# pocsag-gateway This WIP Software aims to provide an Interface for transmitting Messages sent over AMQP via an RFM69 Transceiver. ## Dependencies - RabbitMQ Server ## Software Configuration Configuration works via Environment Variables or a `.env` file. ``` POCGW_AMQPURL=amqp://guest:guest@ POCGW_TXBAUD=1200 POCGW_RXBAUD=1200 POCGW_TXFREQ=434230000 POCGW_RXFREQ=434230000 POCGW_FREQOFFSET=25 ``` If TX or RX Frequency are not set or set to 0, the software will not use this mode(only-rx or only-tx). If both are set, then rx is always active until there are pages to tx. ## Pin Configuration | RFM pin | Pi pin | ------- |------- | DIO0 | 18 (GPIO24) | MOSI | 19 | MISO | 21 | CLK | 23 | NSS | 24 | Ground | 25 | RESET | 29