHeight, Jimp.RESIZE_BILINEAR)
await returnImage.composite(navBarImage, (screenWidth - navBarImage.bitmap.width) / 2, screenHeight - CNavBarHeight)
globalY += CNavBarHeight
{ // Coupon Ding
const Padding = (screenHeight / 2220) * 65
globalY += Padding
const CNavBarHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 503
const CCouponEckeHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 16
const CCouponLineWidth = Math.round((screenHeight / 2220) * 5)
const CCouponBoxWidth = (screenWidth / 1220) * 1090
for (const { x, y } of returnImage.scanIterator((screenWidth - CCouponBoxWidth) / 2, globalY, CCouponBoxWidth, CCouponLineWidth))
await returnImage.setPixelColor(0x5c5c5cff, x, y)
const lilaDingImage = await Jimp.read('./android/lilading.png')
await lilaDingImage.resize(Jimp.AUTO, CNavBarHeight, Jimp.RESIZE_BILINEAR)
await returnImage.composite(lilaDingImage, ((screenWidth - CCouponBoxWidth) / 2) - lilaDingImage.bitmap.width, globalY)
const couponEckeImage = await Jimp.read('./android/kurvendingopenrechts.png')
await couponEckeImage.resize(Jimp.AUTO, CCouponEckeHeight, Jimp.RESIZE_BILINEAR)
await returnImage.composite(couponEckeImage, ((screenWidth - CCouponBoxWidth) / 2) + CCouponBoxWidth, globalY)
for (const { x, y } of returnImage.scanIterator(((screenWidth - CCouponBoxWidth) / 2) + CCouponBoxWidth + couponEckeImage.bitmap.width - CCouponLineWidth, globalY + couponEckeImage.bitmap.height, CCouponLineWidth, lilaDingImage.bitmap.height))
await returnImage.setPixelColor(0x5c5c5cff, x, y)
{ // QRCodeBox
const CQrCodeBoxWidth = (screenWidth / 1220) * 996
const CQrCodeBoxHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 1220
const CQrCodeScanTextHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 168
const CQrCodeCloseHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 45
globalY = (screenHeight - CQrCodeBoxHeight) / 2
for (const { x, y } of returnImage.scanIterator((screenWidth - CQrCodeBoxWidth) / 2, (screenHeight - CQrCodeBoxHeight) / 2, CQrCodeBoxWidth, CQrCodeBoxHeight))
await returnImage.setPixelColor(0xffffffff, x, y)
const closeImage = await Jimp.read('./android/close.png')
await closeImage.resize(Jimp.AUTO, CQrCodeCloseHeight, Jimp.RESIZE_BILINEAR)
await returnImage.composite(closeImage,
((screenWidth + CQrCodeBoxWidth) / 2) - closeImage.bitmap.width * 2,
((screenHeight - CQrCodeBoxHeight) / 2) + closeImage.bitmap.height
const scanCodeImage = await Jimp.read('./android/code.png')
await scanCodeImage.resize(Jimp.AUTO, CQrCodeScanTextHeight, Jimp.RESIZE_BILINEAR)
await returnImage.composite(scanCodeImage,
((screenWidth - scanCodeImage.bitmap.width) / 2),
((screenHeight - CQrCodeBoxHeight / 1.5) / 2)
globalY += CQrCodeBoxHeight
{ // Bottomshit
const Padding = (screenHeight / 2220) * 60
globalY += Padding
const CBottomShitHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 103
const CBottomShitLineWidth = Math.round((screenHeight / 2220) * 5)
const bottomShitImage = await Jimp.read('./android/bottomshit.png')
await bottomShitImage.resize(Jimp.AUTO, CBottomShitHeight, Jimp.RESIZE_BILINEAR)
await returnImage.composite(bottomShitImage, (screenWidth - bottomShitImage.bitmap.width) / 2, globalY)
globalY += CBottomShitHeight
for (const { x, y } of returnImage.scanIterator(0, globalY, screenWidth, CBottomShitLineWidth))
await returnImage.setPixelColor(0x585858ff, x, y)
const CQrCodeImageWidth = (screenWidth / 1220) * 464
const CQrCodeImageHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 464
const CQrCodeTextHeight = (screenHeight / 2220) * 72
await qrCodeImage.resize(CQrCodeImageWidth, CQrCodeImageWidth, Jimp.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
await returnImage.composite(qrCodeImage, (screenWidth - CQrCodeImageWidth) / 2, (screenHeight - CQrCodeImageHeight) / 2)
const font = await Jimp.loadFont(Jimp.FONT_SANS_64_BLACK)
await returnImage.print(font, 0, ((screenHeight - CQrCodeImageHeight) / 2) + CQrCodeImageHeight + CQrCodeTextHeight,
text: req.body.RandomCode,
CropTop = 0
await returnImage.crop(0, CropTop, screenWidth, screenHeight - (CropTop + CropBottom))
res.set('Content-Type', 'image/png')
return res.send(await returnImage.getBufferAsync('image/png'))
* Putting the Offer Pics into a single Image
.post('/overview', async (req, res) => {
let i = 0
const finalHash = req.body.reduce((complete, url) => sha1(complete + url), '')
const finalHashPath = `./.cache/${ finalHash }.png`
if (fs.existsSync('./.cache') === false)
console.log(req.body.length, finalHash)
if (fs.existsSync(finalHashPath) === false) {
const returnImage = OverviewImg.clone();
await returnImage.resize(
Math.min(req.body.length, 3) * 500,
Math.ceil(req.body.length / 3) * 500
for (let inUrl of req.body) {
const cachePath = `./.cache/${ sha1(inUrl) }.png`
const url = config.mcdEndpointOfferImage + inUrl
console.log(cachePath, url)
let image
const x = i % 3, y = Math.floor(i / 3)
console.log(`${ i } at x=${ x }, y=${ y }`)
if (fs.existsSync(cachePath) === false) {
let httpImage = await Jimp.read(url)
await httpImage.writeAsync(cachePath)
image = httpImage
} else {
let cacheImage = await Jimp.read(cachePath)
image = cacheImage
await image.resize(450, 450)
await returnImage.composite(image, 25 + x * 500, 25 + y * 500)
await returnImage.writeAsync(finalHashPath)
res.set('Cache-ID', finalHash)
res.set('Content-Type', 'image/png')
return res.send(await returnImage.getBufferAsync('image/png'))
} else {
const cacheImage = await Jimp.read(finalHashPath)
console.log('loading overview from cache')
res.set('Cache-ID', finalHash)
res.set('Content-Type', 'image/png')
return res.send(await cacheImage.getBufferAsync('image/png'))
329, 780
750, 1201
microService.listen(config.renderService.port, config.renderService.host)